Clément Cogitore

Clément Cogitore

출생 : 1983-08-27, Colmar, France

프로필 사진

Clément Cogitore

참여 작품

A Zone to Defend
Greg is a police lieutenant; he must collect informations on eco-activists, infiltrating them for months. Myriam, a young free woman, is fighting to save a forest from the building of a dam. They meet and fall in love on the Zone. A beautiful life, a joy that Greg discovers, despite the risks of being unmasked. For each of them, time is short: soon everything will disappear.
람세스의 아들들
람세스는 ′구뜨 도르′ 구역에서 활동하는, 약간 교활하고 사기꾼 기질도 있는 심령술사다. 돈벌이는 좋지만 그의 일은 합법과 비합법의 경계에 놓여있다. 이 깨지기 쉬운 균형은 탕헤르에서 온 소년들이 동네에 좀도둑질하러 왔을 때 위태로워진다. 람세스는 청소년들에게 좀 더 가까이 갈 수 있는 능력을 갖춘 영매이기 때문이다.
람세스의 아들들
람세스는 ′구뜨 도르′ 구역에서 활동하는, 약간 교활하고 사기꾼 기질도 있는 심령술사다. 돈벌이는 좋지만 그의 일은 합법과 비합법의 경계에 놓여있다. 이 깨지기 쉬운 균형은 탕헤르에서 온 소년들이 동네에 좀도둑질하러 왔을 때 위태로워진다. 람세스는 청소년들에게 좀 더 가까이 갈 수 있는 능력을 갖춘 영매이기 때문이다.
갈란트 인디즈
힙합부터 크럼프, 브레이크 댄스, 보깅까지. 30인이 펼치는 댄스 공연이 시작된다. 클레망 코지토레 감독과 안무가 뱅투 뎀벨레의 새로운 도전이자, 파리의 바스티유 오페라 극장 사상 초유의 공연. 이 공연은 현대의 댄스와 오페라를 결합하여 장 필리프 라모의 바로크 시대 명작 "우아한 인도의 나라들"을 재해석한 작품으로, 리허설부터 공연까지 인류의 모험과 다양한 정치적 세계의 만남을 보여준다. 새로운 세대의 아티스트들이 펼치는 공연이 바스티유를 뒤흔들 수 있을까? 라모는 1735년 식민지 확장 중이던 프랑스를 배경으로 '오염되지 않은 야만인(Noble Savage)'의 이야기를 "우아한 인도의 나라들"을 통해 담아냈다. 2019년, 사상 처음으로 파리의 바스티유 오페라 극장의 무대를 장악한 한 세대의 댄서들을 영화로 그려낸 필리프 베지아. 유럽 역사를 배경으로 바로크 시대의 명작을 재조명한다.
Les Indes Galantes
30th anniversaire of FIDMarseille
For the 30th anniversaire of FIDMarseille about thirty directors have done us the honor of offering us some very beautiful short films.
The Evil Eye
The sense of rituals and the manifestation of the sacred has underpinned all of Clément Cogitore's oeuvre, inspired by gatherings, communal phenomena, and the expression of beliefs of today, be they erratic or diffuse, or without a defined subject. The spread of images and the way in which they have become commonplace constitute the off-screen "narrative" of this approach: the artist confronts and responds to this with a visual intensity and a sense for storytelling that borders on the fantastic.
The Amorous Indies
Les Indes Galantes (The amorous indies), is an opera-ballet created by Jean Philippe Rameau in 1735. He was inspired for one of the dance by tribal Indian dances of Louisiana performed by Metchigaema chiefs, in Paris in 1723. Clément Cogitore adapts a short part of the ballet by mobilizing a group of Krump dancers, an art form born in Los Angeles black ghetto in the 1990s. Its birth occurred in the aftermath of the beating up of Rodney King and the riots, as well as police repression it triggered. Amidst this coercive atmosphere, young dancers started to embody the violent tensions of the physical, social and political body. Both the tribal dance performed in Paris in 1723, and the rebelious Krump dancers of the 1990s shape a reenactment of Rameau’s original libretto, staging young people dancing on the verge of a volcano.
시베리아의 한 외진 마을, 물리적 장벽을 사이에 두고 두 가문이 살고 있다. 이들은 교류가 단절된 채 각자의 방식으로 삶을 꾸려간다. 어느 날, 세 번째 공동체가 등장하면서 무지와 오랜 공포에 기인한 가문 간의 갈등이 다시 불붙게 된다. (2017년 제22회 부산국제영화제)
시베리아의 한 외진 마을, 물리적 장벽을 사이에 두고 두 가문이 살고 있다. 이들은 교류가 단절된 채 각자의 방식으로 삶을 꾸려간다. 어느 날, 세 번째 공동체가 등장하면서 무지와 오랜 공포에 기인한 가문 간의 갈등이 다시 불붙게 된다. (2017년 제22회 부산국제영화제)
Sans titre (Lascaux)
Archive film of the Lascaux cave
L'intervalle de résonance
The starting point of the video installation devised by Cogitore is based on two unexplained phenomena having physical origins : the supposed perception of sounds emitted by the Northern Lights, and the appearance of a mysterious luminous object in Alaska. In both cases, superstitions and the Inuit and Saami belief systems have disturbed the quest for scientific explanations.
Neither Heaven Nor Earth
Afghanistan, 2014. As the withdrawal of troops approaches, Captain Antarès Bonassieu and his squad have been assigned a surveillance mission in a remote valley of Wakhan, on the border of Pakistan. Despite Antarès and his men’s determination, control of the secluded valley will slowly fall out of their hands. One dark night, soldiers begin to mysteriously disappear in the valley.
Neither Heaven Nor Earth
Afghanistan, 2014. As the withdrawal of troops approaches, Captain Antarès Bonassieu and his squad have been assigned a surveillance mission in a remote valley of Wakhan, on the border of Pakistan. Despite Antarès and his men’s determination, control of the secluded valley will slowly fall out of their hands. One dark night, soldiers begin to mysteriously disappear in the valley.
La Sapienza
The story is one of an architect that has lost his inspiration and goes looking for those motivations that pushed him as a youngster to take up the profession. Inspiring him was the baroque movement and all of its artifices: the Guarini in Turin and the Borromini in Rome. The film’s central story ends up being the love story that develops between architecture, artistic inspiration and feelings.
Hundreds of small luminous screens float above a human sea : a concert audience takes pictures with their cell phones of a scene outside the frame. Like the subtitles of an absent song, or the inner voice of an invisible narrator, verses from R.M. Rilke’s "Duino Elegies" punctuate this enormous collective wave of energy redolent of a digital ceremony.
Memento Mori
Follow in real time the peregrinations of a small pack, prisoner and resigned, recount death like a children's tale, share the twilight between tranquility and terror. Film the fence as one would a still life.
This work is conceived around the reuse of television footage of one of the protest demonstrations against the Mubarak regime during the second revolution in 2011, in Cairo's Tahrir square.
Assange Dancing
For the making of "Assange Dancing", Cogitore used an amateur video shot and published online by the DJ of a club in Reykjavik in 2011. It shows the activist and Wikileaks founder dancing on a semi-deserted dancefloor.
Among Us
Amin, a young illegal immigrant, has recently joined a group of other illegal immigrants camping in the forest. With every night comes the opportunity to attempt sneaking into the dockyards and hiding under a truck.
Among Us
Amin, a young illegal immigrant, has recently joined a group of other illegal immigrants camping in the forest. With every night comes the opportunity to attempt sneaking into the dockyards and hiding under a truck.
Tucked away in their Moscow apartment, Ely and Nina Bielutine jealously guard one of the most significant and mysterious Renaissance art collections in Russia. Surrounded by their crow and cats, under the watchful eye of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Rubens, Ely and Nina live in a world of their own, a fictional realm where art and lies have gradually gotten the upper hand over reality.
Un Archipel
October 22, 2010: the nuclear-powered submarine H.M.S Astute left the Edinburgh naval base on a personnel transfer mission.
Burning Cities
An inventory of incendiary practices across the world at the beginning of the 21st century as reflected in social and popular rituals, festivals, savage celebrations, riots and military offensives. This work is about the hypnotic power of flames and their spreading in jubilation, communion, transgression or terror.
She losses her sight. Once back among friends and family: blindness, isolation and a strange perception of the bodies around her. Rejection of this changes and an abrupt decision to put an end to it all. In the peacefulness of early morning, the terms of a new shared existence take shape.
She losses her sight. Once back among friends and family: blindness, isolation and a strange perception of the bodies around her. Rejection of this changes and an abrupt decision to put an end to it all. In the peacefulness of early morning, the terms of a new shared existence take shape.
(segment "Correspondences")
Previously focused on Asian directors, “Jeonju Digital Project 2007” takes a look at Europe. The Portuguese filmmaker Pedro Costa, the German filmmaker Harun Farocki, and the French filmmaker Eugène Green participated in this project.
A filmic essay/poem blending fictional images and archival footage from the Pathé and Gaumont collections from the early XXth century. Based on two figures/characters and paced by their interior monologues, Chroniques explores the mythologies of exile and exodus. From the grain of stock footage to the pixel of digital image, this film peruses the history of Europe the way we peruse a family photo album : between personal account and fictionalization.
Video performance made using a lorry, a generator and a 16mm projector, Travel(ing) compares the reality of an experience with its representation in film.