Famous educator Fernand Deligny tries to find ways to communicate beyond language with troubled and autistic children in his care.
A group of educators led by Fernand Deligny are working to create contact with autistic children in a hamlet of the Cevennes.
A group of educators led by Fernand Deligny are working to create contact with autistic children in a hamlet of the Cevennes.
Writer and pedagogue Fernand Deligny influenced a number of artists and French intellectuals. His work on autism influenced Deleuze and Guattari's theory of the rhizome. Francois Truffaut turned to his ideas to complete Les 400 Coups. Throughout the film Deligny plays with the possibilities of the camera to live and think closer to the human subject, offering with Le Moindre Geste a unique film to the world, one of most fascinating in French cinema. Situated [visually] between mountain western and integral neorealism, the film tells the story of two teenagers, escaped prisoners of an asylum, running away through the Cevennes.
열네 살 소년 앙트완은 마음 둘 곳이 없다. 엄마와 새아버지는 앙트완에게 무관심하고, 딱히 말썽을 피우려 한 것도 아닌데 학교에선 선생님에게 문제 학생으로 찍혀버렸다. 유일한 위안은 가장 친한 친구 르네와 함께 학교를 빼먹고 영화관에 가거나 거리를 돌아다니는 것. 숙제를 빼먹고, 무단 결석을 하는 등 갑갑한 현실을 벗어나고자 사소한 일탈을 일삼던 앙트완은 급기야 쪽지를 남긴 채 가출하고 가벼운 범죄를 저지르지만 냉혹한 어른들의 세상에서 그가 원하는 자유는 점점 멀어지기만 하는데...
Fernand Deligny speaks of the object of his observation: autism. He talks about it as the researcher he is, with approximations, questions and gives us the most accurate picture possible. By successive keys, he brings us into the troubling enigma of a world without language. He puts us on the watch, with him in an unknown land. He addresses the filmmaker Renaud Victor and Renaud Victor share his dazzlement: he films intelligence at work.