Haskell B. Boggs

출생 : 1909-04-17, Jones, Oklahoma, USA

사망 : 2003-05-30

참여 작품

Bonanza: The Return
Director of Photography
A man with a grudge against the late Little Joe seeks revenge on the Cartwrights and attempts to take over the Ponderosa.
Director of Photography
When the police finds a necklace with some criminal, a detective remembers that it was missing evidence in a murderer case many years ago. So it turns out that Jeff Hayes, sentenced to life-long prison, was innocent. After 18 years in jail he's finally released - but has problems finding back into normal life. There's his father who believed him guilty and his ex-wife Ellen, who told their son Kerry and her new husband Paul Kramer his father had died.
Where Pigeons Go to Die
Director of Photography
Sentimental drama about an aging man's fond reminiscences of his relationship with his grandfather in 1950 midwest and the time they spent together raising racing pigeons.
Little House: Bless All the Dear Children
Director of Photography
During preparation for Christmas baby Rose Wilder is kidnapped by the woman who recently lost her child. Looking for her Laura, Almanzo and Mr Edwards meet lonely orphan boy, who finally stays with that woman.
Director of Photography
Two couples on a camping trip are hunted by two tigers set upon them by a crazed animal trainer.
Double Indemnity
Director of Photography
A scheming wife lures an insurance investigator into helping murder her husband and then declare it an accident. The investigator's boss, not knowing his man is involved in it, suspects murder and sets out to prove it.
Young Fury
Director of Photography
A group of young thugs rides into the town of Dawson and take it over. When the cowardly sheriff is unable to restore control, the parents of the leader must take action. The leader's father is an infamous ex-gunfighter, and he straps his guns on one more time.
Director of Photography
When his father dies, poor Fella is left at the mercy of his snobbish stepmother and her two no-good sons Maximilian and Rupert. As he slaves away for his nasty step-family, Maximilian and Rupert attempt to find a treasure Fella's father has supposedly hidden on the estate. Hoping to restore her dwindling fortunes, the stepmother plans a fancy ball in honor of the visiting Princess Charmein whom she hopes will marry Rupert. Eventually, Fella's Fairy Godfather shows up to convince him that he has a shot at winning the Princess himself.
Director of Photography
마이애미 비치에 있는 특급 호텔 퐁텐블로에서 벨보이로 일하는 스탠리(제리 루이스)는 아무 말없이 자신의 임무를 수행하려 하지만 매번 사고를 일으키고 만다. 영화는 특정한 플롯이 없이 스탠리가 투숙객들의 요구를 수행하면서 겪게 되는 여러 상황들을 보여줄 뿐이다. 제리 루이스의 감독 데뷔작인 이 작품은 이야기가 거의 없다는 점에서 오히려 그의 재능을 여실히 확인할 수 있는 작품이 되었다.
Don't Give Up the Ship
Director of Photography
The Navy expects a veteran to pay for the ship he commanded, as they have no record of its return.
게이샤 보이
Director of Photography
길버트 울리는 태평양에 위치한 군대들을 돌아다니며 위문공연을 하는 이류마술사이다. 일본을 방문한 울리는 아름다운 여인 키미와 사랑에 빠지고, 자신의 공연을 좋아하던 고아소년에게도 애정을 느끼게 된다. 그러나 미국으로 돌아갈 시간이 점점 다가오자 그는 떠날 것인지 머물 것인지 고민에 빠진다.
에이리언 몬스터
Director of Photography
Aliens from Outer Space are slowly switching places with real humans -- one of the first being a young man about to get married. Slowly, his new wife realizes something is wrong, and her suspicions are confirmed when her husband's odd behaviour begins to show up in other townspeople.
Rock-a-Bye Baby
Director of Photography
An average television repairman must care for the newborn triplets of his former hometown sweetheart—now a famous movie star—so her career will not suffer.
St. Louis Blues
Will Handy grows up in Memphis with his preacher father and his Aunt Hagar. His father intends for him to use his musical gifts only in church, but he can't stay away from the music of the streets and workers. After he writes a theme song for a local politician, Gogo, a speakeasy singer, convinces Will to be her accompanist. Will is estranged from his father for many years while he writes and publishes many blues songs. At last the family is reunited when Gogo brings them to New York to see Will's music played by a symphony orchestra.
선생님의 애완 동물
Director of Photography
A rugged city editor poses as a journalism student and flirts with the professor.
Hear Me Good
Director of Photography
Comedy involving a beauty contest that has two pre-chosen winners; one the special girlfriend of a not too savory character, the other, the true love of the promoter.
청소년 범죄
Director of Photography
소심한 시드니(제리 루이스)는 어느 날 쓰레기를 버리러 나갔다가 불량청소년들의 패싸움에 말려들게 된다. 경찰서에까지 끌려가게 된 시드니는 다행히 풀려나지만 경찰인 마이크(다렌 맥거빈)는 그를 요주의인물로 생각한다. 마이크는 시드니의 집에 찾아와 범죄의 손에서 벗어나 정상적인 삶을 살 것을 역설한다. 그러면서 시드니에게 경찰관이 되는 것이 어떻겠냐고 권유한다.
Fear Strikes Out
Director of Photography
True story of the life of Jimmy Piersall, who battled mental illness to achieve stardom in major league baseball.
The Leather Saint
Director of Photography
Episcopalian minister Gil Allen keeps up his college days interest in boxing by working out at a gym run by his friend, Tom Kelley but declines offers to fight in an actual staged bout, until he realizes he could use the prize money to purchase equipment for local polio victims. Keeping his real identity secret and hoping to step away after one big payday, Gil signs a contract to fight for greedy promoter Gus MacAuliffe.
사랑아 나는 통곡한다
Camera Operator
1840년대의 뉴욕, 캐서린은 아버지 슬로퍼 박사와 함께 산다. 어머니는 몇 년 전 돌아가셨는데, 아버지는 아직도 그녀를 숭배하고 언제나 딸과 어머니를 비교한다. 잘생겼지만 가난한 모리스가 나타나 캐서린과 사랑하게 되자 슬로퍼 박사는 모리스가 캐서린의 상속권을 노린다고 생각하고 결혼을 반대한다. 슬로퍼 박사는 캐서린을 데리고 유럽으로 떠나지만 캐서린은 모리스를 잊지 못한다. 캐서린이 뉴욕으로 돌아오자 젊은 연인은 도망치려고 하는데...
Camera Operator
Pickpocket Kitty's life changes when painter Thomas Gainsborough makes her portrait. The artwork gains the attention of Sir Hugh Marcy, who later decides to use her for his benefit.
다섯 개의 무덤
Camera Operator
2차 대전 중의 북아프리카. ‘사막의 여우’ 롬멜 장군이 지휘하는 악명 높은 독일 아프리카 군단에 패한 영국 탱크 부대. 홀로 살아남은 상병 존 브램블은 사막을 헤매다 파리드와 프랑스 여인 모슈가 있는 외딴 호텔에 다다른다. 얼마 후, 롬멜 장군의 부대가 호텔에 도착하고, 존은 살기 위해 이미 살해당한 호텔 직원 다보스 행세를 한다. 그런데 롬멜 장군과 대면한 존은 다보스가 독일 첩자였다는 것과 롬멜의 야심 찬 계획에 대해 알게 된다. 조셉 폰 스턴버그의 (1928)의 원안을 쓴 헝가리 출신 작가 라조 비로의 희곡을 바탕으로 한 전쟁 영화.