Élodie Van Beuren

참여 작품

Script Supervisor
예술을 사랑한 도시 LA, 오페라 가수 '안(마리옹 꼬띠아르)'과 스탠드업 코미디언 '헨리(아담 드라이버)'는 첫눈에 서로에게 이끌린다. 함께 인생을 노래하는 두 사람에게 무대는 계속되지만, 그곳엔 빛과 어둠이 함께한다.
라울 타뷔랭
If anyone knows anything about bikes, it’s Raoul Taburin, official bicycle dealer of Saint Céron, a lovely village in the South of France. But Raoul has a terrible secret: he has never been able to keep his balance on a bike without using stabilisers. His childhood and teenage years were spent trying to overcome his flaw - in vain. All attempts to tell his secret have also failed. Nobody believes him. When photographer Hervé Figougne moves to Saint Céron, the two men become fast friends. And when Figougne offers to photograph Raoul riding a racing bike along a mountain precipice, the moment of truth has arrived. He does all he can to avoid the photo shoot. But everything goes against him and he finally has to accept his destiny. “At least”, he thinks, “people will have to believe me”. But for Raoul Taburin, things are never that simple...
고흐, 영원의 문에서
Script Supervisor
빈센트 반 고흐는 생전 단 한 작품 밖에 그림을 팔지 못했으나, 지금은 전 세계에서 가장 유명하고 사랑받는 화가로 꼽힌다. 광기의 예술가, 비운의 천재 등 수많은 수식어와 함께 그의 굴곡진 삶은 신화 그 자체가 되었다. 가난과 외로움 속에 살던 화가 빈센트 반 고흐는 운명의 친구 폴 고갱을 만난다. 그마저도 자신을 떠나자 깊은 슬픔에 빠지지만 신이 준 선물, 자연의 아름다움을 담기 위해 몰두한다. 불멸의 걸작이 탄생한 프랑스 아를에서부터 오베르 쉬르 우아즈까지, 빈센트 반 고흐의 눈부신 마지막 나날을 담은 기록.
Script Supervisor
출신 배경이 다른 10대들이 미로 같은 파리의 지하철과 거리에서 그들만의 독특한 댄스를 시작한다. 공격이 시작되고 파리가 흔들린다. (2017년 제18회 전주국제영화제)
Domestic Life
Script Supervisor
Juliette was simply not sure about coming to live in this residential suburb of the greater Paris metropolitan area. All the women here are in their forties, have children to raise, houses to keep and husbands who return home late at night.Today she has an appointment in Paris that is important for her career, but she also has to run errands and pick up the kids from school. During the course of her day, monopolized by petty, everyday tasks, Juliette can feel the noose of domestic obligations and household chores slowly tightening around her neck.
A Promise
Script Supervisor
A romantic drama set in Germany just before WWI and centered on a married woman who falls in love with her husband's teacher. Separated by the war, they pledge their devotion to one another.
The Singer
Script Supervisor
Alain Moreau sings for one of the few remaining dance-bands in Clermont-Ferrand. Though something of an idol amongst his female audience he has a melancholic awareness of the slow disappearance of that audience and of his advancing years. He is completely knocked off balance when he meets strikingly attractive and much younger businesswoman Marion. She seems distant and apparently otherwise involved but soon shows quiet signs of reciprocating his interest.