Anders Kwarnmark


The Viewing Room
Sound Designer
Fanny prepares a memorial for her deceased artist mother at a gallery. Family and friends gather to eat dinner surrounded by her mother’s pictures. It is dignified, tranquil, and well-organized, but beneath the surface tensions simmer.
Five Minutes Before the End of the World
Sound Designer
A film about cafes, trucks and the end of the world.
Reconstructing Utøya
Sound Recordist
This documentary picks up after the horror has ended. Almost 500 teens are in grief as 69 of their friends have fallen. They've been shot dead. How could this island ever become a safe place again? Here, we see how Utøya was first the safest place on Earth to the most terrible and how it was restored and stands as a beacon of hope for the survivors and the Norwegian people.
Sound Recordist
An artist has chosen a famous male actor for them together, in the context of a feature film, to deconstruct themselves and their invading roles. They engage in a boundless play with their surroundings in an exploration of identity, male and female.
O Outro Lado do Vento
Sound Effects Editor
J.J. Jake Hannaford (John Huston) é um consagrado diretor de cinema que enfrenta problemas para concluir seu último filme, "O Outro Lado do Vento", devido ao abandono repentino do protagonista, John Dale (Robert Random). Com o orçamento estourado e a pressão de executivos de Hollywood, Hannaford comemora seu aniversário em meio a amigos e inimigos, exibindo aos presentes o que já filmou até o momento.
Sound Effects Editor
Tina (Eva Melander) é uma policial que trabalha no aeroporto fiscalizando bagagens e passageiros. Depois de ser atingida por um raio na infância, ela desenvolveu uma espécie de sexto sentido, fazendo com que seja capaz de “ler as pessoas” apenas pelo o olhar. Isso sempre representou uma vantagem na sua profissão, mas tudo muda quando ela identifica um criminoso em potencial e não consegue achar provas para justificar sua intuição. Após o episódio, ela passa a questionar seu dom, ao mesmo tempo em que fica obcecada em descobrir qual o verdadeiro segredo de Vore (Eero Milonoff), seu único suspeito não legitimado.
Additional Music
A VHS collector with a drinking problem finds a valuable movie that could save his terrible economical situation. The film disappears. He suspects it is stolen and starts a hunt after a perpetrator.
Supervising Sound Editor
A VHS collector with a drinking problem finds a valuable movie that could save his terrible economical situation. The film disappears. He suspects it is stolen and starts a hunt after a perpetrator.
Ouaga Girls
Sound Editor
A group of young women from Ouagadougou study at a girl school to become auto mechanics. The classmates become their port of safety, joy and sisterhood, all while they are going through the life changing transition into becoming adults in a country boiling with political changes. In a country with youth unemployment at 52 percent, jobs are a hot issue. The young girls at a mechanics school in Burkina Faso’s capital Ouagadougou are right in the middle of a crucial point in life when their dreams, hopes and courage are confronted with opinions, fears and society’s expectations of what a woman should be. Using interesting narrative solutions, Theresa Traore Dahlberg depicts their last school years and at the same time succeeds in showing the country’s violent past and present. This is a feature-film debut and coming-of-age film with much warmth, laughs, heartbreak and depth.
Mother Knows Best
Sound Designer
The family's mother has absolutely no problems with her son having just introduced his boyfriend to her. She only wants to give him a little well-meaning advice.
Sound Editor
Seven-year-old Filip admires his older brother Sebastian most of all. They fool around, watch movies and play football together. One evening Filip happens to see something unexpected between Sebastian and his best friend and Filip doesn't know how to handle it.
Håkan Hellström på Ullevi den 7 juni 2014
Sound Mixer
A documentary about the popular swedish singer Håkan Hellström and his biggest concert yet.
Håkan Hellström på Ullevi den 7 juni 2014
Sound Editor
A documentary about the popular swedish singer Håkan Hellström and his biggest concert yet.
En sjel for mye
Sound Editor
Four newfound friends decide to go to France for the summer holidays. While resting in Germany, they find an old necklace lying around. Patrick, always grasping on to every chance he can get to score with a girl, gives it to Tonje. Shortly after, unexplainable events occur, and they realize they're not alone anymore. Who are chasing them and why? The dream vacation seems to be turning into an unbelievable nightmare.
Fronteira Proibida
Dialogue Editor
Em dezembro de 1942 dois jovens soldados deixam seus postos de observação na Suécia e atravessam a fronteira com a Noruega ocupada pelos nazistas. Mas a aventura acaba em desastre e o tenente Aron Stenström descobre que seu irmão é um dos soldados desaparecidos. Começa, então, uma missão secreta de resgate.
Sverigedemokraterna - vägen till riksdagen
About the Sweden Democrats (SD) preparations before the general election September 19, 2010. They are investing ambitiously to get into the Swedish Parliament, Riksdagen. Sweden Democrats or Swedish Democrats (Swedish: Sverigedemokraterna, SD) is a national-conservative, populist political party in Sweden founded in 1988. The party describes itself as social conservative with a nationalist foundation. The party has been characterized by others as right-wing populist or far-right, national-conservative, and anti-immigration. Jimmie Åkesson has been party leader since 2005. The Sweden Democrats crossed the 4% threshold necessary for parliamentary representation for the first time in the 2010 general election, polling 5.7% and gaining 20 seats in the Riksdag/Parliament.
Quando Magnus largou Kerstin, ela decidiu ficar nua. Desde então, ela já foi multada seis vezes.
Sombras de um Desejo
Foley Editor
Jessica (Sarah Michelle Gellar) e Ryan (Michael Landes) são recém-casados e levam uma vida perfeita, até o dia que o problemático irmão de Ryan, Roman (Lee Pace) chega para visitá-los. Com o novo hóspede, a harmonia da casa é perturbada e tudo se transforma em um pesadelo, quando os irmãos sofrem um grave acidente de carro e entram em coma. Tudo piora quando Roman acorda do coma dizendo ser Ryan. Enquanto Jessica tenta lidar com a sua dor, eventos perturbadores surgem a todo momento e deixam evidências de que algo muito sinistro está acontecendo naquela família.
Sombras de um Desejo
Dialogue Editor
Jessica (Sarah Michelle Gellar) e Ryan (Michael Landes) são recém-casados e levam uma vida perfeita, até o dia que o problemático irmão de Ryan, Roman (Lee Pace) chega para visitá-los. Com o novo hóspede, a harmonia da casa é perturbada e tudo se transforma em um pesadelo, quando os irmãos sofrem um grave acidente de carro e entram em coma. Tudo piora quando Roman acorda do coma dizendo ser Ryan. Enquanto Jessica tenta lidar com a sua dor, eventos perturbadores surgem a todo momento e deixam evidências de que algo muito sinistro está acontecendo naquela família.
Ebbe - The Movie: Mannen, Myten, Affären
Music Editor
A documentary dealing with the publisher Ebbe Carlsson's decision to start his own investigation on the murder of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme
Ebbe - The Movie: Mannen, Myten, Affären
Sound Designer
A documentary dealing with the publisher Ebbe Carlsson's decision to start his own investigation on the murder of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme
Three Suns
Sound Effects Editor
An epic drama set in the 14th century. Hanna leaves her family to meet her husband after 4 years spent in the East during a long war. Hanna will find herself fighting for her love, her children and her life.
Sound Editor
It is the last day of school for Christian and his younger sister Sophie. They are heading to a party at his friend Trina. High school graduation is just around the corner and after the freedom and future. But behind the idyllic facade lurks tragedy and secrets. That evening Sophie commits suicide.