Adam Shapiro

참여 작품

6인의 남녀가 자동차 고장으로 산속을 헤메이다 정부에서 비밀리에 운영한 연구소로 사용됐던 건물을 발견한다. 건물 안에서 실험대상으로 감금된 살인범을 발견하게 되고, 정체를 알 수 없는 정신병자가 나타나 그들을 공격한다.
한밤중 톰의 정원에서
When Tom's brother Peter gets measles, he is sent to stay with his Uncle Alan and Aunt Gwen in a flat with no garden and an elderly landlady, Mrs Bartholomew, living upstairs. Because he may be infectious, he is not allowed to play outside and feels lonely. Without exercise he is less sleepy at night and when he hears the communal grandfather clock strangely strike 13, he investigates and finds the small back yard is now a large sunlit garden.
The true story of how a marine seal named Andre befriended a little girl and her family, circa 1962.