Lise Lamétrie

Lise Lamétrie

출생 : 1955-02-20, Luneray, Seine-Maritime, France

프로필 사진

Lise Lamétrie

참여 작품

Mes très chers enfants
Madame Clutaine
Parents with empty nest syndrome find a clever way to make their kids stay interested: winning the lottery.
Madame Zambeaux
A seaside resort in the middle of winter, with its abandoned beach bars and rain-battered alleys, can easily flank the drone. Refugees on the top floor of a building in La Grande Motte, Carole and Richard Lazure have zero morale: swindled by their tax advisor and badly defended by an incompetent lawyer, they lost their business, their house and no longer even enough to buy the essentials. The eruption into their life of a childhood friend of Richard, a talkative talker with questionable dating, could be a game-changer - or make their situation worse.
리틀 니콜라 트레저
In the peaceful world of Little Nicholas, there is Daddy, Mommy, the school, but above all, his band of friends. They are called The Invincibles, but above all they are inseparable. At least they think so. But when Dad gets a promotion and announces that the family is moving to the south of France, Nicolas' world falls apart. How can he imagine life without his best friends?
비밀과 거짓말: 시크릿 네임
1차 세계대전이 한창인 1910년대 중반, 하녀로 살다가 타인의 신분으로 살아가게 된 ‘넬리’가 상류층 생활을 시작하면서 벌어지는 이야기
Silent Streams
Women and men are lost in their thoughts at random hours of the day and streets of the city. From this sudden intimacy, the murmurs of their little inner voice let us hear the anxieties of love.
Je vais mieux
Mère de Laurent
A fifty-year-old man suffers from a sore back. All the world's doctors, radiologists, and oesteopaths can do nothing for him : the roots of his illness are pyschological. But what should he change about his work, his wife and his family in order to get better ?
Joint Custody
A wife finds out her husband has a mistress. She decides to propose her to share her life with her husband, alternating every two weeks.
Parents mode d'emploi, le film: Avis de turbulences sur la famille Martinet
A young man paying the rent for himself and his lifelong friends at an apartment, ends up flat-broke and resorts to selling marijuana to pay the bills - only to get caught up in the dangerous world of drugs.
The Roommates Party
Mme Poil, l'employée de mairie
An unusually cold winter forces the french government to push the best housed people to accommodate some poor fellow citizens. The decree called "Le Grand Partage" creates some trouble among the residents of a Paris upscale apartment block.
Antoine Rey looks for a special gift for his sister Melanie on her 40th birthday. He decides to surprise her with a trip to the French Island of Noirmoutier, where they spent many summers as children until their mother's death. On the drive back to Paris, Melanie is seriously injured in a car accident...
Mad Love
1959. Guilty of a double-murder, a man is beheaded. At the bottom of the basket that just welcomed it, the head of the dead man tells his story: everything was going so well! Admired priest, great lover - his earthly paradise seemed to have no end. Inspired by a scandal surrounding the Priest of Uruffe in the 1950s.
A Little Man
On the day of his seven years, Simon is introduced to boar hunting by his father. His mother is pregnant and the boy will be confronted with the complexity of beings and learn of death.
Animal Serenade
Mme Berthier
At 25, Nina adopts a dog. She is sure: with her new companion Jojo, she will be doing better.
Animal Serenade
At 25, Nina adopts a dog. She is sure: with her new companion Jojo, she will be doing better.
L'infirmière principale de la Salpêtrière
Set in Belle Époque France, the story follows nineteen-year-old "hysteria" patient Augustine, the star of Professor Charcot's experiments in hypnosis, as she transitions from object of study to object of desire.
State Conspiracy
French territory is threatened by a terrorist organization just before the presidential election. If the government doesn't answer its demands, programmed bombs will explode gradually on the national railway network. Despite the operation deployed by the anti-terrorist unit, the Home Office has no other choice but to call Franck Barrot, police superintendent well-known for his controversial methods, to neutralize the armed group. His investigation will lead him to the very top level of the terrorist organization: the government itself.
Mlle Moute
Ducoboo is a very inventive dunce and joker, he is very resourceful at finding new ways to copy from his neighbor, to cheat or to defy the teacher's authority.
초콜릿 로맨스
젊고 아름다운 초콜릿 장인 앙젤리크는 일상에서 불편을 느낄 만큼 지나치게 소심하고 감정적이다. 우연히 작은 초콜릿 공장에 취직하게 된 그녀와 사장인 장르네는 서로 호감을 느끼지만, 그 또한 앙젤리크와 마찬가지로 작은 일에도 지나치게 긴장하는 성격이다. 초콜릿을 사랑한다는 공통점이 있지만 서로 선뜻 다가서지 못하는 단점도 닮은 두 사람은 과연 행복한 커플이 될 수 있을까? 로 낯익은 이자벨 카레와 의 브누아 포엘부르데의 사랑스러운 연기 앙상블, 달콤한 초콜릿 이미지의 향연이 즐거움을 선사할 로맨스 영화. (2016년 제2회 서울국제음식영화제)
What War May Bring
A theater projectionist's daughter is involved in the Resistance in WWII, but she doesn’t share his political involvement & only believes in passion. She follows the men she loves unconditionally, suffering betrayal and hardship.
Ni reprise, ni échangée
Juliette, a mother of wealthy family and a little snobbish, has gradually developed a kind of generalized contempt against his fellows. One day a bunch of little naive thugs manages to remove it. Because it is often obnoxious with his entourage, his family decided not to pay anything for her release. Shocked, Ellie began to join her captors in order to concoct a revenge more expensive. The unsympathetic billionaire turns against her will in a sort of Robin embittered and vengeful wood. Soon, his family is forced to pay more attention to his kidnapping: worrying samples are taken by Juliette, free-spending ...
On m'a volé mon adolescence
La voisine
Those Happy Days
Monique Vanier
Set in 1992, a manager Vincent has to run a children's holiday camp for three weeks and to face the unexpected concerning the place, his colleagues, various problems linked to children about the rooms, trips, their belongings...
La passante
A bourgeois office drone whose raison d’état is the music of French rocker Johnny Hallyday awakens one day in an alternate universe where the famed musician never recorded a single song. When he’s not at the office dutifully plugging-away, Fabrice lives a deadly dull life.
The Courage to Love
A picture of humankind in Paris: singers, shows, social gatherings, businessmen, nightclub barmen, bums, shoppers.
One 4 All
Minouche, la femme de ménage
Olivia, Irina and Masha are improving their acting skills. They no longer believe in Prince Charming, and their career is waning. Olivia works at the front desk at the airport and offers a wonderful plan: he would do so that friends will be aboard the Paris - New York plane and will sit next to wealthy men. Their task is to seduce the rich and pull them out of money. But the fraudsters do not suspect that Comissaire Bayard and his young assistant are closely watching them...
la femme de chambre
Carl Herickson, a big American film star, unwillingly upsets a Parisian trio: a newspaper editor, his theater actress wife, and their fiery journalist best friend.
To Have (Or Not)
Alice, fired from her job on an assembly line, leaves her boyfriend and provincial home for an uncertain new life in Lyon. There she encounters Bruno, a construction worker who's just been dumped and is severely depressed. Romantic possibilities ensue.
반 고흐
Madame Ravoux
영화는 1890년 5월 빈센트 반 고흐가 휴양을 위해 오베르에 도착하면서 시작된다. 빈센트는 동생 테오가 매달 대주는 적은 생활비로 하루에 방세가 3프랑 50 밖에 안 되는 초라한 카페 이층의 다락방에서 지내는 동안 오베르의 아름다운 자연과 그곳 사람들의 모습을 미친 듯이 그려나간다. 오베르에서 가깝게 지내던 의사 가셰 씨의 어린 딸 마그리트는 소녀적인 순수함과 맹목적인 사랑으로 그를 열렬히 사모한다. 그녀와의 밀회를 하는 중에도 그녀의 건강하고 티없는 세계는 빈센트의 바닥을 모르는 깊은 영혼의 갈증과 허무를 채워주기에는 미흡했다. 한편으로 그는 창녀 캐티와의 관능적인 관계를 통해 소외된 사람들의 고독과 좌절을 나눔으로 해서 위안을 찾으려 한다. 또한 그를 끊임없이 따라다니던 가난은 불편함 외에도 자신이 동생에게 경제적인 부담을 주고 있다는 자책감을 준다. 동시에 동생에게 구걸해야만 하는 자신의 처지에 대한 굴욕감 등 이중으로 그를 괴롭히고 서서히 파괴해간다. 고흐의 그림이 평론가들의 주목을 받기 시작할 즈음 그의 영혼은 이미 너무도 고갈되고 황폐해져서, 그는 자신이 더 이상 그림을 그릴 수 없을 한계점에 이른 듯 느낀다. 게다가 자신을 유일하게 이해한다고 믿었던 동생이 다른 모든 화상들처럼 자신을 착취하고 있는 듯한 배신감은 정신적으로 그는 더욱더 막다른 골목으로 몰린다. 그에게 구원의 여신상처럼 비췄던 아름답고 열정적인 제수 조안나 역시 남편 테오에게 갈등을 불러일으키고, 경제적인 부담을 주는 빈센트를 자신의 가정에 위협적인 존재로 생각해 그에게 등을 돌린다. 그에게 무조건적인 사랑을 쏟아왔던 마그리트도 시간이 감에 따라 빈센트의 광기와 정신의 황폐함에 절망한다.