Naceur Ktari

참여 작품

Sweet And Bitter
Barely relieved from a serious depression and against the advice of his psychiatrist, Slah, theater director, mentally weakened by his career, announces to his wife Amel, a rich woman who finances his projects, his decision to mount the famous play Essoud (The Dam) of Mahmoud Messadi renowned for its complexity. But the same evening, driving his car, Slah overthrows a young woman named Aisha. At first distraught, he then experiences a strange fascination for this beautiful young girl contrarian who becomes his friend and his muse. Amel, her husband's moral, emotional and financial support, convinced the director of the theater to program Le Barrage. Although suffering in silence of the presence of Aisha, Amel decides for love for her husband to invite the young woman near them, in the field of her parents, in an oasis of the south of Tunisia. A strange three-way household is formed when doubts and suspicions, desires and temptations, love and complexities are revealed.
Sweet And Bitter
Barely relieved from a serious depression and against the advice of his psychiatrist, Slah, theater director, mentally weakened by his career, announces to his wife Amel, a rich woman who finances his projects, his decision to mount the famous play Essoud (The Dam) of Mahmoud Messadi renowned for its complexity. But the same evening, driving his car, Slah overthrows a young woman named Aisha. At first distraught, he then experiences a strange fascination for this beautiful young girl contrarian who becomes his friend and his muse. Amel, her husband's moral, emotional and financial support, convinced the director of the theater to program Le Barrage. Although suffering in silence of the presence of Aisha, Amel decides for love for her husband to invite the young woman near them, in the field of her parents, in an oasis of the south of Tunisia. A strange three-way household is formed when doubts and suspicions, desires and temptations, love and complexities are revealed.
First Assistant Director
1936년 남아메리카. 인디아나 존스 박사는 험난한 밀림 지대를 헤치고 독거미와 온갖 부비트랩을 뚫고서 고대 문명의 동굴에 보관된 보물을 손에 넣는데 성공하지만, 마지막 순간 악덕 고고학자 벨로크에게 빼앗기고 만다. 대학으로 돌아온 인디에게 정보국 사람들이 찾아온다. 정부로부터 성서에 나오는 성궤를 찾으라는 명령을 받는은 인디는 단서를 하나하나 찾아가며 성궤의 행방을 추적해 나간다. 그런데 나치군들도 역시 전쟁에 가지고 나가기만 하면 모든 전쟁에서 승리를 거둘 수 있는 무서운 힘을 지닌 성궤를 찾아나서는데...
The Ambassadors
"Ambassadors" is a euphemistic name given by the French to Arab "guest-workers," or imported laborers. In this film, the Arab workers are shown enduring the difficulties of life in a racist society, as well as the hardships they impose on one another.