Marcelle Hainia
출생 : 1896-11-13, Paris, France
사망 : 1968-08-09
Dame Marthe
Base on Paul Féval's "Le Bossu" ("The Hunchback")
Anna Semenovna
TV movie of a play by Ivan Turgenev
Fredo's Wife
5년 간의 감옥 생활을 마치고 출옥한 토니 스테파노는 늙고 지쳐있으며 과거의 명성은 이미 시들어버린 상태다. 하지만 부하였던 조는 여전히 그에게 충성스럽다. 조는 토니에게 리볼리가에 있는 보석상을 털자고 제안하며 이것은 토니가 마지막 한탕을 끝으로 은퇴할 기회가 된다. 아이와 아내가 있는 조, 유쾌한 성격의 이탈리아인 마리오, 금고 털이의 고수 세자르. 그들은 치밀한 준비 끝에 보석상을 털어서 처분하는데 성공하지만 그 사실을 알아차린 라이벌 갱단은 조의 아들을 유괴해서 그들의 돈을 가로채려고 한다.
Une dounairière
A young woman has a perilous affair with a General from the opposing side during the Revolutionary war.
Rosette is young and charming but she is crippled so she cannot make the most of her life. Which upsets Jules Petitpas, a single inventor, her eccentric but kind-hearted neighbor. Jules pledges to help her by creating a potion that will cure her. Unfortunately he dies before being able to achieve his aim. But a promise is a promise, and the good man comes back to the land of the living as an ... ectoplasm! And he manages to involve a whole tribe of ghosts to assist him in the noble task of saving the young lady. All is well that ends well.
Mme. Broussard
Madame Célerier is determined to marry off her son François to a rich and haughty woman but François has other plans.
Madame Dutilleul
Josette needs to marry within a year to get her aunt's money but her fiance has left.After getting permission from her godfather for a "white wedding, " she realizes she loves the godfather instead.
Angèle Popélier - l'autre l'hôtelière
Elsa Lundenstein is accused of having murdered her lover. The jury discusses the case vividly. All members are somehow prejudiced because of personal life experience and subsequently each member reads something different into the presented facts.
Sigrid and Yann are cousins, and in love with each other. A medical student, Jean marries Léna, who gives him a child, but he dies accidentally. Desperate, Yann finds Sigrid in their childhood home in Savoy. Afraid of seeing their passion revive, he decides to leave with Léna for Africa.
Une Invitée au Mariage
She's working in a big store, he's a typographer and they lost their winning lottery ticket.
Madame Percheron
The local building-contractor Martin Roumagnac is fascinated by the fashionable Blanche Ferrand. To impress Blache, Martin presents her with a villa. However, this ruins him financially. Despite Martin's many efforts for the now femme-fatal Blanche, she is not able to chose between him and the rich consul De Laubry.
A wealthy man has two sons,one of them is legitimate,the other is not.The first offspring has had a life of luxury and he has become a lazy good for nothing whereas the youthful indiscretion has turned into an artist.He is nicknamed "Gringalet" .Now his father wants him to meet his half-brother ,his mother-in-law and the rest of the family. Gringalet will turn this bourgeois family upside down:they become nice,the big brother becoming a perfect businessman who stops scouring nightclubs to spend most of his time with his fiancee Josette.There's the rub,cause Gringalet is also in love with her.
An accomplished young man, Prince Stéphane is destined for a brilliant future but when he finds out that Marie, his beloved fiancée, has had an affair with the man he respects the most, Tsar Nicolas 1er in person, the shock is terrible. Unable to recover, he chooses religion and becomes a monk and a hermit. He becomes known as a healer and worshiped as a saint, although he himself is aware of his many weaknesses. The day he learns Marie is seriously ill Le père Serge formerly known as Prince Stéphane leaves sanctity behind and hits the road for Saint Petersburg.
이름난 패션 디자이너 필립은 창조적 영감을 위해서라며 만나는 모든 여성들을 희롱하고, 그녀들의 마음을 훔치고는 냉정하게 돌아선다. 어느 날, 가장 친한 친구 다니엘의 약혼녀 미셸린을 만난 필립은 역시나 그녀를 희롱하고, 미셸린 역시 필립을 좋아하게 된다. 그런데 생에 처음으로 필립이 미셸린을 진심으로 사랑하게 된다. 하지만 미셸린은 이미 마음을 돌린 뒤였다. 냉혹하고 치열한 패션 세계에 대한 치밀하고 사실적인 묘사가 깊은 인상을 남긴다.
Madame Sandoz
A devoted switchboard operator is the village guardian angel.
샤란트 마을의 구피 집안은 대가족으로 집안의 재산을 유지하기 위해 혈연 결혼을 한다. 파리에서 살고 있던 무슈는 아버지의 부름을 받고 사촌과 결혼하기 위해 마을로 돌아온다. 무슈가 돌아온 뒤, 할아버지가 숲에서 의식을 잃은 채로 발견된다. 할아버지는 집안에서 유일하게 보물이 어디에 있는지 알고 있는 인물로, 욕심 많은 아버지는 보물을 찾기 위해 쓰러진 할아버지를 닦달하고 심지어는 아들까지 의심하기 시작한다. 자크 베케르는 엉뚱하게 꼬여만 가는 상황과 너무나도 색깔이 분명한 인물들이 빚어내는 일련의 사건들을 흥미롭게 교차시키며 인물 하나하나를 조명한다. 또한 정교함과 느긋함이 공존하는 인물의 등장과 처리는 스승인 르누아르의 을 연상시킨다. (2009년 시네마테크부산 프랑스 영화제)
Madame Fougeroux
Now that their parents are ruined, Jacques Eyssette and his younger brother Daniel, are driven to fend for themselves. Jacques becomes the secretary of a marquis who exploits him by making him work so hard that his health gets damaged. Daniel, on his part, is hired as a supervisor and Latin teacher in a school in the province. It soon happens that he is in a bad situation too as, after being subjected to repeated harassment, he ends up being fired. Daniel then decides to join Jacques in Paris, hoping to embark on a literary career. Unfortunately, Irma Borel, an actress, sets her sight on him and drags him into a life of vice.
Emma Lestingois
파리의 방랑자 부뒤는 어느 날 세느 강에 몸을 던진다. 그는 레스티노이라는 한 자유주의자에게 구조된다. 레스티노이는 부뒤를 사회에 적응시키기 위해 자신의 집으로 데려가는데...