Don Quixote, accompanied by Sancho Panza, wander the roads of Spain protecting the weak and doing good deeds in the name of his beloved Dulcinea.
An adventurer hunting for treasure in Greece accidentally frees a monster that forces local villagers to sacrifice virgins.
Returning from a business trip, a man meets some peasants who arouse fears in him.
An unhappy marriage is complicated when hubby starts an affair with his sister-in-law. Darkest before the dawn...
Chronicle of the repression that a foreign company exerts on the miners of a small nitrate town in Chile, whose workers decide to claim their most essential rights. A reflection of the historic union struggles in the northern Chile that ended with terrible repressive acts.
Carrying his son on his back, a man travels from place to place looking for a doctor to treat the sick boy. As they journey, the indio father tells the boy stories to keep him distracted. These stories reveal the life of native peoples in Mexico, both in the countryside and in cities, and they shed light on characteristic beliefs and rituals.
Documentary about the XIX Olympic Games in Mexico City in 1968
Rosina is frustrated by her engagement to millionaire John Johnson III, a fussy, domineering, control freak. The night before her wedding, she goes out dancing with her maid María, María's husband Tomás, and their friend Gordillo. When Rosina learns Gordillo is a sailor on the yacht owned by Mexican film star José María Beltrán, she decides to stow away and sail to Mexico to be with her grandmother.
The discovery of a human torso thrown into a waterway, leads the viewer to observe the work of modern criminology and the task of special agents to track and record the psychopath's mentality through the elucidation of techniques present in the reality of the police investigation.
American fashion model Anne Traymore, swimming off the isle of Majorca, loses a bracelet, which the handsome Manuel del Rio Montoya returns to her. She believes he owns a beautiful yacht called The Swan, but he merely works on it for the wealthy Rene LeClerc.
In his eagerness, to be movie extras, Tin Tan and his carnal Marcelo police get into trouble, among other entanglements.
Nightclub entertainer discovers the truth about her birth mother while making the right choice in her love life, choosing the good guy over the slimy, exploitative hoodlum.
Two 19th-century sailors jump ship only to discover their tropical paradise is a cannibal stronghold.
Assistant Editor
타락한 군부와 반란군이 대치하고 있으며 죄없는 무고한 사람들을 누명을 씌워 처단하는 일이 빈번한 혼란이 마을에 사는 캐스탄은 다이아몬드를 발견. 벙어리인 딸 마리아와 불란서로 떠나려하는데 술집작부인 지나를 좋아하게 되어 함께 가려한다. 마을의 유일한 신부인 로사라신부는 사실은 속이 검은 악당으로 한몫잡을 기회만을 노리고 있었는데 그러던중 캐스탄이 반란군에 의한 폭발사건의 범인으로 누명을 쓰고체포의 위기에 몰리자 지나와 마리아와 함께 첸코의 배로 마을을 탈출하 하는데 이 낌새를 눈치챈 로사라 신부도 숨어든다. 군부에 의해 대대적인 수색작업이 시작되고 일행은 배를 버리고 정글로 탈출하기 시작하는데.
An English slave trader is marooned on a remote tropical island, forced to fend for himself and deal with crushing loneliness.
Assistant Editor
Gone several years, the brooding Alejandro returns to the hacienda of his foster sister, Catalina, whom he loves, to find her married to the wealthy and effete Eduardo.
Assistant Editor
부유한 40세의 숫총각 프란시스코(Francisco Galvan de Montemayor: 아투로 드 코르도라 분)는 성당 미사에서 한 여인의 아름다운 다리에 매혹을 느낀다. 프란시스코는 집요하게 여인을 쫓아가고 결국 그녀와 결혼한다. 하지만 의처증에 시달리는 프란시스코는 점점 강박관념과 현실을 혼동하고 급기야 로프로 그녀를 살해할 결심을 한다.
Assistant Editor
In the drama, a father, firmly believing that the baby daughter in his arms is not his own, abandons her upon the doorstep of the town drunk. Many years pass, and the man finds himself continually wracked with guilt about deserting her.
Editorial Production Assistant
<황금 시대>와 <빵 없는 대지> 이후에 루이스 부뉴엘은 잠정적으로 영화를 만들지 않았다. 오랜 침묵 끝에 멕시코에서 만든 이 작품은 부뉴엘 자신이 시나리오를 쓰고 연출과 편집을 했기에 그의 예술적 자유와 사유가 가득 묻어있는 작품이다. 한달 만에 저예산으로 제작된 이 영화는 대도시 외곽의 청소년 탈선 문제를 잔혹하게 다루고 있지만 본질적으로 이 작품의 주제는 사랑 받지 못한 아이들에 관한 슬픈 이야기이다. 잔혹함을 통해 부뉴엘은 역설적으로 부패하지 않는 인간의 존엄성을 그려낸다. 그래서 이 영화는 처연한 아름다움을 풍긴다. 앙드레 바쟁은 이 영화의 미덕이 잔인함 속에서 아름다움을 찾아내고, 데카당스한 가운데 인간의 존엄성에 대한 숭고한 인내를 보여줌으로써 잔혹함을 사랑과 열정의 행위로 변형시키는데 있다고 지적했다. 바쟁은 또한 이 영화가 ‘사랑에 관한 영화이며 사랑을 필요로 하는 영화’라고 말했다.
Assistant Editor
Buñuel's first "comeback" film since "L'Age d'Or" in 1930 (he made only a few musicals in the interim), "El Gran Calavera" concerns a family's attempts to change the patriarch's somewhat indulgent and hedonistic ways by fooling him into thinking his large fortune is gone. They assume a life of poverty in Mexico in an attempt to teach him a lesson. However, he discovers it's a ruse, but continues to perpetuate the facade of ignorance while sneaking off during the day to conduct his thriving business. Why? To teach his family a lesson - they are all lazy, worthless leeches!