Anders Kwarnmark

참여 작품

The Viewing Room
Sound Designer
Fanny prepares a memorial for her deceased artist mother at a gallery. Family and friends gather to eat dinner surrounded by her mother’s pictures. It is dignified, tranquil, and well-organized, but beneath the surface tensions simmer.
Five Minutes Before the End of the World
Sound Designer
A film about cafes, trucks and the end of the world.
Reconstructing Utøya
Sound Recordist
This documentary picks up after the horror has ended. Almost 500 teens are in grief as 69 of their friends have fallen. They've been shot dead. How could this island ever become a safe place again? Here, we see how Utøya was first the safest place on Earth to the most terrible and how it was restored and stands as a beacon of hope for the survivors and the Norwegian people.
Sound Recordist
창고를 개조한 세트장, 비주얼 아티스트이자 영화감독 안나 오델이 실험을 시작한다. 목표는 오늘날의 사회가 남녀에게 규정한 젠더 역할에 도전하는 것. 그녀는 남성성의 아이콘인 배우 미카엘 페르스브란트와 7명의 또 다른 탑 배우들을 초대한다. 이들은 그곳에서 함께 생활하면서 안나 오델과 미카엘의 분신을 연기하며 때로는 흥미롭고 또 때로는 불쾌한 상황을 마주하게 된다.
바람의 저편
Sound Effects Editor
야심 찬 복귀작을 준비하는 거장 감독 해너퍼드. 그의 생애 마지막 날, 그가 끝까지 분투한 작품의 편린이 공개된다. 오슨 웰스가 마지막으로 남긴, 영화에 관한 영화.
Sound Effects Editor
출입국 세관 직원인 티나는 후각으로 감정을 읽을 수 있는 기묘한 능력과 남들과는 조금 다른 외모로 세상과 쉽게 어울리지 못한다. 그러던 어느 날 그녀 앞에 수상한 짐을 가득 든 남자 보레가 나타나고, 그는 티나 자신도 몰랐던 그녀의 특별한 모습을 일깨워주기 시작하는데…
Additional Music
A VHS collector with a drinking problem finds a valuable movie that could save his terrible economical situation. The film disappears. He suspects it is stolen and starts a hunt after a perpetrator.
Supervising Sound Editor
A VHS collector with a drinking problem finds a valuable movie that could save his terrible economical situation. The film disappears. He suspects it is stolen and starts a hunt after a perpetrator.
Ouaga Girls
Sound Editor
A group of young women from Ouagadougou study at a girl school to become auto mechanics. The classmates become their port of safety, joy and sisterhood, all while they are going through the life changing transition into becoming adults in a country boiling with political changes. In a country with youth unemployment at 52 percent, jobs are a hot issue. The young girls at a mechanics school in Burkina Faso’s capital Ouagadougou are right in the middle of a crucial point in life when their dreams, hopes and courage are confronted with opinions, fears and society’s expectations of what a woman should be. Using interesting narrative solutions, Theresa Traore Dahlberg depicts their last school years and at the same time succeeds in showing the country’s violent past and present. This is a feature-film debut and coming-of-age film with much warmth, laughs, heartbreak and depth.
Mother Knows Best
Sound Designer
The family's mother has absolutely no problems with her son having just introduced his boyfriend to her. She only wants to give him a little well-meaning advice.
Sound Editor
Seven-year-old Filip admires his older brother Sebastian most of all. They fool around, watch movies and play football together. One evening Filip happens to see something unexpected between Sebastian and his best friend and Filip doesn't know how to handle it.
Håkan Hellström på Ullevi den 7 juni 2014
Sound Mixer
A documentary about the popular swedish singer Håkan Hellström and his biggest concert yet.
Håkan Hellström på Ullevi den 7 juni 2014
Sound Editor
A documentary about the popular swedish singer Håkan Hellström and his biggest concert yet.
En sjel for mye
Sound Editor
Four newfound friends decide to go to France for the summer holidays. While resting in Germany, they find an old necklace lying around. Patrick, always grasping on to every chance he can get to score with a girl, gives it to Tonje. Shortly after, unexplainable events occur, and they realize they're not alone anymore. Who are chasing them and why? The dream vacation seems to be turning into an unbelievable nightmare.
첩보원: 독일군 잠입작전
Dialogue Editor
독일 나치군에 맞서 국경 경비를 지키던 스웨덴의 83부대는 예기치 못한 사고로 적군을 도발하게 된다. 일촉즉발 위기 상황! 최악의 사태를 막기 위해 스웨덴 최정예 스파이들이 은밀한 잠입 작전을 시작한다.
Sverigedemokraterna - vägen till riksdagen
About the Sweden Democrats (SD) preparations before the general election September 19, 2010. They are investing ambitiously to get into the Swedish Parliament, Riksdagen. Sweden Democrats or Swedish Democrats (Swedish: Sverigedemokraterna, SD) is a national-conservative, populist political party in Sweden founded in 1988. The party describes itself as social conservative with a nationalist foundation. The party has been characterized by others as right-wing populist or far-right, national-conservative, and anti-immigration. Jimmie Åkesson has been party leader since 2005. The Sweden Democrats crossed the 4% threshold necessary for parliamentary representation for the first time in the 2010 general election, polling 5.7% and gaining 20 seats in the Riksdag/Parliament.
When Magnus left Kerstin, she decided to be naked. Always. Since then she has been fined six times.
포제션: 중독된 사랑
Foley Editor
로맨틱한 조각가 남편 라이언과 더할 나위 없이 행복한 나날을 보내고 있는 유능한 변호사 제스. 그들의 일상에 출소한 시동생 로먼이 함께 지내게 되면서 제스의 불안함이 커진다. 폭행 범죄로 법정에 섰을 당시 로먼의 변호인이 바로 제스였던 것. 시동생의 폭력적 성향과 자신을 향한 이상한 관심을 느낀 제스는 남편에게 불편함을 토로하던 중, 라이언과 로먼이 동시에 교통사고를 당한다. 형보다 먼저 깨어난 로먼, 그는 자신이 라이언이라 주장하며 제스에게 사랑을 호소한다. 믿지 않던 제스는 로먼이 말하는 모든 것이 자신과 라이언의 과거와 일치하자 어렵사리 그를 받아들이고 행복한 결혼 생활을 이어간다. 로먼의 여자친구였던 케이시는 정말 라이언이 된 것처럼 180도 돌변한 로먼을 계속 의심하던 중 실종되는데…
포제션: 중독된 사랑
Dialogue Editor
로맨틱한 조각가 남편 라이언과 더할 나위 없이 행복한 나날을 보내고 있는 유능한 변호사 제스. 그들의 일상에 출소한 시동생 로먼이 함께 지내게 되면서 제스의 불안함이 커진다. 폭행 범죄로 법정에 섰을 당시 로먼의 변호인이 바로 제스였던 것. 시동생의 폭력적 성향과 자신을 향한 이상한 관심을 느낀 제스는 남편에게 불편함을 토로하던 중, 라이언과 로먼이 동시에 교통사고를 당한다. 형보다 먼저 깨어난 로먼, 그는 자신이 라이언이라 주장하며 제스에게 사랑을 호소한다. 믿지 않던 제스는 로먼이 말하는 모든 것이 자신과 라이언의 과거와 일치하자 어렵사리 그를 받아들이고 행복한 결혼 생활을 이어간다. 로먼의 여자친구였던 케이시는 정말 라이언이 된 것처럼 180도 돌변한 로먼을 계속 의심하던 중 실종되는데…
Ebbe - The Movie: Mannen, Myten, Affären
Music Editor
A documentary dealing with the publisher Ebbe Carlsson's decision to start his own investigation on the murder of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme
Ebbe - The Movie: Mannen, Myten, Affären
Sound Designer
A documentary dealing with the publisher Ebbe Carlsson's decision to start his own investigation on the murder of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme
Three Suns
Sound Effects Editor
An epic drama set in the 14th century. Hanna leaves her family to meet her husband after 4 years spent in the East during a long war. Hanna will find herself fighting for her love, her children and her life.
Sound Editor
It is the last day of school for Christian and his younger sister Sophie. They are heading to a party at his friend Trina. High school graduation is just around the corner and after the freedom and future. But behind the idyllic facade lurks tragedy and secrets. That evening Sophie commits suicide.