Catherine Chadwick

Catherine Chadwick

프로필 사진

Catherine Chadwick

참여 작품

노멀 하트
Albert's Mother
1980년대 초, 뉴욕에서 일어난 에이즈 창궐을 배경으로, 한 게이 인권 활동가가 헌신적인 의사와 함께 더 많은 사람들이 전염되어 사망하기 전에 에이즈에 대한 진실을 밝히고자 한다.
Into the Zone: The Story of the Cacophony Society
The story of the Cacophony Society. This documentary follows their evolution from the San Francisco Suicide Club - 1977, the exploits of SF Cacophony, their nexus creating the Burning Man Festival, to the irreverent Los Angeles Cacophony and beyond. This is the history of the most significant American underground cultural movement of our time! 'The Cacophony Society is, 'a randomly gathered network of free spirits engaged in the pursuit of experiences beyond the mainstream.' The credo is 'You May Already be a Member!' It's a non-religious, non-political, non-commercial disorganization of Dada klowns rewiring the neuro-circuits of humanity. The heart of Cacophony is deeply routed in kitsch, weird and nihilism.. It's subversion by way of absurdist pranks and fire!