Rhett Lewis

참여 작품

세인트 앤 솔저: 최강전차부대
제2차 세계대전 말, 도무지 끝날 기미가 보이지 않는 전쟁으로 인해 부대원들의 사기는 갈수록 저하된다. 독일군의 무자비한 공격이 계속되는 가운데, 전차 부대의 병장 제스는 어떻게든 대원들을 이끌고 전쟁을 종결시켜야겠다고 굳게 마음을 먹는다. 자신의 명령조차 거부하는 부대원들과 함께 단 한 대의 전차로 수백 대의 탱크를 제압하기 위해 제스는 필살의 전략을 세우기 시작한다.
세인츠 앤 솔저 : 공수특전대
“1944년 8월 15일, 프랑스 프로방스 주(州)에 미군이 입성했다. 1944년 6월 6일 노르망디에 상륙해 베를린으로 진군하던 연합군을 지원하기 위해서다.” 공수부대의 낙하산병인 로시는 연합군을 지원하기 위한 비밀작전에 투입되지만 착륙지점을 이탈하고 만다. 그와 사정이 비슷한 동료 대원들을 만나 본부로 복귀하기 위해 레자크 마을로 향하던 로시는 숲 속에서 묘령의 여인과 대치하게 되고, 독일군에 포로로 잡혀있는 프랑스 저항군을 구해달라는 요청을 받게 된다. 하지만 신분조차 제대로 알지 못하는 여인의 말을 믿기엔 적의 함정이 의심되는 상황. 하루라도 빨리 본부와 합류해야하는 사명감과 인명을 구해야한다는 연민 사이에서 갈등하던 세 사람은 가까스로 저항군을 구출해 독일군 기갑부대를 습격한다. 전쟁의 소용돌이 속에 적으로 대치할 수밖에 없는 사람들. 하지만 사랑하는 이와 가족을 그리는 마음은 다르지 않음을 느끼게 되는데…
Billy Was a Deaf Kid
Archie has made a discovery that will change the world forever. A toy radio. Archie's brother Billy, is deaf. So, Archie duct tapes the radio to his head, to help him explore a world full of sound. Sophie is Archie's girlfriend. Archie thinks he is in love with Sophie, but Sophie is not sure they know what love is. They spend their time waxing each other's noses, deciding if getting slapped is worse than getting spit on, and arguing about anything that's not worth arguing about. Then one day, Archie decides to steal Billy fare and square from their repressive sister. Sophie decides to go along for the ride. The adventure that follows will force them to seriously consider: Do relationships rely on riding couches through automatic car washes? Is a toy radio really the cure to deafness? Is it legal to throw dead animals in dumpsters? Finding the answers to these important questions makes Archie, Sophie and Billy examine their relationships in ways they never thought possible.
Billy Was a Deaf Kid
Archie has made a discovery that will change the world forever. A toy radio. Archie's brother Billy, is deaf. So, Archie duct tapes the radio to his head, to help him explore a world full of sound. Sophie is Archie's girlfriend. Archie thinks he is in love with Sophie, but Sophie is not sure they know what love is. They spend their time waxing each other's noses, deciding if getting slapped is worse than getting spit on, and arguing about anything that's not worth arguing about. Then one day, Archie decides to steal Billy fare and square from their repressive sister. Sophie decides to go along for the ride. The adventure that follows will force them to seriously consider: Do relationships rely on riding couches through automatic car washes? Is a toy radio really the cure to deafness? Is it legal to throw dead animals in dumpsters? Finding the answers to these important questions makes Archie, Sophie and Billy examine their relationships in ways they never thought possible.
Billy Was a Deaf Kid
Archie has made a discovery that will change the world forever. A toy radio. Archie's brother Billy, is deaf. So, Archie duct tapes the radio to his head, to help him explore a world full of sound. Sophie is Archie's girlfriend. Archie thinks he is in love with Sophie, but Sophie is not sure they know what love is. They spend their time waxing each other's noses, deciding if getting slapped is worse than getting spit on, and arguing about anything that's not worth arguing about. Then one day, Archie decides to steal Billy fare and square from their repressive sister. Sophie decides to go along for the ride. The adventure that follows will force them to seriously consider: Do relationships rely on riding couches through automatic car washes? Is a toy radio really the cure to deafness? Is it legal to throw dead animals in dumpsters? Finding the answers to these important questions makes Archie, Sophie and Billy examine their relationships in ways they never thought possible.
Billy Was a Deaf Kid
Archie has made a discovery that will change the world forever. A toy radio. Archie's brother Billy, is deaf. So, Archie duct tapes the radio to his head, to help him explore a world full of sound. Sophie is Archie's girlfriend. Archie thinks he is in love with Sophie, but Sophie is not sure they know what love is. They spend their time waxing each other's noses, deciding if getting slapped is worse than getting spit on, and arguing about anything that's not worth arguing about. Then one day, Archie decides to steal Billy fare and square from their repressive sister. Sophie decides to go along for the ride. The adventure that follows will force them to seriously consider: Do relationships rely on riding couches through automatic car washes? Is a toy radio really the cure to deafness? Is it legal to throw dead animals in dumpsters? Finding the answers to these important questions makes Archie, Sophie and Billy examine their relationships in ways they never thought possible.