Frank Proctor

참여 작품

Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot
TV Commentator #1
They were more than Washington wives. They were part of an American dream known as Camelot. With strength and cunning they upheld their public image by concealing their private truths. Jackie, Ethel and Joan had little choice. They were Kennedy women. What really unfolded behind the monolith of Kennedy power is revealed for the first time: the true story of the Kennedy reign told through the eyes of the three women who lived it.
허리케인 카터
Pittsburgh Ring Announcer
1949년 미국 뉴저지 주 페터슨. 열한살의 소년 루빈커터는 흑인 친구를 성추행하려는 백인을 칼로 찌른 죄로 소년원에 감금된다. 7년 뒤, 청춘을 소년원에서 썩힐 수 없다고 결심한 루빈은 소년원을 탈출한다. 육군 공수부대에 입대한 그는 새 인생을 결심하고 복싱에 전념한다. 프로가 된 루빈 카터는 "허리케인"이란 별명을 얻게 된다. 캐나다 프로토. 캐나다의 환경 운동가 모임의 청년들과 함께 사는 흑인 소년 레스라는 한권의 헌 책을 구입한다. 단돈 25센트에 구입한 그 책은 무려 22년간 무고하게 옥살이를 한 저자의 운명을 바꿔놓는 끈이 된다. 책 제목은 ! 허리케인이 자유를 갈구하며 감옥에서 쓴 원고가 책으로 출판된 것이었다. 허리케인의 책을 읽고 감동받은 레스라는 허리케인과 편지를 주고 받는다. 레스라를 통해 허리케인의 존재를 알게 되고 또한 그의 결백을 믿게 된 환경 운동 청년들은 허리케인의 구명운동에 나선다.
TV / Radio News Reporter
This is the sequel to Apocalypse. In this movie Thorold Stone is still looking for his family. The Christians, whom the rest of the world has started to call The Haters, are being framed for many murders and terrorist acts. Thorold and his partner go to investigate the location of the detonator of one of these acts. They find a group of Christians holding a service. He arrests them and one of them hands him a disk from O.N.E. , One Nation Earth. He finds men in the building who aren't Christians. They chase them around and one of them is killed. Then he meets with Mr. Parker who works for Franco Malacousso. Parker shoots them both but Thorold doesn't die. He is then framed for the shooting of his partner and he goes to a computer programmer with the disk. Virtual Reality is used to bring the Day of Wonders to fruition. There is something odd about the cd that the woman gave Thorold because the programmer can't get access to it and they take it to the Christians headquarters...