Pasquale Pozzessere

참여 작품

사막의 한 작전지역. 테러리스트의 우두머리를 암살하라는 지령을 받은 마이크(아미 해머)와 토미(톰 컬렌)는 오랜 시간을 기다린 끝에 암살대상과 조우하게 된다. 하지만 그들이 결혼식 중이라는 것을 알게 된 마이크는 방아쇠를 당기는 행위에 주저하게 되고, 그 순간 자신들의 모습은 적들에게 노출되고 만다. 적들을 피해 안전한 장소로 이동하게 되는 마이크와 토미. 하지만 목적지점을 한 시간 여 남긴 지점에서 토미가 지뢰에 의해 목숨을 잃게 되고, 마이크 역시 지뢰를 밟았음을 인지하게 된다. 본부로부터 전해 온 구출 소식은 54시간 뒤 었고, 그 동안 마이크는 사막에서 홀로 생존해야만 하는데...
An apartment on one of Rome's seven hills turns into a film studio for shooting three different stories about cocaine.
An apartment on one of Rome's seven hills turns into a film studio for shooting three different stories about cocaine.
An apartment on one of Rome's seven hills turns into a film studio for shooting three different stories about cocaine.
La provinciale
In 1950s Italy, a young woman from a poor background strives for a better life.
Italian made-for-TV drama.
La porta delle 7 stelle
An Eyewitness Account
Padre e figlio
The father, Corrado, is a worker who left his peasant roots in southern Italy and moved to Genoa to find employment a worker. His son, Gabriele, is neurotic and feels a sense of rage for which he can find no outlet. Despite the strength and dignity with which he has met the difficulties in his life, Corrado doesn't know what to do when faced with his son's problems.
Verso sud
In Pasquale Pozzessere's debut, a woman just out of prison falls in love with a man who saw steaing form a collection box in a church. Some critics saw a dry style next to Pasolini's as the director shows the two desperate individuals effort to build a sort of precarious family. In the end you could almost feel there's still a slender thread of hope for them to hang on
Verso sud
In Pasquale Pozzessere's debut, a woman just out of prison falls in love with a man who saw steaing form a collection box in a church. Some critics saw a dry style next to Pasolini's as the director shows the two desperate individuals effort to build a sort of precarious family. In the end you could almost feel there's still a slender thread of hope for them to hang on