Ian Niles

Ian Niles

출생 : 1980-04-28,


Ian Niles is an actor, director and producer who has created a diverse range of films including comedies, thrillers, and action movies.

프로필 사진

Ian Niles

참여 작품

더 킬 룸
Executive Producer
암살자, 조직 보스, 미술상이 사회적으로 센세이션을 일으킬 돈세탁 음모에 휘말리면서 벌어지는 이야기
Executive Producer
A group of righteous assassins called The Collective take aim at a highly sophisticated human trafficking ring backed by a network of untouchable billionaires. With their backs against the wall, The Collective has no choice but to put their most important mission in the hands of rookie assassin, Sam Alexander.
Christmas on Repeat
Executive Producer
An ad executive gets more than she bargained for when Santa grants her wish for a Christmas do-over, and she realizes she’s been missing precious time with her family.
Lie Hard
Rob Smart
To impress his girlfriend's wealthy parents, a pathological liar borrows millions of dollars from a crime syndicate to buy a mansion. Unfortunately for him, all debts need to be paid back.
Lie Hard
To impress his girlfriend's wealthy parents, a pathological liar borrows millions of dollars from a crime syndicate to buy a mansion. Unfortunately for him, all debts need to be paid back.
Lie Hard
To impress his girlfriend's wealthy parents, a pathological liar borrows millions of dollars from a crime syndicate to buy a mansion. Unfortunately for him, all debts need to be paid back.
Lie Hard
To impress his girlfriend's wealthy parents, a pathological liar borrows millions of dollars from a crime syndicate to buy a mansion. Unfortunately for him, all debts need to be paid back.
Executive Producer
사상 최대 위기 임박 트루 액션! 1989년, 전직 해병대원 ‘제임스 베커’는 ‘스타크’로부터 비밀리에 임무를 부여받고 파나마로 파견된다. 미국 CIA는 마약을 손에 쥔 파나마의 독재자, ‘노리에가’를 제거하기 위해 침공을 준비하고 소련의 헬리콥터를 사들이기 위한 보이지 않는 위험한 전투가 시작되는데 …
Killer Stepmom
Executive Producer
A teen with a reputation for telling lies and creating trouble witnesses her new stepmother murder a man in a vacant parking lot. Now, she must convince her mother to believe her story before she enacts her plan to destroy her family.
Executive Producer
전 세계 문명이 파괴된 코로나 팬데믹 1년 6개월 후. 가족을 지키지 못한 죄책감에 사로잡힌 전직 FBI 요원 ‘벤’은 스스로를 고립시킨 채 가족농장을 요새 삼아 홀로 살아남았다. 한편, 난민 수용소에서 유일하게 살아남아 탈출한 생존자 ‘사라’를 바이러스 면역 항체를 보유한 인류의 해답이라 여긴 ‘아론’ 무리는 그녀를 이용해 새로운 세상을 열겠다는 목표 아래 그 뒤를 쫓는다. 은신처를 찾아 ‘벤’에게 온 ‘사라’를 지키기 위해 그는 자신의 무기와 FBI 기술을 총동원해 그들을 포위한 ‘아론’에 맞서 대적하는데...
Sisters for Life
Executive Producer
A new sorority member's obsessive behavior puts one of her sisters in grave danger.
Lethal Love Triangle
Executive Producer
Two students become engrossed with their handsome research subject until his true nature puts them in harm's way.
Malicious Motives
Executive Producer
When a popular high schooler illegally receives a kidney donation from her schoolmate, it has deadly consequences.
Hostage House
Executive Producer
A realtor and her daughter are taken hostage by armed robbers.
플레인 하이스트
Executive Producer
마지막 게임에서의 거액의 빚을 갚기 위해 ‘다리우스’ 밑에서 일하게 된 전직 도박꾼 ‘잭’은 전세계 극악무도한 범죄자들이 모여 베팅을 벌이는 ‘머니 플레인’에 탑승해 현금 수백만 달러를 탈취하고 가상 화폐 10억 달러를 해킹하는 미션을 성공시켜야 한다. 하지만 다리우스는 잭을 함정에 빠뜨리고 잭은 플랜B를 가동해 되갚아주려 하는데…!
파이널 킬
Executive Producer
경찰 출신의 신변 보호 전문가 '미키'는 은퇴 전 마지막 임무를 맡게 된다. '미키'의 임무는 마지막 증언을 앞둔 ‘바우어 부부’와 그들이 가진 거액의 돈을 지키는 것. 호화스러운 대저택에 갇혀 그들을 보호하게 된 '미키'는 모두가 안전하다는 에이전시의 말에 안심하지만 수상한 에이전트가 등장하면서 FBI와 프라텔리 가문의 끊임없는 위협 속, 예상치 못한 위기를 맞게 되는데...
A Daughter's Plan to Kill
When Katie and Greg Carlyle invited Greg's estranged daughter to live with them, they had no idea that they would be inviting jealousy, violence, and deceit into their home to wreak havoc on their perfect life.
A Daughter's Plan to Kill
When Katie and Greg Carlyle invited Greg's estranged daughter to live with them, they had no idea that they would be inviting jealousy, violence, and deceit into their home to wreak havoc on their perfect life.
A Mother's Worst Fear
Alice is starting a new chapter in life by moving on from her highly stressful job as a hostage negotiator and putting more focus on her family. Suddenly, her world is turned upside down when her daughter is abducted with no demand for ransom. As Alice uses her expertise with abduction cases to do everything to find her daughter, she discovers the kidnapper has a personal vendetta against her husband Brent with malicious consequences
블랙 워터
위장 잠입 수사를 벌이던 CIA 요원 ‘스콧’은 밀실에서 눈을 뜬다. 햇빛도 들지 않는 깜깜한 방의 정체는 심해 17만 킬로미터를 내달리는 잠수함 속 함정에 빠져 일명 ‘이동하는 감옥’에 갇힌 ‘스콧’은 빠져나가기 위해 안간힘을 쓴다. 피와 배신이 난무하는 ‘블랙 사이트’에서 누명을 벗고 탈출해야만 한다!
Future '38
An American Agent from 1938 travels through time to hamstring Hitler! Transported to the year 2018, he hoodwinks hoodlums, infuriates the Fuhrer, and goes gaga for a gal 80 years his junior!
Executive Producer
A single mother becomes trapped inside her own vacation rental and must piece together clues from the various guests who have stayed there in order to figure out who assaulted her and hopefully survive.