Le proviseur
Benjamin is a PhD student without scholarship support. Under the pressure of his parents, and in need of money, he becomes a substitute teacher in a middle school. Without training nor experience, and facing a declining public educational system, he discovers how tough this job can be. Hopefully, his supportive and committed colleagues will lead him to take a fresh look at the profession.
Psychiatric nurse
쿠엔틴 듀피유의 기발한 상상은 멈추지 않는다. 이사 온 집 지하에 마법의 터널이 있다면 어떻게 반응할까? 마을을 ’로우키‘라 일컫는 데서 보듯 그의 영화로선 드물게 울적한 코미디다. 게다가 웬디 카를로스보다 바흐를 더 흐물거리게 편곡한 존 산토의 신디사이저가 정신을 몽롱하게 한다. 표면적으로는, 집과 직장 상사의 비밀을 빌려 인간의 헛된 욕망과 시간의 패러독스를 말하는 영화다. 단, 듀피유는 언제나 예술에 관한 정의를 숨겨둔다. 예를 들어, 현실을 벗어나 극장에서 시간을 보내고 나왔을 때 영화가 형편없으면 삶에서 그 시간을 잃어버린 것인가. 반대로 시간을 보상받으려면 좋은 예술이 선행되어야만 하는가. 창작자와 수용자의 관계에 대한 흥미로운 상상을 제공하는 영화다. 독특한 리듬과 주제의 묘미를 동시에 전하는 편집이 압권이다. (부산영화제)
Clémence, the fearless mayor of a town near Paris, is completing the final term of her political career. With her faithful right-hand man Yazid, she has long fought for this town plagued by inequality, unemployment and slumlords. However, when Clémence is approached to become Minister, her ambition arises, questioning her devotion and commitment to her citizens. Will her political integrity and election promises survive her newly found ambition?
Le buraliste
Parents with empty nest syndrome find a clever way to make their kids stay interested: winning the lottery.
Inspecteur de Police
라시드는 모로코에서 비밀리에 진행되는 도박 복싱 경기로 생계를 유지하는 어린 소년이다. 그의 목적은 친구 두 명과 함께 지브롤터 해협을 건너는 것으로, 복싱을 통해 밀항업자에게 지불할 자금을 마련하려 한다. (제22회 전주 영화제)
Brice, le régisseur
Djibi lives alone with Sofia, his 8-year-old daughter. Every night, he invents a story to put him to sleep. When Sofia falls asleep, these extraordinary stories come to life somewhere in an imaginary world inhabited by knights, pirates and other dragons. In this world that belongs only to them, Sofia is always the princess to save, and the brave Prince is none other than Djibi himself. But 3 years later, the entry of Sofia to the college will mark the end of her childhood. To the despair of her father, she no longer needs her stories at night. On the one hand, Djibi will have to accept that his daughter will grow up and move away from him. On the other hand, in the World of Stories, the Prince will have to face the most epic of all his adventures. Find your destiny in a world where it no longer has a place.
Mehdi Kerzaoui
Alice lives a normal, happy life as a mom, until her whole world is turned upside down: Thomas, the man of her life and father of her child, is suspected of being Antoine Durieux-Jelosse, the infamous assassin who vanished fifteen years ago after murdering his entire family. Years have passed, but Police Chief Sophie Lancelle has never given up her relentless search for the man who committed that unthinkable crime. She is determined to prove, come what may, that Thomas is that long-lost man on everyone's wanted list.
Salim comes to grieve beside his mother’s dead body. But very quickly, between religious customs he doesn’t understand and the constant comings and goings of people he doesn’t know, the young man feels uncomfortable in the small family apartment.
Le réanimateur
Benjamin is meant to be a great doctor, he’s certain of it. But his first experience as a junior doctor in the hospital ward where his father works doesn’t turn out the way he hoped it would. Responsibility is overwhelming, his father is all but present, and his co-junior partner, a foreign doctor, is far more experimented than he is. This internship will force Benjamin to confront his limits… and start his way to adulthood.
Madame, Monsieur
A man with a serious illness, visits his doctor. His condition does not improve. So, he asks him to come back with his wife. But here is the problem, he makes believe for several years to ...
Présentateur TV
Someone is killing Parisians of Arab ethnicity. When an Algerian diplomat is murdered by the same assailant, two Algerian detectives are sent to help the French with the investigation and they have their own ways of doing things.
젊고 아름다운 초콜릿 장인 앙젤리크는 일상에서 불편을 느낄 만큼 지나치게 소심하고 감정적이다. 우연히 작은 초콜릿 공장에 취직하게 된 그녀와 사장인 장르네는 서로 호감을 느끼지만, 그 또한 앙젤리크와 마찬가지로 작은 일에도 지나치게 긴장하는 성격이다. 초콜릿을 사랑한다는 공통점이 있지만 서로 선뜻 다가서지 못하는 단점도 닮은 두 사람은 과연 행복한 커플이 될 수 있을까? 로 낯익은 이자벨 카레와 의 브누아 포엘부르데의 사랑스러운 연기 앙상블, 달콤한 초콜릿 이미지의 향연이 즐거움을 선사할 로맨스 영화.
(2016년 제2회 서울국제음식영화제)
섹시함과 재치, 남자답고 당당한 카리스마에 의리까지, 어느 하나 부족하지 않은 최고의 남자 '자크 메스린(뱅상 카셀 분)'. 마음에 드는 여자를 단번에 꼬시는 것은 기본, 은행강도, 백만장자 납치극 등 자신이 원하기만 하면 세상이 주목하고 이슈가 되는 사건의 중심에 항상 그가 있다. 결국 최악의 죄수들을 수감하는 특수교도소에 투옥된 그는 이번에도 기회를 놓치지 않고 짜릿한 탈옥의 기회를 엿본다.