Sergio Tribastone

참여 작품

The Good Witch of Christmas
Production Design
In this adorable sequel to "Christmas Thieves," Frank and Tony are babysitting for Liam and Olivia, while their parents Emma and Peter are out shopping for last-minute Christmas presents. Emma and Peter get into an accident with Santa Claus, and have scared off all of his reindeer. Santa needs to call for back-up and the only person left to save the day is the Christmas Witch. Unbeknownst to Santa, the Christmas Witch has accidentally landed in front of Olivia and Liam's house, and she has completely lost her memory. Liam, Olivia, Frank and Tony try to find answers for the Witch in the book "Puffins". Will the Puffins help the Witch remember that she needs to go help Santa in enough time to save Christmas? This heartwarming live-action and animated Christmas film is filled with lots of holiday magic, and is something the whole family will enjoy together.
Ordinary Happiness
Set Decoration
Died in a car crash, Paolo is allowed to come back to life for 92 minutes more, thanks to a miscalculation made by Heavenly accountants. He decides to use this newfound time on Earth to fix his mistakes as a father and husband.
Ogni maledetto Natale
Assistant Production Design
Massimo Marinelli Lops and Giulia Colardo meet by chance in Rome and fall in love. Giulia asks Massimo to spend Christmas Eve with her family.
라스트 특공대
Art Direction
제2차 세계대전 당시 약 3만 명의 브라질 군인들이 추축국과의 전투에 참여하게 된다. 브라질 원정군인들은 대부분 가난한 자들로, 전투에 필요한 훈련을 충분히 받지 못하고 생존을 위해 전투 기술을 익혔다. 캐슬 힐 기슭에서 무자비한 공격을 받고 공황 상태에 빠진 브라질 군 기마, 피아위, 로린도는 산 아래쪽으로 내려오지만 또 다시 공격을 받고 도망친다. 도망자로 낙인 찍혀 군법회의에 설 걱정에 휩싸인 브라질 군인들은 다시 적의 진지로 돌아가 지뢰 지대인 ‘47번 도로’의 지뢰를 제거해 위기를 모면할 계획을 세우는데.... 분초를 다투는 치열한 전쟁 속에서 그들은 살아남을 수 있을것인가?
Set Decoration
A Young soldier returning from Iraq goes on a high mountain adventure in a desolate place in Europe to forget his past, he will lear truth in a mysterious local legend discovering that reality can be sicker than nightmares.
The Days of Abandonment
Set Decoration
Olga's life is shattered when her husband leaves her. This makes her fall into a period of self-degradation and self-destructive behaviors.
Come Into the Light
Assistant Production Design
In 1990s Palermo, Pino Puglisi is a priest from the neglected Brancaccio neighborhood dedicated in helping kids to get off the streets and creating an embracing place of hope and solidarity in his church, which means trouble for the local Mafia. He continues his solitary fight until the bitter end.