Antony Partos

참여 작품

어릴 적 친구들과 포커 게임을 즐겨하던 ‘제이크’는 온라인 포커 개발로 억만장자가 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 옛 친구들을 불러 모은 ‘제이크’가 이천오백만 달러를 건 거액의 포커판을 제안한다. 포커 게임이 진행될수록 각자의 은밀한 속내가 밝혀지고 포커판은 계획과 전혀 다른 상상치 못한 결말로 흘러가는데…
Amongst Us - Neo Nazi Australia
An eye-opening investigation led by 12-time Walkley Award-winning 60 Minutes, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald reporter Nick McKenzie, Revealed: Amongst Us – Neo Nazi Australia explores the terrifying rise of neo Nazi activity in Australia.
더 골드
Original Music Composer
가까운 미래, 황폐해진 도시를 떠나 일자리를 찾으러 이동하는 한 남자와 그를 데려갈 또 다른 남자가 사막에서 만난다. 두 남자는 끝없는 사막을 지나며 우연히 금을 발견하고 막대한 부를 거머쥐려는 욕망에 사로잡힌다. 한 사람은 금을 캘 장비를 구하러 떠나고 남은 사람은 들개들과 낯선 자의 침입과 사막의 혹독한 기후에 견뎌내며 서서히 자신의 운명이 위태로워짐을 깨닫는데...
The Bowraville Murders
Original Music Composer
The epic David vs Goliath battle for justice waged by the families of three Aboriginal children murdered in a small rural town 30 years ago, the system that failed them, and what it reveals about racism in Australia today.
Palazzo Di Cozzo
Original Music Composer
The story of the 83-year-old’s life, who arrived in Australia penniless in 1956 from Sicily and became a millionaire. Part biography, part cultural celebration, Madeleine Martiniello’s film traces Cozzo’s personal fortunes alongside those of the generations of migrants who have been drawn to his ornate, ostentatious wares, viewing ownership of them as a sign of success.
Original Music Composer
In remote Western Australia, two estranged farmer brothers, Colin and Les, are at war. But when Les' prize ram is diagnosed with a rare and lethal illness, authorities order a purge of every sheep in the valley—so the brothers must work together to reunite their family, save their herd, and bring their community back together.
Wild Things
Original Music Composer
WILD THINGS follows a new generation of environmental activists that are mobilising against forces more powerful than themselves and saying, enough. Armed only with mobiles phones, this growing army of eco warriors will do whatever it takes to save their futures from the ravages of climate change. From chaining themselves to coal trains, sitting high in the canopy of threatened rainforest or locking onto bulldozers, their non-violent tactics are designed to generate mass action with one finger tap. Against a backdrop of drought, fire and floods; we witness how today’s environmentalists are making a difference and explore connections with the past through the untold stories of previous campaigns. Surprisingly the methods of old still have currency when a groundswell of school students inspired by the actions of 16-year old Greta Thunberg say, ‘change is coming’ and call a national strike demanding action against global warming.
나의 마더
Original Music Composer
지구에서 멸종된 인류. 소녀에겐 자신을 키워준 로봇 ‘마더’가 전부였고, 마더 역시 ‘딸’인 소녀가 전부였다. 그들은 안전했다. 낯선 인간 여자가 나타나기 전까진.
탑 엔드 웨딩
Original Music Composer
Lauren and Ned are engaged, they are in love, and they have just ten days to find Lauren’s mother who has gone AWOL somewhere in the remote far north of Australia, reunite her parents and pull off their dream wedding.
Blood Kin
Original Music Composer
Reflections from Red Oak, Texas where a teenage son murdered his father.
화씨 451
Original Music Composer
정부에서는 사람들을 통제하기 위해 백여개도 안되는 언어를 사용하도록 하고 있다. 통제의 방법으로 책을 모두 태워 없애는 것인데 저항단체인 그래피티는 책에 실린 정보를 DNA형태로 변형시켜 전세계에 퍼트리려는 계획을 세운다. 몬태그가 책들을 왜 태워야 하는지 의문을 갖기시작하면서 이들의 계획은 실행에 옮겨지게 된다.
화씨 451
정부에서는 사람들을 통제하기 위해 백여개도 안되는 언어를 사용하도록 하고 있다. 통제의 방법으로 책을 모두 태워 없애는 것인데 저항단체인 그래피티는 책에 실린 정보를 DNA형태로 변형시켜 전세계에 퍼트리려는 계획을 세운다. 몬태그가 책들을 왜 태워야 하는지 의문을 갖기시작하면서 이들의 계획은 실행에 옮겨지게 된다.
The Director and the Jedi
An intimate documentary delving into Rian Johnson's process as he comes in as a director new to the Star Wars universe.
재스퍼 존스
Original Music Composer
Charlie Bucktin is a bookish boy of 14. His life changes forever when Jasper Jones, the city's multiracial outsider, shows him the body of young Laura Wishart one night. Entrusted with this secret and believing Jasper to be innocent, Charlie embarks on a dangerous journey to find the true killer.
Deep Water: The Real Story
Original Music Composer
In the 1980s and 1990s a wave of murders bloodied the idyllic coastline of Sydney’s eastern suburbs. The victims: young homosexual men. Disturbing gang assaults were being carried out on coastal cliffs around Sydney, and mysterious deaths officially recorded as ‘suicide’, ‘disappearance’ and ‘misadventure’. Individual stories are woven together by emotional first person interviews and detailed re-enactments, piecing together the facts of these unsolved cases, decades later.
타나 : 지상 최고의 사랑
Original Music Composer
활화산이 숨을 쉬고 별빛이 아름다운 남태평양 바누아투의 Tanna 섬, 자신이 진정으로 사랑하는 남자 Dain과 부족의 미래가 걸린 정약 결혼 사이에서 선택해야하는 Wawa의 운명은 어떻게 될 것인가? 실화를 기반으로 한 작품으로 사람의 손이 닿지 않은 자연의 순수함과 그 속에서 피어난 숭고한 사랑을 이야기한다.
라스트 홈
Original Music Composer
서로 다른 목적을 가진 두 남자의 위험한 거래가 시작된다! 가족들을 위해 막일도 마다 않고 성실하게 살아온 청년 ‘데니스 내쉬’ (앤드류 가필드)는 주택 대출금 연체로 단 2분만에 홈리스로 전락한다. 가난했던 아버지를 닮지 않기 위해 밑바닥에서부터 악으로 올라선 냉혈한 부동산 브로커 '릭 카버'(마이클 섀넌)은 그런 데니스의 약점을 모두 간파하고 방황하던 그를 자신의 편으로 끌어 들인다. 릭으로부터 부조리한 시스템을 이용하는 법을 배운 데니스는 뺏기던 자에서 빼앗는 자로 180도 다른 인생을 시작하고 올랜도 전역의 집 1,000채를 매매할 수 있는 일생일대의 빅딜을 손에 쥐게 된다. 그러나 거래를 성사 시키기 위해선 살고 있는 모든 사람들을 30일 내에 거리로 내쫓아야 하는데!
Redfern Now: Promise Me
Original Music Composer
Two young women are raped on their way home. The story follows the lives of both women and the different ways they deal with the crime.
더 로버
Original Music Composer
황폐해질 대로 황폐해진 모든 것이 붕괴된 호주. 이곳의 사람들은 질서도 희망도 없이 그저 하루하루를 살아갈 뿐이다. 시골 마을에 모든 것을 체념한 듯한 표정의 에릭(가이 피어스)이 상점 안으로 들어온다. 그가 상점에서 목을 축이고 있는 동안, 인근에서 강도행각을 벌이다 순찰 중이던 보안군과 총격전을 벌이고 도주하던 중 사고를 일으킨 무장강도들은 사고로 주행이 불가능해진 자신들의 차량을 버리고 에릭의 차를 절취하여 달아나 버린다. 전 재산과도 같은 차를 도난 당한 에릭은 강도를 잡기 위해 그의 동생을 인질로 잡는데...
Black Panther Woman
Marlene Cummins breaks a forty-year silence to tell the story of her abuse in the Australian Black protest movement, to overcome her demons of today.
Jack Irish: Dead Point
Original Music Composer
Jack Irish is thrown into a world of club owners, drug dealers and killers when he is hired by a judge to find a mysterious red book.
Original Music Composer
During the 1940s, Nevil Shute had a steady job as an engineer in the British military but in his spare time, he wrote novels that were being well-received. Once the war was over, Shute choose to move to Australia and focus on writing, soon becoming an internationally acclaimed novelist. His novel On The Beach, particularly hit a chord with the international community, depicting the impact of global nuclear destruction. This documentary studies Shute's career and the adaptation of his most famous novel into a feature film in Melbourne, as his predictions of a post-Hiroshima world seem to be foreboding in their accuracy.
투 마더스
Additional Music
어린 시절부터 자매처럼 늘 함께였던 릴과 로즈. 갑작스런 교통사고로 남편을 떠나 보낸 릴과 이안 모자를 가족처럼 보살피는 로즈와 그녀의 아들 톰. 네 사람은 서로에게 없어서는 안 될 존재가 된다. 어느 날, 이안은 로즈에게 숨겨왔던 진심을 고백하고, 그녀는 매력적인 남자로 성장한 이안의 유혹을 뿌리치지 못하고 키스를 받아들인다. 한편, 톰은 자신의 친구와 엄마의 관계를 목격한 뒤 감정을 억누르지 못하고 릴을 찾아간다. 릴과 톰, 로즈와 이안, 이제 네 사람은 서로의 비밀을 공유한 채 멈출 수 없는 사랑에 빠져 드는데…
Mabo tells the story of one of Australia's national heroes - Eddie Koiki Mabo, the Torres Strait Islander who left school at age 15, yet spearheaded the High Court challenge that overthrew the fiction of terra nullius.
봄의 멜로디
Original Music Composer
열 여섯이 되도록 학교를 보내주고 돌봐주던 아저씨의 편지가 갑자기 끊긴다. 마침 소녀의 합창단이 호주에 초청 공연을 가게 되고, 소녀는 늘 마음에 품고 있던 아저씨를 찾아 나선다. 아름다운 해변에 살고 있다며 호주의 풍경을 담은 편지를 보내주던 아저씨를 찾은 곳은 다름 아닌 교도소. 마침내 소녀는 살인범으로 살고 있는 그를 마주하게 되는데...
애니멀 킹덤
Original Music Composer
엄마가 약물남용으로 세상을 떠나자 열일곱 소년 조쉬 J 코디(제임스 프레체빌)는 멜버른에 살고 있는 할머니 스머프(재키 위버)의 집으로 옮겨와 생활하게 된다. 함께 생활하게 된 할머니와 삼촌들은 약물 판매와 절도 등 범죄를 업으로 하는 범죄 가족. 살아남기 위해 J는 그들의 범죄에 동참한다. 형사 네이던 (가이 피어스)은 J를 경찰의 보호 아래 두려고 하지만 부패 경찰, 잇속만 챙기는 변호사들 사이에서의 상황도 어렵기만 하다. 가족과 경찰의 갈등이 고조되고 조쉬는 동물의 왕국과도 같은 이곳에서 살아남기 위해서는 누구의 도움도 없이 혼자서 살아남아야 한다는 결론을 내린다.
사고 연발
There are dysfunctional families... and then there are the Conways. After a family tragedy, 15-year-old Billy Conway has become the de facto glue between his bitter mom, distant brother, and stoic dad. But when Billy starts to act out, everything changes for him and his family
The advocate for a young Iranian refugee held in detention. Amir Ali claims to be an Iranian student persecuted by the government but the Department of Immigration dispute his identity. When Julia meets Amir, he is severely depressed and close to deportation. Julia throws herself obsessively into Amir's case, causing friction between Julia and her husband, Peter. Julia eventually frees Amir and the young Iranian man moves in with Peter and Julia. As Julia helps Amir adjust to ordinary life, she finds herself increasingly attracted to this handsome, damaged young man. But she also starts to see the subtle cracks in Amir's story. Is he really who he claims he is? Or does he have a darker, more dangerous history?
Dominick Dunne: After the Party
Original Music Composer
Vanity Fair Special Correspondent Dominick Dunne has become known the world over for his vociferous championing of the rights of the victim in high-profile murder cases. His powerful commentaries have made compelling reading in Vanity Fair for a quarter of a century. Now, aged 82, Dunne is covering his last murder trial for Vanity Fair -- the trial of music producer Phil Spector -- and reflects upon his past as a decorated WWII Veteran, his rise and spectacular collapse as a Hollywood producer, and his rebirth as the writer we know today. Dunne's mind offers a fascinating insight into the American psyche and its obsession with fame.
The Home Song Stories
Tom, now in his 40s, begins to write the memoirs of his 1960s childhood, as the little boy whose mother Rose was a glamorous Shanghai nightclub singer. When Rose meets Aussie sailor Bill, they are quickly married, and she packs up Tom and his older sister May to head for Melbourne. The marriage just as quickly breaks up and Rose moves with the kids to Sydney. After a succession of male friends and little success, in 1971 Rose moves back to Melbourne, in an uncomfortable arrangement living again with Bill – and his mother. With Bill called away to sea, Rose takes up with young Chinese cook Joe, but despair and conflicts over May's relationship with Joe tear the family further apart. Little Tom is deeply hurt, but May's ongoing conflict with her mother takes a respite when Rose tells her daughter about her traumatic teenage years.
Garage Days
The story of a young Sydney band trying to get a foothold in the competitive world of rock n' roll. After the band's first gig is a colossal failure, the lead singer takes it upon himself to go out and pursue the most successful rock manager in the country. Meanwhile, the other members of the band continue to deal with the kind of everyday life issues that can ultimately tear a band apart. It may be the dawn of a new millennium, but it's still a long way to the top if you want to rock n' roll.
Soft Fruit
For the first time in 15 years, all four siblings in a family show up to care for their dying mother, who is only given a couple of weeks to live. One comes from America with her two children. A divorced sister also comes with her child and sneaks off regularly to meet a mystery man who may be her ex-husband. The third & youngest daughter is an unmarried nurse aware of her ticking biological clock. The only son chases after his grumpy father who seems to not care a whit about his wife's circumstances. The four are also faced my their mother's dreams to accomplish a few things before she dies - to visit a beach she had visited in the past, to see her youngest married, and to visit Paris. She also wants to be embalmed and be honored with a 21 gun salute. Thus the whole group has to set off in the quest to fulfill their mother's wishes.
Music Producer
Dorothy (Fiona Samuel), a lone swimmer, luxuriates in tranquil bliss at a deserted pool — only to have her solitude rudely interrupted by a squad of swimmers. A wordless, strikingly choreographed conflict ensues as Dorothy attempts to assert herself against the dehumanised aggression of the swimmers.
Cherith is the daughter of a evangelist and is seen as an outcast because of her inability to speak in tongues, which the rest of her father's sect can do quite easily. She also has problems with relationships.