Petr Kostka

Petr Kostka

출생 : 1938-06-11, Říčany u Prahy


​Petr Kostka se narodil v Říčanech u Prahy. Pochází ze starého divadelního rodu, jehož kořeny sahají až do 1. poloviny 19. století. Jeho otcem byl herec Jiří Kostka. Po maturitě na Vyšší hospodářské škole složil v roce 1957 úspěšně zkoušky na DAMU. Studium ale nedokončil a v roce 1960 nastoupil do Městských divadel pražských. První filmové role ztvárnil s úspěchem už v 2. ročníku DAMU, ale definitivně se u diváků i odborné kritiky prosadil v roce 1960 snímkem VYŠŠÍ PRINCIP, kde hrál jednoho ze studentů popravených za stanného práva. Následovala strmá herecká kariéra. V následujících desetiletích patřil k nejobsazovanějším a velice populárním českým hercům. S přehledem hrál hlavní i vedlejší postavy, z významných rolí lze uvést např. postavu sedláka Petra ze snímku Karla Zemana BLÁZNOVA KRONIKA, šlechtického mladíka v televizní středověké detektivce ZLOČIN NA ZLENICÍCH HRADĚ, šlechtice Millese z historického televizního filmu Ludvíka Ráži PRIC A CHUĎAS nebo dvojroli bratrů Burešových coby pilotů kosmické lodi ve sci-fi Jindřicha Poláka ZÍTRA VSTANU A OPAŘÍM SE ČAJEM. Měl mimořádně rozsáhlý herecký rejstřík, byl obsazován do nejrůznějších žánrů od psychologických dramat přes dobrodružné filmy až k ryzím komediím. Ty měl ostatně nejraději. Diváci si ho mohou pamatovat jako zákeřného Carlose ve Vorlíčkově filmu COŽ TAKHLE DÁT SI ŠPENÁT nebo jako věčně nervózního a uhoněného pana Nováka v komediích PÁTEK NENÍ SVÁTEK a V PODSTATĚ JSME NORMÁLNÍ. Objevil se jako jeden z hlavních hrdinů podprůměrného seriálu INŽENÝRSKÁ ODYSEA. V 80. letech zájem filmařů o jeho služby poněkud poklesl a více ho vytěžovala televize. Zahrál si v řadě seriálů, mezi ty, kde měl významný prostor, patří SANITKA, SYNOVÉ A DCERY JAKUBA SKLÁŘE nebo MY HOLKY Z MĚSTEČKA. V řadě dalších se objevil v epizodních rolích. V 90. letech se nejčastěji objevoval v televizních pohádkách a inscenacích. Ztvárnil jednoho z kriminalistů v oblíbeném seriálu HŘÍCHY PRO PÁTERA KNOXE a divácky vděčnou postavu penzionovaného vrchního strážmistra Šiktance v úspěšných ČETNICKÝCH HUMORESKÁCH. Pokud jde o divadelní angažmá, v roce 1974 přešel do Národního divadla, kde hrál v řadě prestižních představení, jako byl Hamlet nebo Vévodkyně valdštejnských vojsk. V roce 1994 přestoupil do souboru Divadla na Vinohradech, kde působí dodnes. Ve významných rolích se objevil např. ve hrách Smutek patří Elektře, Královna Kristina nebo Král se baví. V roce 2003 se stal nositelem divadelní ceny Thálie. Z rozsáhlé práce na poli dabingu vyčnívá např. postava Mikoláše (František Velecký) z historické fresky MARKÉTA LAZAROVÁ či esesáka Kukucka (Oleg Tabakov) ze snímku KUKAČKA V TEMNÉM LESE. Za nadabování detektiva Poirota ve stejnojmenném seriálu obdržel cenu Františka Filipovského. První manželství, ze kterého zůstaly Petru Kostkovi dvě dcery, skončilo tragickou autonehodou jeho ženy Ingrid Kostkové-Vavrouchové. Ovdovělý herec se oženil s kolegyní z Městských divadel pražských Carmen Mayerovou. Narodila se jim dcera Tereza Kostková, dnes úspěšná herečka a moderátorka. Petr Kostka je dnes již vícenásobným dědečkem.

프로필 사진

Petr Kostka
Petr Kostka
Petr Kostka

참여 작품

Princezna a půl království
Vypravěč (voice)
Kouzelník Žito
Poslední útěk Jeronýma Pražského
Království potoků
O třech ospalých princeznách
Genij vlasti
O zlé a dobré vodě
Poprask na laguně
Czech TV adaptation of the french novel "La Soupe aux choux", previously adapted for the cinema in France, with De Funès ("Cabbage Soup", 1981).
Štěstí krále Alfonse
Není houba jako houba
O moudré Sorfarině
Třetí noc pro čaroděje
čaroděj náhod
The Immortal Woman
The filmed fairy-tale is a comedy based on the classical story about Reason and Happiness. This enchanting couple is ever debating on which of the two is more important for mankind, their encounters are watched by the third fairy-tale figure aunt Envy. A story of true love that wins over the evil powers of immortal human envy.
Modrý pták
Pravda a lež
Král a zloděj
Víla z jeskyně zla
Duch času
Evropa tančila valčík
O podezíravém králi
Dvě z Paříže
Případ nevinné řeky
O Popelákovi
Drahý Bedřichu
The Infinity Castle
Technical school student Pavel Brychta, arrives at a youth correctional facility located within a chateau in Konečno. He is an atypical, but not hopeless case for the institution. Pavel comes from a well-off family and his antisocial behaviour on the verge of criminality was some kind of response to his difficult relationship with his authoritative father. However, it takes quite some effort for Pavel to find his place in this environment of bullying, and also diverse methods from the tutors
Záchvěv strachu
Ruffiano and Sweeteeth
Wise and gentle humor that characterizes actor Jan Werich, is typical for his written work. Judge for yourself how the story progresses and clever village girl Zdenicka that not only invent scooter, but for her wit and will eventually become queen.
Hubert the Smart Boy
Inspektor Mourek
Hubert Hrabe, known as Smart Boy, is a Prague dandy who is always skirting the edge of the law. Like every likable rogue, he has a worthy adversary - Police Inspector Mourek, who has long been trying in vain to put him behind bars. However, this defender of justice, who is constantly trying to outsmart his "own" criminal, ends up becoming the victim of his own zeal while hunting forgers that are as good as any in Europe, as Hubert the Smart Boy, sets a trap for Mourek
Jara Cimrman Lying, Sleeping
Czechoslovak comedy film directed by Ladislav Smoljak, about the fictional national hero Jára Cimrman (universal genius, inventor, sportsman, criminalist, poet, writer and philosopher).
Naši furianti
Matěj Šumbal, radní
Spor herečky Kvapilové
Jaroslav Kvapil
O Vánocích už nechci slyšet ani slovo
V podstatě jsme normální
Friday Is No Holiday
Střepy pro Evu
The Secret of Steel City
Van Hulshof
The film is a metaphor for the Cold War. It depicts two neighbouring nations: peace loving Fortuna and the not so peaceful land of the Steel City.
Zlodějská komedie
Miluji Tě
Silvestr 1978
Dům na konci města
Kufr plný nadějí
Rose Mary
How to Pull Out a Whale's Tooth
Vasek, 8 years old boy is desperate to find a new "father" for his mother.
A Nice Plate of Spinach
don Carlos, švagr Lopezové
The heroes of this absurd comedy, full of confusion and humor are Dzharda Zemanek and Frantisek Liska.
Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea
Karel Bureš / Jan Bureš
Former Nazi Klaus Abard survives to the 1990s by taking anti-ageing pills. He plans to use a time travel trip to return to Germany in 1944 and present Hitler with a hydrogen bomb, so that he can win the war. Unfortunately the pilot, woman-chasing Karel Bures, dies on the morning of the trip and his earnest twin brother Jan impersonates him, without knowing about the plot. The plot goes wrong when they lose the bomb and land near Hitler's bunker in 1941, at a time that the Nazis sense victory. Bures, with two of the plotters, escape capture by the Nazis and make it back to the time machine. Bures programs the machine to return one day before they left, because he figures he can then save his brother and foil the plot.
Smrt mouchy
Paleta lásky
Čert na zemi
Ohnivý máj
Robinson Girl
Blažena's Father
Blazenka likes to imagine she is on a desolate island and has to find a way how to survive. After the death of her mother she stays together with her baby brother and has to take care of the family. In this difficult situation, she plays this role-game that helps her to deal with the sudden loss of her mother.
Evil Night
Porucík VB Eda Krátký
Lieutenant VB, disguised as a laborer, is looking for a young woman killer among the staff of a wheel loader. But which of the possible motives found is the right one?
Petr Brukner (voice)
Sixteen-year-old students of a grammar school are supposed to write essays on "Love". The class best student Andrea (Jaroslava Schallerová) writes about a patriotic love to a country as she has no experience with a partner love. She has been living alone with her divorced pretty mother Eva (Milena Dvorská), a dentist, for many years. Recently, however, Eva met her former school-days love at a graduates' party, nowadays a famous hockey goalkeeper Brukner (Frantisek Velecký). Also his marriage fell apart; he leaves the national team and decides to leave Prague for his home town and to share flat with Eva. He takes with him his son Petr (Oldrich Kaiser), in Andrea's age, who gets his last chance to finish a grammar school in the town.
Bláznova smrt
kapitán Exner
Holka na vdávání
Román lásky a cti
Svatba bez prstýnku
The Secret of a Great Narrator
The life of the famous French writer Alexander Dumas the Elder. Screenwriter Jaroslav Dietl did not hide his admiration for this literary giant, and in addition to the screenplay he also wrote a three-part TV play about Dumas (starring Vladimír Menšík). In Kachyn's film, Dumas played the father and son of the Štěpánková brothers, and it was a very difficult and difficult task for these young actors.
Zločin na Zlenicích hradě
Svatá noc
Strýčkův sen
Hlavní přelíčení
O statečném Petrovi
Lucky Jim
James Dixon
TV play adapted from humorous novel by Kingsley Amis (1954).
Hádankář Vojta
It is 5 May 1945 and the uprising against the hated German occupiers has broken out in Prague. The Czech guards open the gate of the Pankrác prison to allow the prisoners to escape en masse. Many of them are shot dead by the German guards but young Ruda (Jaromír Hanzlík) manages to run away. He is taken care of by one of the Prague fighters, concierge Kytka. Kytka hides him in the flat of the house's owner where only the young maid Karla (Jana Brejchová) is left, ordering her to take care of Ruda.
Blázinec ve všech poschodích
Růžová Anička
Jegor Bulyčov
마르케타 라자로바
Mikoláš (voice)
중세 시대 체코, 폭압적 영주 코즐릭은 아들들과 함께 도적질을 일삼는다. 어느 겨울, 코즐릭은 왕의 측근인 주교 일행을 공격하고, 주교의 아들을 납치한다. 왕의 공격에 코즐릭은 숲으로 도망가고, 그의 아들 미콜라슈는 이웃 영주 라자르에게 도움을 구한다. 그러나 미콜라슈 덕에 목숨을 부지했던 라자르는 협조하지 않고, 화가 난 미콜라슈는 수녀가 되려던 라자르의 딸 마르케타를 데려간다. 독특한 문체의 체코 작가 블라디슬라프 반추라의 동명 소설을 각색했다. 체코의 화가이자 (1984, 밀로스 포먼) 등의 의상을 맡았던 저명한 복식 디자이너 테오도르 피슈텍이 의상을 담당했다.
O princezně, která pořád vařila
Princezna Pampeliška
Dva šlechtici z Verony
Crime at the Girls School
Bartoš (segment "Smrt na Jehle")
Three short story omnibus. The main hero and connecting link is Lieutenant Boruvka, created by Lubomír Lipsky. He deals with the murder case between climbers, the death of the dancer in the music theater and the strange disappearance of the mathematics professor.
První den mého syna
Oldrich Olejník
Odcházeti s podzimem
Polka jede do světa
익살꾼 이야기
1625년 체코 중부 모라비아 지방의 겁 많은 주인공은 기나긴 전쟁을 위해 황제의 군대에 강제 징집되고 그곳에서 만난 노인 병사와 친구가 된다. 그들은 우연히 적군의 마차를 발견하고 전쟁에서 집으로 돌아가기 위해 온갖 노력을 기울이지만 다시 잡혀 성안에 갇히게 되고 그들은 서로 목숨을 건 결정을 내려야만 한다. 16세기 뒤러의 목판화를 연상시키는 카렐 제만 특유의 도안, 만화적 기법, 몽타주, 특수효과등과 풍자적인 슬랩스틱적 코미디 요소를 결합하여 제만의 작품들 중에서도 더욱더 특이한 비주얼로 사랑 받는 작품이다. 17세기 독일을 무대로 신교파와 구교파 사이에 벌어진 '30년 전쟁'을 배경으로 주인공 일행이 겪는 모험담을 담아내었으며 체코 지방의 가장 사랑 받는 역사적 모험 영화 중 하나로 손꼽히는 작품이다.
On the Tightrope
Pepek (voice)
The Dynamite Watcher
Spanilá jízda
Zámek pro Barborku
Student Pešina (voice)
Zelené obzory
Králíci ve vysoké trávě
a young cooperative called Elegán
Jenda Dostál
Higher Principle
During the Nazi occupation of a Czech city civilians are being rounded up on the slightest of pretexts and shot. One day three high school boys who crack jokes about a recently deceased "hero of the Reich" are pulled out of school by the Gestapo.
automechanik Vilda
Dům na Ořechovce