Shimon Finkel

참여 작품

한나스 워
Ben Gurion
1921년 부다페스트에서 저명한 극작가의 딸로 태어난 한나(Hanna: 마르슈카 데트머스 분)는 히틀러의 유태인 탄압으로 작가의 꿈을 단념하고 팔레스타인 농과 대학에 입학한다. 한나는 제2차 세계대전이 전 유럽을 휩쓸 때 영국 공군 소속 특공대에 가입하여 맹훈련을 받은 후, 유고슬라비아로 투하된다. 이반 소령의 도움으로 헝가리 국경으로 향하던 한나는 독일군에게 잡혀 독방에 감금된다. 모진 고문을 견디지 못한 한나는 자신의 이름을 자백하게 되나, 체포당한 어머니와 함께 잔인한 고문을 이겨낸다. 드디어 소련군이 헝가리 국경으로 진주해 온다. 재판에 회부된 한나에게 예상대로 유죄 판결이 내려진다.
한나 K
Professor Leventhal
Israeli attorney Hanna Kaufman has her beliefs challenged when she is appointed to the defense of Selim Bakri. Kaufman, who was born in the United States to survivors of the Holocaust, has always accepted Israel's right to exist. But she bears witness to some of the costs of its sovereignty when she meets Bakri, a dispossessed Palestinian man facing serious criminal charges who wants the same thing as his supposed enemies: to reclaim his family home.
The Winchell Affair
An Israeli drama
The Lost Comrade
The first feature film produced in pre-state Israel. This newly-restored silent film tells the story of a boy from a Moshav who goes on a daytrip with his classmates and gets lost on the way, having adventures in the Jezreel Valley as well as encounters with Bedouins, an eccentric tourist and various animals. “Today, 78 years after its making,” Ha’aretz film critic Uri Klein wrote recently, “the major interest in watching the film stems from its attempt to deal with the conflict between the collective and the individual.” Upon its initial release, the film was praised by both the public and critics: "A cornerstone for the Hebrew cinema was laid yesterday," announced Doar Hayom after the film's premiere at Jerusalem's Zion Cinema. Released in the USA in 1934 as THE LOST COMRADE, with an added opening sequence and narration in English, as well as songs and snatches of dialogue in Hebrew.