Alberto Valenzuela


Дон Кихот Орсона Уэллса
Прочитав слишком много романов о рыцарях и героических рассказах, Дон Кихот и его слуга Санчо Панса решили бродить по дорогам Испании, чтобы защитить слабых и совершить добрые дела ...
Blood Tide
An adventurer hunting for treasure in Greece accidentally frees a monster that forces local villagers to sacrifice virgins.
Returning from a business trip, a man meets some peasants who arouse fears in him.
La vida cambia
An unhappy marriage is complicated when hubby starts an affair with his sister-in-law. Darkest before the dawn...
События на руднике Марусиа
В фильме чилийского режиссёра Мигеля Литтина показывается одна из тёмных страниц истории Чили – жестокое подавление восстания рабочих на селитряных рудниках. Будучи в изгнании во времена правления Пиночета, Литин снимал этот фильм на севере Мексики, где климат и пейзаж соответствовали северу Чили – именно тем провинциям, где и происходили описываемые события. Сценарием к фильму послужил роман Патрисио Маннса, написанного им на основе рассказов очевидцев массовых убийств и пыток, происходивших в начале ХХ века, когда хозяевами Чили фактически являлись иностранные капиталисты. В целях адаптации к телетрансляции и, наверное, из морально-этических соображений из фильма были вырезаны сцены насилия солдат над задержанными рабочими и их жёнами в камере пыток, что в некоторой мере преуменьшает понимание эмоциональной составляющей борьбы за свои права и достойную жизнь.
Do You Hear the Dogs Barking?
Carrying his son on his back, a man travels from place to place looking for a doctor to treat the sick boy. As they journey, the indio father tells the boy stories to keep him distracted. These stories reveal the life of native peoples in Mexico, both in the countryside and in cities, and they shed light on characteristic beliefs and rituals.
The Olympics in Mexico
Documentary about the XIX Olympic Games in Mexico City in 1968
Romance in Puerto Rico
Rosina is frustrated by her engagement to millionaire John Johnson III, a fussy, domineering, control freak. The night before her wedding, she goes out dancing with her maid María, María's husband Tomás, and their friend Gordillo. When Rosina learns Gordillo is a sailor on the yacht owned by Mexican film star José María Beltrán, she decides to stow away and sail to Mexico to be with her grandmother.
La mente y el crimen
The discovery of a human torso thrown into a waterway, leads the viewer to observe the work of modern criminology and the task of special agents to track and record the psychopath's mentality through the elucidation of techniques present in the reality of the police investigation.
September Storm
American fashion model Anne Traymore, swimming off the isle of Majorca, loses a bracelet, which the handsome Manuel del Rio Montoya returns to her. She believes he owns a beautiful yacht called The Swan, but he merely works on it for the wealthy Rene LeClerc.
Una estrella y dos estrellados
In his eagerness, to be movie extras, Tin Tan and his carnal Marcelo police get into trouble, among other entanglements.
Flor de canela
Nightclub entertainer discovers the truth about her birth mother while making the right choice in her love life, choosing the good guy over the slimy, exploitative hoodlum.
Enchanted Island
Two 19th-century sailors jump ship only to discover their tropical paradise is a cannibal stronghold.
Death in the Garden
Assistant Editor
Amid a revolution in a South American mining outpost, a band of fugitives - a roguish adventurer, a local hooker, a priest, an aging diamond miner and his deaf-mute daughter - are forced to flee for their lives into the jungle. Starving, exhausted and stripped of their old identities, they wander desperately lured by one deceptive promise of salvation after another.
Робинзон Крузо
Робинзон Крузо, моряк из Йорка, терпит кораблекрушение, при этом спасается и оказывается на необитаемом острове. Из команды корабля Крузо остаётся один. Своё заточение на острове он начинает с кошкой и собакой. Жизнь на острове полна различными трудностями и опасностями как природного происхождения, так и исходящими от дикарей-каннибалов и пиратов.
Wuthering Heights
Assistant Editor
Gone several years, the brooding Alejandro returns to the hacienda of his foster sister, Catalina, whom he loves, to find her married to the wealthy and effete Eduardo.
Assistant Editor
Francisco is rich, rather strict on principles, and still a bachelor. After meeting Gloria by accident, he is suddenly intent on her becoming his wife and courts her until she agrees to marry him. Francisco is a dedicated husband, but little by little his passion starts to exhibit disturbing traits. Nevertheless, Gloria meets with scepticism as she expresses her worries to their acquaintances.
Дочь обмана
Assistant Editor
В данной драме, отец, твердо веря, что дочь родилась не от него, оставляет ее на пороге дома нищего пьяницы. Пройдёт много лет, прожитые им с огромным чувством вины, разрушающей и съедающей его изнутри, прежде чем он отправится на её поиски…
Editorial Production Assistant
История юного Педро, который растет в трущобах Мехико. Там мальчик каждый день сталкивается с криминальным миром, подвергающим испытанию его только формирующиеся жизненные ценности.
The Great Madcap
Assistant Editor
Buñuel's first "comeback" film since "L'Age d'Or" in 1930 (he made only a few musicals in the interim), "El Gran Calavera" concerns a family's attempts to change the patriarch's somewhat indulgent and hedonistic ways by fooling him into thinking his large fortune is gone. They assume a life of poverty in Mexico in an attempt to teach him a lesson. However, he discovers it's a ruse, but continues to perpetuate the facade of ignorance while sneaking off during the day to conduct his thriving business. Why? To teach his family a lesson - they are all lazy, worthless leeches!