Sam Jaimes is an American animator from Hanna-Barbera Studios and Mendelson-Melendez Productions. He animated for the Peanuts cartoon specials and movies. He directed seven Peanuts specials in the 1980s.
As springtime rolls around, Charlie Brown's team is performing the usual hopeless task of getting in shape for the new season. To improve the team's morale, Charlie Brown manages to find a potential team sponsor who agrees to provide uniforms, provided that the team wins the first game of the season. However, considering the usual competence of the team, including new members like Leland who is too young to even tie his shoes, the challenge seems impossible.
A new girl comes to the neighbourhood school and Linus is smitten with her. Unfortunately, she develops the symptoms of leukemia and must go to the hospital for cancer treatment. Linus and Charlie Brown help her through the traumas of chemotherapy as best they can while Snoopy plays at being the world's greatest doctor.
새해를 하루 앞둔 오늘은 페퍼민트 패티의 파티가 있는 날. '전쟁과 평화' 독후감을 써야하는 찰리 브라운은 오늘 파티에 가서 빨간 머리 소녀와 특별한 춤을 출 수 있을 지 마음을 졸이며 숙제에 바짝 열을 올린다. 기존 제목 :새해 복 받아, 찰리 브라운
애플 티비 제목 : 찰리 브라운의 새해
The Peanuts gang perform the classic Broadway musical. In addition to the classic songs, we see Charlie Brown and his friends perform the various comedy sketches of the play.