Hiroyuki Nagato

Hiroyuki Nagato

출생 : 1934-01-10, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

사망 : 2011-05-21


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hiroyuki Nagato (January 10, 1934 – May 21, 2011) was a Japanese actor. Nagato was born in Kyoto. He starred in Season of the Sun, Endless Desire, My Second Brother, Stolen Desire, and Sukeban Deka, and Yo-Yo Girl Cop. He died in Tokyo on May 21, 2011. Description above from the Wikipedia article Hiroyuki Nagato, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

프로필 사진

Hiroyuki Nagato

참여 작품

Shodo Girls: Blue Blue Sky
Shinko (Karin Aiba) is a high school student from Hamamatsu. Due to university admission pressures, she struggles with her mother. She hasn't really made conversation with her mom in a year. Shinko's friend Misato (Mayuu Kusakari) then recommends to her to join the school's calligraphy club. Shinko is impressed by Teacher Yatsushiro's (Kazuki Namioka) words. Teacher Yatsushiro is the one who takes care of the calligraphy club. Shinko decides to join the calligraphy club.
Soutarou Endo
-하나와 앨리스- 아오이 유우 “엄마처럼 살긴 싫어” 1936년, 린 / 가부장적인 집안의 가풍에 어쩔 수 없이 순종하지만, 늘상 답답하기만 하다. 얼굴도 모르는 사람과의 결혼을 하루 앞두고 마음이 복잡하다. -지금, 만나러 갑니다- 타케우치 유코 “사랑한다는 건 너무 멋진 일이야” 1964년, 카오루(린의 첫째 딸) / 도쿄의 대학을 졸업해 교수와 결혼했다. 평생 남편을 사랑하며 행복한 삶을 살 것 같았지만 뜻밖의 불행을 맞이한다. -개와 나의 10가지 약속- 다나카 레나 “정말 강한 여자가 될거야” 1969년, 미도리(린의 둘째 딸) / 커리어 우먼이 흔치 않은 시절, 남자에 지지 않으려고 지독하게 일한다. 하지만 연인으로부터 프로포즈를 받고 일과 사랑 사이에서 고민에 빠진다. -고쿠센- 나카마 유키에 “이 아이에게 세상을 보여주면 좋겠어” 1977년, 사토(린의 셋째 딸) / 남편, 딸과 함께 행복한 삶을 살면서 둘째를 임신하게 된다. 하지만 둘째를 출산할 경우 생명이 위험하다는 진단을 받게 된다. -사토라레- 스즈키 교카 “마지막 기회야, 내겐 이제 피아노도 없으니까” 2004년, 카나(사토의 첫째 딸) / 뛰어난 재능으로 피아니스트가 되기 위해 도쿄에 왔지만, 현실의 벽에 부딪히며 악보를 넘겨주는 ‘책장’의 삶에 만족해야 했다. 그러던 중 오래된 애인과 헤어진 후, 임신 사실을 알게 되고 갈등에 빠진다. -굿’바이- 히로스에 료코 “살아가는 것만으로 행복한거야” 2009년, 케이(사토의 둘째 딸) / 대학을 졸업하자마자 결혼하여 남편과 아이와 함께 행복한 삶을 살고 있다. 어릴 때부터 재능 있는 언니와 비교 당하면서도 언제나 밝고 꿋꿋한 모습을 보였지만, 사실은 엄마와의 아픈 사연을 마음 속에 숨기고 있다.
Golden Flower: What Is Hidden Is the True Flower, What Is Gone Is the Butterfly
Nursing home "Yuyoso". Many lonely old people live there, including botanist Taro Makiso, a physicist, an actor, a bar mom, and a chef. Maki has spent most of his life studying botany, and has lived without regard for entertainment, drinking, women, or everything else in the world. Then came my 80th birthday. He and a young staff member go digging for wild yam and find a mysterious golden flower. It was the flower of immortality, the "Golden Flower", which was said to bloom beside the Himalayan Virgin, which he had been looking for for many years. From that day onwards, fragments of memories from his youth, which he had intentionally sealed off in order to immerse himself in botany, surged into Maki in a whirlpool.
성룡의 신주쿠 살인사건
Hara Ooda
소식이 끊긴 여자친구를 찾기 위해 일본으로 밀입국한 ‘철두’(성룡). 도쿄, 신주쿠 거리 뒷골목에서 그녀를 찾겠다는 일념 하나로 불법체류자의 비참한 생활을 이어간다. 수소문 끝에 여자친구를 만나게 되지만 그녀는 이미 차기 야쿠자 두목인 ‘에구치’의 아내가 되어 있는 상태. 연인을 잃은 슬픔을 누르며 일본에서의 성공을 다짐한 철두는 피나는 노력으로 신주쿠 뒷골목을장악하게 된다. 그러나 믿었던 친구 ‘아걸’(다니엘 우)의 배신으로 또 다른 위기를 맞는데….
펭귄을 날게 하라
Keisuke Nirasaki
홋카이도의 아사히야마 동물원은 곤충에 광적으로 빠져있는 요시다를 새 사육사로 맞이한다. 얼마 안 있어 요시다는 곧 이 동물원이 심각한 경영난에 처해 있으며 소장인 다키자와가 폐업을 막기 위해 안간힘을 쓰고 있다는 사실을 알게 된다. 다키자와의 열정에 감동받은 요시다와 동료 사육사들은 그와 힘을 합쳐 불가능할 것만 같았던 난제들을 하나씩 해결하기 시작한다. '행동 전시'라는 컨셉을 표방한 아사히야마 동물원은 2006년 마침내 일본에서 가장 오래되고 유명한 동경의 우에노 동물원을 관람객수에서 훌쩍 뛰어넘는다. (2009년 제9회 광주국제영화제)
Konsaburo Hoshino
Shio Asami (Stephanie) was brought up in a wealthy family whose mother is a prominent opera singer. However, the bankruptcy of her father’s business forced her to give up becoming an opera singer. Moe Midorikawa (Hikari Mitsushima) entrapped Shio and claimed a victory in an opera contest. A competition of two heroines ensues, placing their pride on the line.
Dreaming Awake
Recently appointed dean at a film school, Kimuro Hajime develops a special concern for one of his students, Daisuke. The brash, headstrong young man is fixated on with the Second World War. He feels a sense of frustration at the irrational sacrifice of young people's lives during the war six decades earlier. Daisuke finds that he can vent his frustrations to Kimuro, who experienced the war firsthand. Kimuro's wife, Emiko, is also troubled by memories of the war. She lost a loved one in the war and has never gotten over it. And Kimuro himself also has something from the past that he has yet to face. He believes that the burden of his unresolved past will eventually be the death of him. When Daisuke's neurosis causes him to quit school, life changes for all three of them.
Onihei Crime Files: The Inside Woman
Hikoju Sagami
Edo town thief called "Acrobatics boy" has been rampant in town, just that time, spy, Goro of Otaki will see a woman who had been an inside contact of the Yataro by chance. Also, Heizo is worried about the child of Inoue Tatsuizumi, who decided to ask for help for Gen'an.
Yagyu Conspiracy RETOLD
The classic tale retold. This is one of Japan’s most popular stories in a brand new version starring the great Matsukata Hiroki following in the footsteps of Yorozuya Kinnosuke as Yagyu Tajima, the grandmaster swordsman whose plot to maintain the succession of Iemitsu as shogun encounters obstacles on all sides. Loaded with action and featuring many of Japan’s new up and coming sword stars this exciting movie brings back the feelings of the golden age of motion pictures. Stunning cinematography brings 17th Century Japan to life in this exciting tale of loyalty and betrayal, leading up to an ending that won’t be found in any history book.
Zatoichi Live
Takashi Miike directs a stage version of Zatoichi, the tale of the blind swordsman.
Song of Goodbye
Yakitoriya Jinpei
It is the second work of the Oita trilogy of Obayashi . Following " Nigori Snow ", Ise Masazo draws a song written by composers and songwriter "Farewell of 22 years old " as a motif and draws a story of love that spans two generations of mother and daughter.
The Doctor
중학교 3학년 가즈오의 반에 귀여운 소녀 카즈미가 전학을 온다. 첫눈에 가즈오를 알아 본 카즈미, 사실 둘은 어릴 적 소꿉친구였다. 흐릿한 기억을 되살려 어린 시절 추억의 장소를 가기로 한 둘은 숲 속 샘터에 물을 뜨러 간다. 그런데 실수로 둘은 물에 빠지게 되고 물에 흠뻑 젖은 가즈오와 카즈미는 각자 집으로 향한다. 집에 돌아온 둘은 자신들의 몸에 일어난 믿을 수 없는 변화를 알게 된다. 카즈오와 카즈미의 몸이 뒤바뀐 것이다. 어쩔 수 없이 서로의 인생을 살게 된 카즈오와 카즈미, 둘은 조금씩 서로를 이해하고 그들의 사이는 가까워진다. 그러던 어느 날 카즈오가 들어가 있는 카즈미 몸에 큰 병이 생기고 만다. 자신의 운명을 대신 짊어져야 하는 카즈오에게 미안한 마음뿐인 카즈미, 그런 카즈미를 위로하는 카즈오, 둘의 따뜻한 이야기가 펼쳐지는데...
Onihei Crime Files: Unibrow
Hikoju Sagami
Heizo "The Demon" investigates the shop of Toshimaya the swordsmith, where 280 ryo was stolen and twelve people murdered. This particular group of theives are most dangerous because of the willingness to kill for money, but what about this mysterious unibrow, who is he? What is he up to?
스케반 형사 코드네임 - 아사미야 사키
Kurayami Shirei
자유분방한 엄마가 FBI에 체포되는 바람에 뉴욕에서 일본으로 강제 송환되어 온 사키. 미국경찰도 혀를 내두를 정도의 불량 청소년 그룹의 여두목이었던 사키는 엄마를 석방시켜주는 조건으로 일본에서 일어난 한 소녀의 죽음을 조사하게 된다. 죽은 소녀는 잠복근무를 하던 비밀경찰이었다. 사키는 사건을 조사하기 위해 학교에 등교한 첫날 이지메를 당하고 있는 타에와 만나게 된다.
A Hardest Night!!
A celebration of the ancient art of Japanese rakugo, roughly translated as “comic storytelling”. The film is interspersed with numerous funerals and wakes, songs, dances, and often disgustingly crude jokes.
Great Priest
Izo is an assassin in the service of a Tosa lord and Imperial supporter. After killing dozens of the Shogun's men, Izo is captured and crucified. Instead of being extinguished, his rage propels him through the space-time continuum to present-day Tokyo. Here Izo transforms himself into a new, improved killing machine.
Onigiri: Arcadia monogatari
A couple flees Tokyo, their family and friends. The girlfriend is a member of a rock band. She is dating the man, but friends and family are against it compelling her to move away. They stay at an inn in an area in which they know no one. One inn employee finds out about their dilemma and introduces them to a local farmer who offers them work and a home.
극도공포대극장 우두
야쿠자 조직의 중간 보스인 오자키는 최근 정신이 이상해졌다. 길에서 우연히 마주친 차나 애완견을 보고 야쿠자 공격용으로 만들어진 것이라고 주장하며, 주위를 불안하게 만든다. 마침내 조직의 보스는 오자키의 심복인 미나미에게 그를 죽이라고 명령한다. 오자키와 함께 나고야 부근을 여행하던 미나미. 어느 순간 오자키는 사라지고, 미나미에게는 온통 이상한 일들과 기인한 인간들이 그의 앞에 나타난다.
The Man in White Part 2: Requiem for the Lion
A rowdy, young yakuza takes revenge against a gang of thousands for the death of his boss.
The Man in White
After his father figure like mafia boss is murdered, Azusa Moribe (Masaya Sato) goes on a one man killing spree to exact revenge.
Yakuza film directed by Hiroki Matsukata.
Meirosou no sangeki
Kunitake Tenbo
Siberian Express 2
Young Madam's Interference in a Homicide
Shotaro Yoshikawa
Nami, the young madam of a well-established hot spring hotel in Kotohira, is reunited with her childhood friend Kana who has come to participate in an art auction. However, when people with links to the auction start getting killed one after another, Nami sets out to find the criminal with her detective husband Ryohei.
Osamu rescues a girl who was being chased by two punks and is soon mixed up with the Yakuza
Yakuza Ladies 10
Gendai ninkyoden
Kagerô 3
The third series of action series depicting the success of a woman torpedo who was caught in two groups of conflicts at a small port town in the Seto Inland Sea.
Mystery SL Yamaguchi Line Lady Tunnel Murder
When the famous SL "Lady of Childbirth" traveling on the Yamaguchi Line approached Tsuwano, a passenger saw a man crashing into the tracks from the top of the Usui Tunnel. When the conductor rushed to report it, the man was already dead. Shortly after, the witness passenger had disappeared for some reason! Detective Sato (Takuma), who rushes to the scene, learns that the dead man is Odagiri (Odagiri), a taxi driver whom he met earlier.
House of Sleeping Beauties
About an establishment where old men pay to sleep besides young girls that had been narcotized and happen to be naked, the sleeping beauties. The old men are expected to take sleeping pills and share the bed for a whole night with a girl without attempting anything of bad taste like putting a finger inside their mouths.
Date Masamune: The One-Eyed Dragon's Love and Ambition
Kosai Sōitsu
The live of the daimyo Date Masamune
A Samurai's Sorrow
One day poison is discovered in the shogun's food. The brilliant swordsman Mondo sets out to save Japan's leader from certain death.
Famed onnagata (a man who plays women's parts in Kabuki) Tamasaburo Bando follows up on the success of his directorial debut, Gekashitsu, with this soft-focused romance about love and obligation, based on a novel by Kafu Nagai. Set during the Meiji period (1868-1912), Kaede (Sayuri Yoshinaga) is the former mistress of a wealthy merchant. When he dies, she is forced out on the street and forced to give up her young daughter to the merchant's family. The film opens with her working in a high-class brothel abutting Tokyo Bay. Though she has passionate affection for a drug wholesaler, whom she loves as well, Kaede is swamped with not only debts to the bordello and family obligations -- she is expected to support her parents and her sister -- but also guilt over losing her child. This pain is only increased when Kaede learns that her daughter is being abused. She does the only thing she can: She buys back her child by signing on at the brothel for a longer stint.
Bored Hatamoto: Letter of Death
Bored Hatamoto film
The Skull Soldier
Narumi, a man out for revenge with the powers he received and a bit of help from the one who saved his life, he creates the persona of Skull Soldier and attempts to discover who really killed his sister.
Faraway Sunset
Dr. Kitasato
Faraway Sunset tells the story of the famed bacteriologist who is known to have discovered the agent that cause syphilis, and for his relentless search for a cure to yellow fever. As a toddler, his mother's neglect had caused an accident to his left hand, fusing together all the fingers in a bizarre twist of fate. Naturally extremely remorseful for being the cause of her son's handicap, she does everything she could to ensure that he gets to lead a normal life, despite having to fend off bullies and unfair prejudices.
The indolent son of an oil vendor becomes a regular customer of a prostitute, racks up a mountain of debt, and is disowned by his parents.
Shadow Hunters
In the middle of the Edo period, when the finances of the shogunate were in a desperate situation, the shogunate sent its shadow spies to each clan, who secretly planned the abolition of the clans and the seizure of their territories. The Inami clan has mastered the essence of making weapons, thus breaking the law. To protect the clan, its elders hire three "Shadow Hunters"... TV movie based on the popular manga by Takao Saito.
Love of Sawako
Sawako's father
Sawako, working in a bank, tired of the usual everyday life, once she met the chef of French cuisine Yukio Goto and spent the night with him. Sawako pretends to be the daughter of an upscale hotel owner and has an affair with Yukio.
Near the end of Japanese civil war, several disgraced ronin living in Edo's red light district attempt to regain their honor by defending a brothel from a hostile militia bent on wiping out local prostitutes.
Black Princess Hell Angel
A violent action film depicting the success of a female investigator in the fight against drug syndicates.
Yellow Fangs
Based on actual events that occurred in Hokkaido, Japan, 1915. Rimeinzu: Utsukushiki yuusha-tachi tells the story of a group of bear hunters that are tracking a 900 pound brown bear nicknamed Red Spots that is terrorising the area. It attacks and kills men, but it feasts only on women.
Honda Masanobu
The rise to power of the famed Lady Kasuga no Tsubone, who established the 'Ooku' (the women's quarters at Edo castle) and acted as nursemaid to Tokugawa Iemitsu, the future 3rd Shogun is chronicled in this historical drama. Intrigue and suspicion abound as the two brothers Iemitsu and Tadanaga vie for the post of Shogun, while behind the scenes the remnants of the defeated Toyotomi faction, lead by Lord Ishida Mitsunari attempt to discredit the Tokugawa Shogunate and regain their former position as rulers of the nation. The hidden battles between Shogun Hidetada's wife and mistresses of the 'Ooku' come to light as they force the two brothers into a life or death struggle.
A Sandcastle Model Family Home
An opportune salaryman moves his family into a model mansion for 12 months; unfortunately, they must allow prospective buyers to trek through their home during business hours.
Four Days of Snow and Blood
Koichi Kido
Based on the "2.26 Incident", an attempted coup d'état in Japan 1936, launched by radical ultra-nationalist parts of the military. Several leading politicians were killed and the center of Tokyo was briefly held by the insurgents before the coup was suppressed.
Tagaya Rokubei
에도(지금의 동경) 막부의 3대 장군인 도쿠가와 이에미쯔는, 자애로운 군주로서 명망을 얻고 있었다. 그러나 말년에 술과 여자에 취해 정세판단력 마저 흐려져 끝내는 본 부인에게 얻은 첫째 아들 다께치요를 없애고 첩에게서 얻은 자식을 자신의 후계자로 올릴 생각을 하게된다. 이에 이에미쯔는 다께치요를 없앨 생각으로, 가관식을 빌미로 한 음모를 꾸미기에 이른다. 한편, 사쿠라 일문의 수장인 호타 마사모리의 저택에서 지내고 있던 다께치요에게 가관식을 치르기 위해 에도로 급히 돌아오라는 장군의 명령이 내려지고, 다께치요를 친자식처럼 보살피고 있는 호타는 장군의 명령이 의심스럽지만 장군의 영을 거역할 수 없어 할 수 없이 보내기로 한다. 대신에 다께치요를 경호할만한 무사 7명과 호타의 아들인 마사토시와 그의 병사들 그리고 유모 야지마 등을 같이 붙인다. 그러던 어느 날, 한 광산 근처에서 하룻밤을 머물게된 일행은 장군의 사주를 받은 로주 아베의 군대에게 공격을 받는다. 이때 처절한 혈투 속에 대다수의 병사들이 죽게되고 다께치요와 마사토시 그리고 7명의 사무라이들과 유모만이 살아남아 간신히 도망을 친다. 계속 되는 쫓고 쫓기는 적들의 공격에 7명의 무사들은 한 명씩 최후를 맞이 하게되고, 계속 다가오는 포위망 속에 높은 절벽과 깊은 계곡, 험한 산 속에서 과연 그들은 에도에 도착할 수 있을는지.
When a gun belonging to a police officer is stolen, it ends up in the hands of a student, who decides to use it on a yakuza who beat him recently. Now the police officer is hot on the student’s trail, and he’s determined to prevent the gun from going off.
Taiichiro Miura
On August 9, 1945, the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. This film, based on a story by Mitsukaru Inoue, describes the daily life of people in Nagasaki the day before that fateful event. It presents the human drama of people's lives, and their feelings of joy and sadness. These include a newlywed couple, an expectant mother, and lovers who must say farewell because the boy is called to serve in the army. Each of these people, like others in the city, hoped to live with their dreams for ‘tomorrow’. But tomorrow never comes for them, as their lives are brought to an abrupt and unexpected end. Knowing how the story ends, in this case, doesn't detract from it at all; rather, it enhances the emotional impact, which is further heightened by the poignant musical score from Teizo Matsumura. 'Ashita' is the first film in Kazuo Kuroki's 'War Requiem Trilogy,' which also includes 'Utsukushii Natsu Kirishima' (2002) and 'Chichi to Kuraseba' (2004).
스케반 형사 2
Dark Command
After the events of the previous film, the 17 years-old Sukeban Deka III, Yui Kazama, works for the Juvenile Security Bureau along with her older sisters Yuka and Yuma. This organization is led by politician Kuraudo Sekin, who fights juvenile crime in heavy-handed manners, to the extent to equip his student agents with triple-bladed yo-yo weapons. However, when Sekin's methods become too zealous, Yui quits the bureau and refuses to undertake undercover missions for them. It is soon discovered that Sekin's actual goal is to overthrow the Japanese government, and the Kazama sisters, along with a gang of young outcasts, have to stop him.
Ore wa otokoda! kanketsu-hen
Based on the comic book by Mutsumi Tsukumov
스케반 형사
Dark Command
After the events of the TV series, the 18 year old Yoko Godai has abandoned her special agent Saki Asamiya name to return to her normal life, and is now studying for college entrance exams. However, she accidentally bumps into a young man named Kazuo Hagiwara trying to escape from a group of hitmen, and learns that he comes from Sanko Academy, a private school located in a remote island known as Hell's Castle. The school is ruled by a former revolutionary thought to be dead named Hattori who is trying to brainwash students into terrorists to help him stage a fascist coup d'etat in Japan.
South to the Horizon
Detective Kume
Tetsu gets into an argument with some Okinawa yakuza and is murdered by them. His brother Ryo comes to Okinawa shortly thereafter and teams up with Tetsu's girlfriend and Max an ex US soldier to extract revenge.
The Wangan Highway
Based on the novel of the same name by Yoshio Kataoka.
Deep in the mountains of Japan a dam is scheduled to be built, thus forcing a relocation of the farmers. One of them is 78-year-old Denzo, whose son and his wife consider him senile. Left alone, he befriends a young boy, Sentaro, who has heard that the old man was once a great angler. The unlikely pair spend lots of happy time together, until Denzo has a heart attack and dies far upstream. The dam is completed and the entire area is inundated. Everyone will move away, except Denzo.
A Bridge of Tears
Japanese drama film.
Alone in the Rain
Yoko Takahashi's directorial debut.
This Is Noriko
Harue's husband
Fictionalized account of 20-year-old Noriko Tsuji, a real-life victim of a severe birth defect which afflicted 8,000 Japanese, children whose mothers took the sedative thalidomide during pregnancy. Tsuji has stunted flipper-like arms amputated at the behest of a father who deserted her soon after her birth. Nonetheless, the resourceful Noriko uses her feet to accomplish most of the tasks others would do with their hands.
A lavish retelling of the true story of the final voyage and ultimate destruction and sinking of the battleship Yamato, Japan's greatest flagship during the Second World War.
Donbe's Story
Researcher Mutsugoro takes his family to a remote and uninhabited island near Hokkaido, to study the local population of wild bears. Nearby poachers make his life difficult, and he "inherits" an orphaned bear cub, whom the family call Donbe and raise as one of their own.
May Love Be Restored
Jinzo Takesue
A tragic love story between a prostitute and a young trainee monk.
The Glass Rabbit
Based on an autobiographical novel by Toshiko Takagi, set close to the end of World War II
At Noon
Tadao decides to comes back from Tokyo to live in his home town, in the countryside. He stays at his parents place and finds a job, repairing transistor and television. He catches up with his friend Tetsuji, the only that haven’t left yet. But one night, Tetsuji decides to leave for Tokyo with a bar hostess.
At Noon
Executive Producer
Tadao decides to comes back from Tokyo to live in his home town, in the countryside. He stays at his parents place and finds a job, repairing transistor and television. He catches up with his friend Tetsuji, the only that haven’t left yet. But one night, Tetsuji decides to leave for Tokyo with a bar hostess.
September Sky
Kobayashi Isamu, a first-year high school student, lives in a family of four with his father, an artist, his mother, an insurance agent, and his sister, an office worker. To make ends meet, he works as a milkman. At school, he is a member of the kendo club and spends his days working out with his seniors. Over time, he has various encounters with a series of girls.
Bandits vs. Samurai Squadron
Kumokiri Nizaemon, a former samurai warrior, has abandoned his class to become the leader of a gang of thieves. He leads his outlaws in an attempt to rob the castle of his former clan.
The Visitor in the Eye
Eiichiro Komori
Komori Tiaki is a budding tennis student, however one day in training her coach hits the ball into her eye accidentally. She is taken to hospital but it advised that she will never regain the sight in her eye. Her coach knows of a mysterious doctor 'Blackjack' who lives in a secluded house, who might be able to help. 'Blackjack' agrees to do the operation, but for a 'substantial reward'! Her sight is regained, but now she starts to see a mysterious man that is invisible to those around her....
인간의 증명
도쿄 아카사카의 고급 호텔의 엘리베이터에서 흑인 남자가 한 권의 시집과 수수께끼 같은 말을 남기고 살해되었다. 수사 선상에 패션 디자이너 야스기 쿄코와 그 아들, 흑인 남자의 과거를 쫓아 도미한 형사. 야스기와 흑인 남자의 뜻밖의 관계, 그리고 미국의 형사 동기와의 관계가 드러나는데… 모리무라 세이이치의 원작의 베스트 셀러를 드라마화 한 작품이다. 일본과 미국을 무대로 전후 30년이라는 세월에 새겨진 다양한 인간의 삶을 그린 서스펜스 드라마. 복잡한 인간상을 다양하게 그려내고 있다.
Gambling Code and Feuds
Fusajirô Konno
It is the first Toei yakuza film directed by Akinori Matsuo, who was active in Nikkatsu action movies. It is a local yakuza movie made following Okinawa Yakuza War (1976) and Hokuriku Proxy War (1977). The film depicts the war between a storied yakuza killer (Hiroki Matsukata) and the largest organized crime group in the Kansai region, which plans to advance into the Kanto region.
Hakunetsu Dead Heat
1977 Japanese movie
Virgin Blues
A young woman fails her university entrance exam and starts shoplifting.
Red Paper Lantern
A young and newly-married couple in Tokyo lives a hard life moving repeatedly because of their unfamiliar relationships with their surroundings.
Organized Crime: Killer's Glory
A professional lone-wolf hitman comes to his blood brother's aid when his boss is brutally murdered by an unknown yakuza faction.
My Voiceless Friends
A man who survived the war carries the will of his comrades in arms, walking across the country visiting the bereaved families.
The Kanto Scarlet Cherry Gang
The Ni Family is the most well know and respected group of firefighters in the Kanto region. When their leader dies and the successor disappears, Tsuruji, a beautiful yet tough geisha, becomes the boss. But will she be able to confront a yakuza gang trying to take over the area?
A Scarred Life 2: Blood Will Tell
President of the territorial yakuza organization is being manipulated by a crooked leader in the military and some capitalists Ishikiri. The plan is to get multiple family of the organized crime groups based in Osaka to war it out and order the Shima to the Onishi group of the branch to expand the territory. Now members of the same yakuza gang are forced to fight each other over territory and honor.
Red Peony Gambler: Execution of Duty
The final chapter of the Hibotan Bakuto series. Oryu the Red Peony visits an old dying Boss of an ally family and promised her that she would help guide the new Boss. Meanwhile a turf war breaks out. When the family is betrayed from within and the rival family becomes violent, Oryu takes things into her own hands…
The Man
Japanese movie.
Woman's Police: Appointment with Danger
Kagari (Akira Kobayashi), a scout and overseer of Ginza bar hostesses, receives an urgent phone call from Sawako, a hostess at the bar Rie, and rushes to Tokyo International Airport to meet her. When he arrives she is gone. At the bar he learns that Tabuchi, a steady customer, had been quite friendly with Sawako and may know something. Tabuchi claims he knows nothing and Kagari lets the matter drop. Over time Kagari learns from Takijima, a businessman, that Sawako is in a hospital in Yokohama. Takijima explains that he found her in Singapore working as a street girl and brought her back to Japan. Sawako had lost her memory after being subjected to narcotics. Kagari swears to find the person responsible.
Penitentiary Brothers
Authentic action drama of modern gangsters.
Mini-Skirt Lynchers
Film from 1969.
Red Peony Gambler: Second Generation Ceremony
The industrual revolution comes to Japan with the introduction of the railroad system. This led to clashes between boatmen, who livihoods are threatened, and the railroad construction workers. Oryu the Red Peony returns to her home in Kumamoto to accept her position as second generation leader of the Yano Family. But the ceremony is interrupted by fighting between local boatmen and railroad works. And it seems a rival family is pulling the strings behind the clashes.
Tale of the Last Japanese Yakuza
Yakuza drama with Meiko Kaji directed by Masahiro Makino
New Prison Walls of Abashiri
Tarô Komatsu
Former soldier, Suehiro Katsuji, fights violent gangs and powerful Chinese merchants during the post-war period in Japan.
Lost Virgin
Story of a nineteen-year-old office girl who loses her virginity.
Rainbow Over the Pacific
Rainbow Over the Pacific is a tale of romance that moves from the streets of Tokyo to the islands of Hawaii as it weaves the story of two star-crossed lovers--Hideo (Yukio Hashi), an aspiring photographer from Japan, and Reiko (Jun Mayuzumi), a beautiful Sansei Cherry Blossom contestant from Hawaii--who are drawn together by destiny, yet appear to be fated to be apart. Will the sun set on their young love, or will it be the dawn of a new relationship?
How to Make a Big Hit
Japanese comedy film.
The Domain: Where The Blade Enters
The Domain: Where The Blade Enters
Underworld series - Pardon My Violent Ways
Toru Sagara, a lone wolf assassin, is imprisoned for betraying his employer, Hanawa. After completing his sentence, he immediately takes revenge on Hanawa, but as he leaves, he is unaware that a boy is watching him. Toru's new employer asks him to kill a competitor in drug sales, but...
Debt of Honor
A hobo exposes the misdeeds of a new yakuza.
The Domain: Duel at Thunder Gate
The life of entertainers in Asakusa’s pleasure quarters. An exciting yakuza story with superb action.
Dash to the Sun
A song drama based on the autobiographical song "The sun is laughing" by composer Endo Minoru. It tells the story of a young man who moves to Tokyo with a big dream of becoming a composer, and despite the unfamiliar city life, sticks to his original intentions with the gentle encouragement of his young wife, and takes the music world by storm.
Showdown of Men
Part one.
Dokonjo Taisho
Ryosuke Kotaki's life motto was his grandfather's will, "Study, make money, drink alcohol, and win the first prize". So, first of all, he went to Osaka to win the first prize with favorite shogi. In the car, he hit it off with a woman named Okichi and decided to live in the Shogi Kaisho, which is run by Okichi's father, Yoichi. Ryosuke's skill was strong, and he was happy to make a lot of money in gambling shogi. However, he lost to a middle-aged man by dropping four cards. This man was actually Heihachi Kudo, who is said to be the best of both worlds in the Kansai chess world at the time...
Silence Has No Wings
Following the journey of a caterpillar along the Japanese islands from Nagasaki to Hokkaido, this allegorical and oblique first feature film by Kuroki depicts in exquisite images a series of encounters and life's turning points.
The Domain: Kanda Festival Showdown
The Domain: Kanda Festival Showdown
The Actress vs. the Greedy Sharks
Framed by his enemies, Manbe finds himself imprisoned for a murder he didn’t commit. His only hope lies with his daughter Yuki who takes it upon herself to clear his name.
Code of Ruffians
Because of trickery, the Jinya Group has only seven days to complete a mountain road project or it will forfeit a major dam construction job to the scheming Ojika Group.
Zoku seiun yakuza - ikari no otoko
True Osaka Grit
Based on a novel by Kôen Hasegawa
One Man's Chivalry
Tokizо, the boss of the Tenmaru-gumi group, assists Kikujiro, a traveler on the run. At this time, a tender is being held to conclude a contract for the construction of the railway. Tokizo, who made the highest bid, was bought by the head of the Wakatsuki section of the Kansai Railroad, who was thinking about the country, and won by suppressing Takebe-gumi, who used bribes. However, not everything went as smoothly as planned...
The Kingdom of Jirocho 4
The continuing adventures of the Jirocho gang.
The Domain: Kanto Legends of Chivalry
Third part of Nihon Kyokakuden series is set in Kanto in 1924. Ken Takakura playing a ship's mate befriending fish shop owners harassed by yakuza.
The Domain: The Naniwa Story
Second film of Makino's Nihon Kyokakuden series set in Osaka's harbor. The series also known as "The Domain" Each a stand alone film in it's own, none are connected other than starring the famous Ken Takakura as the main Character. This story begins with Ken Takakura's character coming to Osaka after his brother's death. Another exciting yakuza story with superb yakuza action!!
The Boss
The Radish and the Carrot
One day a company executive learns that his younger brother, whom he recommended, embezzled company funds. To save the situation he withdraws his life savings and gives money to his younger brother. He then suddenly disappears…
Dai nippon kosodoro den
Tower Takai
Japanese comedy film.
Nippon Paradise
Japanese comedy film.
The Domain
The feud between two rival delivery companies, Kibamasa and Okiyama, heats up as the head of Kibamasa falls ill.
The Kingdom of Jirocho 3
The third part of the story about feudal boss Jirocho and his underlings.
Kakedashi keiji
An Impudent Man
Naomasa, the former lord of Okayama Castle and the head of the Iseda family, takes a strange boy, Kirihito, under his wing. However, Naomasa is sent to Europe for his rather too liberal lifestyle…
수기모토 도메는 1919년 야마카타의 산촌에서 태어났다. 아버지는 정신지체자, 어머니는 어떤 남자하고도 잠자리를 같이하는 여자. 그래서 도메도 누구의 아이인지 알 수 없다. 그래도 도메는 아버지를 좋아해서 어려서부터 함께 잤다. 도메는 아버지와 자신이 부부라고 생각했다. 도메는 초등학교 졸업 후 방직공장의 공원으로 일하다가 계장인 마츠나미의 여자가 되어, 공장을 그만두고 아이를 낳는다. 농사일을 다시하게 된 도메는 젖이 나오자 정신지체자인 아버지에게 빨아 달라고 한다.
The Kingdom of Jirocho 2
Jirocho and his henchmen befriend Ishimatsu, a wanderer in Mishima.
The Kingdom of Jirocho 1
The tale of real-life Yakuza boss Shimizu Jirocho is told from his earliest beginnings as a gambler on the road as he forms his gang and sets out on the path to fame and fortune. One of the smartest and strongest of all the gang bosses, he went on to survive the end of the samurai era and become a successful businessman. But first, he must survive against all odds in order to build his reputation and develop his strength. Powerful portrayals of the group are led by the great Tsuruta Koji with help from the likes of Matsukata Hiroki.
Young Swordsman
Hosoo Chojuro
This Japanese action-adventure is set in the 17th century when all forms of swordplay were banned. One fighter, an excellent swordsman believes the law is unfair. His brother keeps his opinions about the law to himself. The swordsman vents his frustration by cutting off the thumbs of an enemy. The fighter is then banished. To live, he becomes a thief. To restore the family's lost honor, the other brother is forced to challenge the fighter to a duel.
Double Wedding
Life of Hishakaku 2
Upon his release from the prison, Hishakaku joins the Kikkyo family who is struggling to regain their turf from their rival, Domoto family. To reciprocate the kindness of the Kikkyos, Hishakaku heads to meet the leader of Domoto, Osumi, and finds himself emotionally involved with her.
To Your Majesty, The Emperor
A conscript from a poor background writes the Emperor asking if he can stay in the army when his service is up.
Tattoo of Love
The great Okawa Hashizo, in one of his most powerful roles risks his life and limb to help save the lovely Onaka from a terrible lifestyle. Starting out as a down on his luck gambler, Hantaro refuses to accept punishment for running up a 10 ryo debt in a crooked dice game. Forced from his village he must go on the run and learn how to fend for himself. After 3 years on the road, his past finally catches up to him, when he gets spotted by a pair of gang members. The action heats up after he saves Onaka from committing suicide and the two find themselves battling all odds for survival. This is a serious film with a strong story and exciting sword action!
Escape from Hell
This suspense drama set in the mid 1700's depicts the plan of the Tokugawa rulers to send a number of homeless men to a remote island Sado to perform forced labor. Living conditions on the island are terrible and the men soon become rebellious. Based on a short story by Seichō Matsumoto.
Hideo Otomo
In this Japanese drama, a dry goods merchant's daughter is surprised to discover that she has a twin sister. In rural Japan it was thought that twins bring bad luck, so the sister was abandoned at birth. Later her parents tell her that her sister was kidnapped. The woman doesn't believe this and when she eventually meets her twin, both women are involved in love affairs. The merchant's daughter is seeing an educated fellow. Trouble ensues when she begins suspecting that he may be more interested in her sister.
Bad Reputation of the Big Three
Danger Pays
Tetsuzô Okita
Joe, Okita, and Serizawa hear of the armed robbery of a truck carrying one billion eighty million yen's worth of Mint paper. Knowing that the thugs will now need a counterfeiter to make the bogus bills, they each decide to cash in on it by selling them the idea that they need Sakamoto, the best counterfeiter in Japan. A seesaw game unfolds between the three men as each tries to outdo the other two in handing over Sakamoto for one million yen to Hijikata, the big boss, who intends to make counterfeit money with the stolen paper. A little belatedly, they realize it needs their combined forces to outwit Hijikata and they raid his place together. Outnumbered, however, they are thrown into a basement room and the gas is turned on. Certain death stares them in the face, but the three men are not ones to take things lying down....
Ai to shi no katami
The Body
The sexual experiences of the passionate Sakiko, from her fling with her boss in her first job to her ending up as a prostitute.
The Lucky General
The action takes place in a city where you can live on only 100 yen a day. The "General", who indulged in gambling with his henchmen all day, he was running his business and hitting him with a taxi turned out to be a trifle for him. A unique work, filled with tears and laughter, praising the beautiful human love that blooms at the bottom of life, focused on the genius “General” who lives in the troubled city of Kamagasaki.
치사한 놈
인기 만점의 연예인 다이사쿠는 매니저이자 연인인 노리코와 함께 눈코 뜰 새 없이 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있다. 기계 같은 생활에 염증을 느끼고 있던 다이사쿠는 “휴머니즘을 이해할 수 있는 드라이버를 구함. 중고 지프를 규슈까지 배송해줄 것. 단 무보수”라는 세 줄 광고에 마음을 뺏겨 일은 내팽개친 채 노리코와 이색적인 여행을 떠난다.
아키츠 온천
오카다 마리코가 직접 기획한 요시다 기주의 초기 대표작. 어느 온천여관을 배경으로 펼쳐지는 남녀의 사랑을 그리면서 물이 지닌 관능성을 빼어나게 보여주고 있다. 세상을 비관하여 자살하려던 청년과 그의 목숨을 구한 여관집 딸이 시간의 흐름을 두고 다시 만나는 순환적인 구조는 알랭 레네나 안토니오니의 영화를 떠올리게 한다. (2014년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 요시다 기주 + 오카다 마리코 특별전) 일본 남부의 한적한 온천의 만난 두 남녀의 17년 간에 걸친 사랑 이야기이다. 아름다운 풍경을 배경으로, 남녀간의 애정이 변하면서 이윽고 비극적 라스트를 향해 흘러가 끝내 죽음을 맞게 되는 과정을 훌륭한 영상미로 승화시켰다. 이 영화의 여주인공 오까다 마리꼬는 이 작품이 100회 출연 기념작일만큼 당시 인기 여배우였는데,신인감독인 요시다 요시시게를 지명하여 이 영화에 출연했다. 2년 뒤 두사람은 결혼했고,그녀는 남편이 된 요시다 감독의 작품에 다수 출연했다.
Ginnosuke Tsuchiya
우시마츠의 아버지는 그에게 자신의 하층 계급 유산을 절대 드러내지 말라고 말했고, 몇 년 후, 그는 이제 그러한 차별에 맞서 싸우는 운동가에게 비밀을 털어놓을 생각을 하고 있다.
Cat Changed Into Tiger
A life insurance agent has a drinking problem causing him to lose his company a fortune. He heads to another town to sell insurance, but to his surprise, the elderly are all healthy thanks to a special local sake. Along the way, he meets an eye-patch-wearing killer, which only confounds his misadventures.
Ningen Gari
Takuji Odagiri
A detective sets out on a manhunt to catch a murderer before the crime's statue of limitations runs out.
Isseki Nicho
돼지와 군함
야쿠자들이 미군 기지에서 나오는 잔반으로 돼지를 길러 일확천금을 노린다는 설정의 희극이다. 주인공은 그런 야쿠자 조직의 말단으로, 이 새로운 사업이 성공했을 때 지급될 예정인 15만엔의 보너스를 받기 위해 돼지 기르기에 열심이다. 그러나 야쿠자와 미군 사이에 끼어든 수상한 브로커로 인해 예상 밖의 자금들이 추가로 들어가기 시작하면서 그 사업은 순조롭게 진행되지 못한다. 급기야 브로커가 거금을 횡령해 달아나자 그들은 좌절에 빠진다.
Sixteen years old
Senko Tamagawa is a third-year junior high school student, and she is the captain of the badminton club. Her father, Kinzo, remodeled her barn and lent it to her only Mikayo. Senko was somehow envious of her flashy life... In a tragedy with a girl living in the base as the main character, Katsumi Miki of "Life like a weed" adapted the original story of Muraji Uchiki and directed by Eisuke Takizawa of "Ajisai no Uta".
광열의 계절
A juvenile delinquent gets out of the pen and immediately embarks on a rampage of untethered anger, most of it directed at the girlfriend of the journalist who helped send him up.
Smashing the 0-Line
Katiri is a reporter so ambitiously amoral that he’ll sell out anyone—including his partner and the drug dealer he’s sleeping with—to get a scoop. But what happens when an even more ruthless female gang boss kidnaps his sister?
짐승의 수면
Shotaro Kasai
오랜 직장생활을 마친 우에키는 홍콩 출장을 마지막으로 집에 돌아온다. 우에키의 딸인 게이코와 신문기자인 쇼타로는 우에키를 반기지만 그는 집에 돌아온 날부터 이상한 행동을 한다. 심지어 환영파티 자리에 간 우에키는 연락이 끊긴 채 사라지고, 이상한 낌새를 챈 쇼타로는 게이코와 함께 우에키의 뒤를 쫓다 충격적인 사건에 휘말린다.
The Girls and the Students
The Law's Bloody Wounds
An action masterpiece depicting the brotherhood of a younger brother (a student yakuza who breaks the gang rules and the law), and an older brother who prays for his brother's happiness while becoming a gangster to the old yakuza.
The Age of Our Own
Minami Yasuo, a college student, lives with Yuriko who has become the mistress of a foreigner named Wilson. Whenever Wilson comes, Yasuo spends his time in the tea-shop "La Gana." Yasuo is asked by his brother Shigeru to teach French to Akiko, a young girl who is studying French songs. Yasuo then learns that he is the winner of an essay contest and will be offered a scholarship to study in France. Akiko, is now pregnant and Yasuo promises to break with Yuriko.
작은 오빠
Kiichi Yasumoto, eldest brother
석탄 산업이 불황기로 접어든 1954년 봄. 사가현의 즈루노하나 탄광에서는 감원에 반대하는 파업이 한창이다. 그 와중에 광부이면서 야스모토 일가의 기둥이었던 기이치, 요시코, 다카이치(작은오빠), 스에코의 아버지가 죽는다. 남겨진 네 형제를 돕기 위해 이웃집 헨미 씨는 장남인 기이치를 임시직에서 정식 직원으로 채용해줄 것을 탄광회사 간부에게 부탁해 보지만, 조센징은 감원 대상 1호라는 말만 듣게 된다. 결국 기이치는 임시직마저 잃게 되어 지금까지 살아온 사택에서도 쫓겨나게 된다. 헨미 씨가 잠시 그의 집에 거두어 들이지만, 곧 헨미 씨마저 사고로 부상을 입고 사직하게 되어, 장남인 기이치는 나가사키로, 차남인 요시코는 어느 정육점으로 각각 일자리를 찾아 떠나고, 다카이치와 스에코만 남겨진다.
Break Down that Wall
Tatsuo Moriyama
A man is wrongfully accused of murder.
Machi ga nemuru toki
Saijo katagi
Set in an old merchant house in Kyoto, the film traces the passing of an era through the story of a parent and child.
The Fugitive
An action drama similar to Wyler's "The Desperate Hours", adapted by Seiji Hoshikawa of "Tasogare no Tokyo Tower" based on Shinji Fujiwara's original work. Jiro, who had been unable to rehabilitate because of the stigma of having criminal record, stopped by at his favorite bar. There, Shimamoto was waiting for him, and Jiro was offered a job to carry certain things. Jiro was attracted by the large amount of reward and finally accepted the task. The car driven by Jiro was investigated by a police officer on the way, but Shimamoto shooted the police officer and orders to help Jiro escape at full speed...
The Third Dead Angle
Yoshikawa and Kaji are alumni - Yoshikawa leads a life loyal to his company Toho Corporation, whilst Kaji works in the underground world for Aoyama, a fixer trying to buy Toho out. One day, Yoshikawa is ordered to take a look into the information leakage which had resulted in a serious fall of the company stock price. Following his order, Yoshikawa reunites with Kaji but their relationship gets complicated through the presence of Akiko, the daughter of Kubo, chairman of Toho Corporation. There is an obvious financial conspiracy and several men are killed - Who is the true mastermind behind all the plots?
Immoral Lecture
Osaka no kaze
Endless Desire
Set in post-war Japan, a group of five, four men and one woman, gathers in the basement of a butcher shop to dig up a cache of morphine buried during the war. A grimly humorous tale of twisted relationships as one by one each of the group is eliminated.
도둑맞은 욕정
Shinichi Kunida
오사카 가와치 지역에는 많은 천막극장들이 있다. 이들은 연극을 상연하기는 하지만 실제로는 대개 오프닝으로 하는 스트립 쇼로 관객을 끌어들이는 극장들이다. 이 극장들 중 하나에서 대학 출신의 젊은 연출가 구니타가 일하고 있다. 그는 오직 연극에 대한 열정만으로 어려운 생활을 헤쳐나가고 있지만 극장의 주연배우의 아내인 치도리를 은근히 좋아하고 있다. 하지만 치도리의 시누이인 치구사는 적극적으로 구니타에게 구애의 감정을 드러낸다. 이들의 뒤얽힌 관계는 지방 도시에 가서 공연을 하게 되면서 표면화 되게 된다.
Teen Age Trap
Japanese drama film.
Small Rats of the Edo Town
Kakusaburô Ikeda
The action of this historical drama takes place against the background of poverty and hunger in the city of Edo and depicts young people rebelling against the contradictions of feudal society.
The Eagle and the Hawk
In a warehouse area at night, a drunk chief engineer is stabbed to death by someone who whistles. After the break of dawn, two seamen join the crew of a rusty cargo ship Kaiyo Maru. One is a troublemaker with bad attitudes, Senkichi Nomura, who pursues an enemy in order to take revenge for his father's death. The other is Keizo Sasaki, a buff, eagle-eyed man on board for a certain mission.
Okinawa no Tami
With the background of the Battle of Okinawa, he draws a semi-documentary image of each individual person under an unusual psychological state of war. Furukawa Takumi of “Backlight” is adapted and directed by Daiichi Ishino. Filmed by Yoshio Mamiya, “Smuggling of the body”. The main performers are Sachiko Sakai since the “Zoi Family”, Hiroyuki Nagato of the “Next door bride”, Shoji Yasui of the “Sentimental wife”, Takatoko of “Crying, the last Japanese fighter”, “Blue angry” Noriko Katsura, Shinzo three of "actress (1956)", Masao Oda, Nobuo Kaneko, Toru Abe, Hiroshi Nihonyanagi, Misako Tsubouchi.
Tonari no yome
Japanese drama film.
Season of the Sun
Tatsuya Tsugawa
The film tells the story of a group of high school boxing team members who spend their days drinking, sailing and chasing girls, and who more often than not spend their nights getting into brawls. In particular, it focuses upon Tatsuya, a sullen young man, who falls in love with Eiko, a proud upper-class girl.
Love is Lost
Based on the novel by Torahiko Tamiya.
Vanished Glory
In the first group of Yoshitake Ichi and Taketatsu Sada Preparatory Training, the team leader was Sou Adachi, a veteran warrior with strict training. Yoshitake's father was called, and his mother lived in the house where he used to work, but Midori, a female student at that house, secretly loved Yoshitake.
Goblin Warrior
Jirocho in Disgrace
Last of the Wild Ones
A legendary gangster raises himself out of a small town and gathers followers on his rise to power.
Jirocho's New Year
Jirocho, the Hunted
A wandering Jirocho stumbles upon his wife's possible murder and has other adventures while on the run.
Five Men of Edo
During the 17th Century roving bands of hatamoto were causing trouble in the new capital city of Edo and constantly fought with the townspeople at every turn. The leader of these ruthless samruai was Mizuno Jirozaemon, who despite his high rank was in deep financial distress, thus leading to a tragedy that shook the very streets of the city.Opposing him was Banzui-in Chobei, the ‘Protector of the Weak’ who was willing to put his life on the line to save the 808 districts of Edo from the 80,000 hatamoto whose violent behavior threatened to destroy the fabric of society. Starring Bando Tsumasaburo, the first great star of the silver screen along with mega-star Ichikawa Utaemon, this is a story not to be missed. Torn from the pages of history, this true story has been told many times, but never as powerfully as this!
Children Hand in Hand
A small-town boy with a learning disability attempts to fit in with his classmates.
Victory Song
Hisshoka is a 1945 Drama film directed by four Japanese directors.
The Life of Matsu the Untamed
Matsugoro is a poor rickshaw driver whose animated spirit and optimistic demeanor make him a favorite of the town. Matsu helps an injured boy, Toshio, and is hired by the boy's parents.