Bill Justice

출생 : 1914-02-09, Dayton - Ohio - USA

사망 : 2011-02-10


Graduated as a portrait painter from the John Herron Art Institute in Indianapolis in 1935. He joined the Disney Organisation two years later, after moving to California. Highlights of his 42-year long career with Walt Disney as director/animator include bringing to life the characters of Thumper ('Bambi') and Chip'n'Dale, as well as animating the title sequence ('Mickey Mouse Club March') from the 1950's TV series The Mickey Mouse Club (1955). He also directed a number of animated short films, three of which received Academy Award nominations: The Truth About Mother Goose (1957) (with Wolfgang Reitherman), explaining the background of classic nursery rhymes, Noah's Ark (1959), and a 'new twist on the old ragtime' theme, A Symposium on Popular Songs (1962). After 1965, Bill became part of the imagineering/programming team for Disney's Audio-Animatronics figures at Disneyland, specifically involved with the Hall of Presidents, Mission to Mars, Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean attractions. He was also noted as an expert in the use of stop motion animation technique in conjunction with live action films, such as Mary Poppins (1964), usually in collaboration with T. Hee and Xavier Atencio. Bill retired in 1979 and was pronounced a Disney Legend in 1996. - IMDb Mini Biography By: I.S.Mowis

참여 작품

Chip 'n Dale: Trouble in a Tree
The most mischievous characters to ever come out of Disney studios, Chip ‘N’ Dale are cute, cuddly and always in the centre of trouble. Here is a special collection of their adventures that will have you and your family laughing again and again. Donald Duck goes nuts when he finds himself "Out On A Limb" as he tries to prune Chip ‘N’ Dale’s tree home! In "Corn Chips", Donald convinces them to shovel his snowy sidewalk but ends up shovelling popcorn! Next, it’s Christmas and Chip ‘N’ Dale fight with Donald over the goodies under his tree in "Toy Tinkers". Guess who invite themselves over for Donald’s pancakes in "Three For Breakfast"?
Chip 'n' Dale: Here Comes Trouble
The most mischievous characters to ever come out of Disney studios, Chip 'N' Dale are cute, cuddly and always in the centre of trouble. Here is a special collection of their Adventures that will have you and your family laughing again and again. It's double trouble in 'Chip 'N' Dale Go Nuts' when Donald tries to chop down their house for firewood, along with their supply of nuts. Then Chip 'N' Dale make themselves at home in Donald's train set in 'Out Of Scale'. It's romantic mayhem when Chip 'N' Dale like the same girl in 'Two Chips And A Miss'. In 'Food For Feudin", Pluto wants to hide his bones in the same tree where Chip 'N' Dale store their acorns.
Jack and the Beanstalk
A retelling of the popular fairy tale that mixes live action and animation.
Cri Cri el Grillito Cantor
Animation Director
Biography of the famous composer of children's music Gabilondo Soler. Starts from his childhood, when he worked as a pastor and grandmother tried to teach him to play the piano. Later he went to the city to study music theory and began writing his first songs.
A Symposium on Popular Songs
Professor Ludwig von Drake plays a variety of popular music, all of which he wrote. First, ragtime: the Rutabaga Rag, with vegetables dancing in stop-motion. Next, the Charleston, with cut-out animation of a singer and dancers. Dixieland and more cut-out animation; the crooner/love ballad; 50's doo-wop; and finally, rockabilly.
A Symposium on Popular Songs
Professor Ludwig von Drake plays a variety of popular music, all of which he wrote. First, ragtime: the Rutabaga Rag, with vegetables dancing in stop-motion. Next, the Charleston, with cut-out animation of a singer and dancers. Dixieland and more cut-out animation; the crooner/love ballad; 50's doo-wop; and finally, rockabilly.
장난감 나라
Visual Effects
All roads lead to magical, merry Toyland as Mary Contrary and Tom Piper prepare for their wedding! But villainous Barnaby wants Mary for himself, so he kidnaps Tom, setting off a series of comic chases, searches, and double-crosses! The "March Of The Wooden Soldiers" helps put Barnaby in his place, and ensures a "happily ever after" for Tom and Mary!
페어런트 트랩
Title Graphics
영국 런던에서 웨딩드레스 디자이너인 엄마와 함께 살고 있는 애니. 미국 캘리포니아의 포도 농장에서 아빠와 함께 살고 있는 할리. 이제 12살인 두 소녀는 미국에서 열리는 한 여름 캠프에서 만나게 된다. 좋아하는 것도, 잘 하는 것도 같은 이 아이들은 그만큼 생김새도 똑같다. 어느날, 캠프에서 펜싱 대결을 하게 된 두 꼬마 소녀. 그때부터 둘은 경쟁심을 갖게 되고, 서로를 괴롭히기 위해 애쓴다. 그러다 결국 선생님께 장난한 걸 들키게 되고 두 사람만 따로 마련된 숙소에서 머물게 된다. 그때 두 사람은 자신들의 공통점을 발견하게 되고, 할리에겐 엄마가 없다는 것, 애니에겐 아빠가 없다는 걸 알게 된다. 마침내 두 소녀는 그들이 어렸을 때 부모의 이혼과 함께 헤어진 쌍둥이 자매인 것을 알고 애니는 캘리포니아로, 할리는 영국 런던으로 가기로 하는데...
Noah's Ark
The Biblical story of Noah's ark full of animals gets the Disney treatment in this animated short.
Noah's Ark
The Biblical story of Noah's ark full of animals gets the Disney treatment in this animated short.
섀기 독
Title Designer
Through an ancient spell, a boy changes into a sheepdog and back again. It seems to happen at inopportune times and the spell can only be broken by an act of bravery....
The Truth About Mother Goose
We learn the true stories behind various nursery rhymes. Little Jack Horner: a servant to a city official was delivering a present to King Henry VIII, baked, as was the custom of the time, in a pie. The present was the deed to a valuable estate, which Horner stole. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary: Mary Stuart brought "quite contrary" French style to the Scottish court. After a series of disastrous romances, she was jailed; the jailer's son, captivated by her, helped her escape. After a brief but disastrous attempted coup, she fled to England, where her sister, Queen Elizabeth, soon grew jealous and had her imprisoned. London Bridge: The bridge, finished in 1209, was soon lined by shops with luxury apartments upstairs, turning into a popular commercial and cultural zone. The Great Fire that broke out in 1666 spread to the bridge, but the houses were rebuilt. Over the ages, things decayed. In 1823, things finally got bad enough that the bridge was demolished and replaced.
A Cowboy Needs a Horse
A young boy dreams of being a cowboy. After he gets the basics, as outlined in the title song, he's attacked by Indians. He runs out of bullets and manages to lasso them. He smokes the peace pipe with their chief. A robber is holding up a stagecoach and he rides to the rescue, refusing the reward. He also saves a train from a dynamited bridge, and a girl tied to a cactus, before riding into the sunset (and back to his suburban bed).
Jack and Old Mac
Two stylized nursery rhymes are shown. First is "The House That Jack Built" as told with a variety of characters composed of letters that spell out their names (Example: the cow is made up of an intertwined C, O, and W). Next is "Old MacDonald Had a Band" (no, not farm) in which Old MacDonald and his band give way with a hot jazz number (even his animals play instruments). The piece comes to an end when Old MacDonald's wife is tired of doing all the housework and gives him a swift whack on his head with her rolling pin.
Hooked Bear
Humphrey the bear isn't having much luck with his fishing; every time he catches some nice fish, he gets distracted and drops them. So he goes after the catches of the local anglers instead. But ranger Woodlore frowns on this, insisting the bear fish like one.
I'm No Fool with a Bicycle
Jiminy Cricket narrates the history and practice of bicycle safety.
Up a Tree
Donald's playing lumberjack, but the targeted tree just happens to be the home of Chip 'n Dale. They give Donald plenty of trouble cutting down the tree, but eventually he succeeds. The wily chipmunks, though, manage to get their revenge on the homewrecker.
Beezy Bear
Beekeeper Donald catches Humphrey the bear raiding his hives. He complains to Ranger Woodlore, who assembles his bears and lectures them. Donald puts up a barbed wire fence, which slows Humphrey down a bit, but doesn't stop him.
Music Land
Walt Disney animation animated cartoon musical compilation ("The BIG Parade of MIRTH and MELODY"; "Offering hits re-released from 'Make Mine Music' and 'Melody Time'"; featuring cartoons from the 1946 musical, "Make Mine Music," and the 1948 musical "Melody Time") featuring Donald Duck, Joe Carioca, and other Disney cartoon characters, and also songs by Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians, Benny Goodman and His Orchestra, Frances Langford, Roy Rogers and Trigger, The Andrews Sisters (Laverne, Maxene, and Patty Andrews), Freddy Martin and his orchestra, Sons of the Pioneers, Jerry Colonna, and Ethel Smith
The Donald Duck Story
Walt Disney takes a look at the story of the creation of Donald Duck and his later career.
The Flying Squirrel
Donald is pushing his peanut cart through the park when a flying squirrel drops in. Donald gets him to help tie his sign to a tree by promising a peanut, but when it turns out to be a bad nut, Donald won't make good, and the battle with the squirrel is on.
Grin and Bear It
Donald Duck arrives at Brownstone National Park. The park's ranger, J. Audubon Woodlore, asks the bears to participate with the tourists stealing! Humphrey decides to pair with Donald particularly because of the roast ham he has. When Donald doesn't reward the bear with his food, Humphrey tries a variety of means to get the ham finally getting Donald's attention by lying down on the road pretending that Donald ran over him. After Donald pays up with food, he sees through the scheme and struggles with Humphrey. After the ranger makes Donald and Humphrey clean up the resulting mess, he too notices the ham and makes off with it but is scolded for it by Donald and Humphrey.
Dragon Around
Lost in a book of fairy tales, Dale imagines what it might be like to do battle with a vicious dragon---and thanks to Donald he'll soon get to find out. As Donald moves his hulking steam shovel into position, intent on clearing a path right through their tree for a new freeway, Chip and Dale ready themselves for battle just like the knights of old. With a tuna can for armor and a hat pin for a lance, Chip charges into battle atop his trusty steed, Dale. But with some quick thinking, Donald makes his phony dragon a fire breather. Who will prevail in the medieval battle for the junkyard?
Two for the Record
Animated sequences are set to two Benny Goodman numbers.
Spare the Rod
Donald's nephews are always playing instead of doing their chores. Donald is going to punish them, but the "voice of child psychology" convinces him to play along instead. This works well when they chop the wood to burn him at the stake. Meanwhile, however, a trio of Pygmy cannibals that escaped from the circus are out to do the very same thing to Donald with a cauldron of water.
Working for Peanuts
Chip 'n Dale live next door to a zoo and spot the elephant's stash of peanuts. They go after them, but both the elephant and his keeper, Donald, are too clever. Then the boys realized the visitors throw peanuts, so they put on a song-and-dance act. Then they paint themselves white and pose as albino chipmunks.
돈의 젊음의 샘
While traveling with his nephews, Donald is disgusted that they are only interested in comics. He stops at the "fountain of youth" and tricks the kids into thinking he is a baby again. However, he gets tangled up with an aggressive mother alligator and her babies, and makes a hurried exit with the nephews.
Pluto's Christmas Tree
Pluto comes bounding outside to help Mickey get a Christmas tree. Chip 'n Dale see him and make fun of him, but the tree they take refuge in is the one Mickey chops down. They like the decorations, especially the candy canes and Mickey's bowl of mixed nuts. But Pluto spots them and goes after them long before Mickey spots them. Minnie, Donald, and Goofy drop by to sing carols.
Trick or Treat
When the nephews come to Donald's house in their Halloween costumes he dumps water on them and laughs at his trick. A witch sees this and decides to help the kids. By magic she gives Donald a bad time and the kids finally get their treats.
Uncle Donald's Ants
Donald spills some sugar on his sidewalk, and soon the ants are in complete control of his home, stealing the cake he was baking, building a pipeline from his maple syrup to their hill, and causing general mayhem.
우리는 친구
길고 하얀 턱수염을 기르고 허리가 아픈 나이 든 도날드 덕은 여전히 공원에서 쓰레기를 주우며 겨우 생계를 유지한다. 그는 자신의 오랜 파트너인 스파이크라는 이름의 늙은 꿀벌을 우연히 만나면서 좋았던 옛 기억을 떠올린다. 스파이크는 도날드의 쓰레기 줍는 일을 돕기 위해 침을 쏘면서 그들의 젊은 시절을 이야기한다. 그리고 둘의 파트너십을 성공적인 바느질 사업으로 바꾼다. 하지만 젊은 아가씨 벌이 등장하고, 이들의 파트너십과 우정은 계속될 수 있을까?
Two Chips and a Miss
Chip 'n Dale pretend not to care about nightclubs, but both sneak out to the Acorn Club after pretending to fall asleep, to meet Clarice. They fight over her, pausing to catch her stage show. Chip plays the piano; Dale the bass. She manages not to choose...
Donald Applecore
Donald the apple farmer notices his apples have been nibbled on and catches Chip n' Dale in the act. In the ensuing battle, Donald uses a helicopter to spray them (but they have tiny gas masks). And then he brings in the really heavy artillery.
Bee On Guard
Gardener Donald spots bees in his garden and follows them back to the hive in search of honey. The bee guarding the hive won't let him in, so Donald disguises himself as a bee.
균형이 중요해
작은 기차 세트를 가지고 재밌게 놀던 도날드는 칩과 데일의 나무가 '너무 크다'고 선언하고는 치워버린다. 다람쥐들이 나무를 되찾으려고 하자 도날드가 이들을 뒤쫓는다. 다람쥐들은 장난감 집에서 편히 지낸다.
Lucky Number
Gas station owner Donald thinks he's just missed the winning number for a new Zoom V8 car but his nephews hear a correction, and find he really does have the winner. They plan to pick it up and surprise him, but the car they take runs out of gas, and they're broke. They cut out the picture of a Zoom V8 from a billboard, dress one of the boys in drag, and trick Donald into filling their tank. As they drive off, Donald plots his revenge and executes it, when the boys return in Donald's new car.
Test Pilot Donald
Donald flies his model airplane into Chip 'n Dale's tree. Dale climbs in and proceeds to cause trouble.
Corn Chips
Donald is shoveling the snow off his walk; Chip 'n' Dale are shoveling their branch. Donald tricks them into shoveling his walk. Angered, they sneak into his house, where he's getting ready to make popcorn. They've never seen this before, but they love it. They stow away in the box, then make off with the bowl of popped corn.
Dude Duck
Donald is vacationing at a dude ranch. After all the beautiful women pick the best horses, Donald ends up with the sad sack Rover Boy. But Rover Boy wants nothing to do with Donald.
Chicken in the Rough
Chip 'n' Dale wander into a farmyard to collect acorns. Dale mistakes an egg for a nut, but when he tries to demonstrate to a newly hatched chick how to get back into the egg, a rooster mistakes him for one of his chicks.
Out on a Limb
Donald's doing a little tree surgery when he spots Chip 'n' Dale gathering nuts. He saws off the branch outside their hole and paints it with tar, which Dale gets stuck in. Then Donald has a little fun with the long-handled pruning shears.
Bee At The Beach
Donald cheerfully sets up his umbrella etcetera for a day at the beach, but so did a mischievously lazy bee, who doesn't accept his actions inadvertently mess up the bee's spot. Once Donald is in the water in an inflatable raft, the irate insect uses its angle to sting not the duck, but the dingy, more often then Donald has fingers and toes to stuff in the holes, next makes sure to attract the 'gastronomical' attention of a whole band of sharks: duck hunting season at sea is open. Donald uses all the resourcefulness of desperation, and his only weapon, the beach umbrella...
경적을 울려요
도날드와 다람쥐들 칩과 데일이 또다시 서로 맞붙는다! 이번에 다람쥐들은 트레일러에서 휴가를 보내고 있는 도날드와 맞닥뜨리게 된다. 도날드가 수영을 하러 가자, 다람쥐들은 다이빙대를 옮겨 도날드를 속이고, 결국에는 도날드의 트레일러를 엉망진창으로 만든다.
Lion Around
Donald's nephews use a mountain lion costume to scare Donald away so they can grab a pie off the windowsill. The deception is exposed, but a short while later, a real mountain lion comes along.
Toy Tinkers
When Donald Duck chops a Christmas tree, the inquisitive chipmunks Chip and Dale follow and see him decorate it with nuts and sweets. So they sneak in his home, determined to 'harvest' it all, using the toys for the Duck nephews, as if Christmas came early for them, so to say. Donald puts up an equally 'playful' yet grim defense, so it all rapidly escalates into a bitter miniature two-to-one-giant war over the Christmas-treats.
Slide Donald Slide
Baseball fan and would be-star Donald Duck enjoys listening to a World Series game on the radio and 'playing' the part of his favorite star Casey in his own yard. Unfortunately a melomanic apis melifera (Latin for honeybee) is as avid to listen on the same radio to a mellifluous symphony and play the director theatrically, waving a match as baton, instead of fertilizing his garden flowers. Donald first just turns the switch, then hides it, but the bee dials inside, so he tries to chase it, but is scared by the sting. The battle for channel choice gets worse, and vindictive.
The Greener Yard
An old beetle (though he looks more like Jiminy Cricket) living next door to Donald Duck explains to his young charge why Donald's garden isn't the paradise it appears to be, by recounting his battles with Donald when he first discovered the garden, and his narrow escape assisted by a couple of birds.
식량 되찾기 작전
Donald steals Chip and Dale's nuts for his nut-butter shop, which is shaped like a giant walnut, Chip and Dale, roll and "shoot" Donald into a nearby lake.
Winter Storage
It's October 7th and Chip is working industriously to store enough acorns in the tree for the winter. Dale would rather sleep in his matchbox, but an angry kick from Chip gets him working furiously. But there's only so much they can do. Their tree is nearly out of acorns. Luckily, the two semi-intelligible chipmunks happen to see the half-unintelligible Donald Duck, a park ranger, planting acorns. They immediately set to steal his bag of the precious nuts. Donald soon realizes what they are up to, and sets out a box propped up with a stick. It's a crude trap, with an acorn as bait; but it's not too crude to fool Dale, who upsets it and traps Chip. Soon, Donald finds he can have fun instigating a fight between these two quarrelsome chipmunks, but he underestimates their friendship and their ability to work as a team against a common enemy: in this case, a bad-tempered duck.
Sea Salts
'Mac' Bootle Beetle tells, referring to the ship's log, how he and captain Donald Duck were sole survivors of a shipwreck. The insect always suspected the duck wasn't quite fair, actually he was constantly cheated out of his rations share and used as angling bait without realizing it, both on the wreckage raft and after they drifted onto a deserted island, but ultimately they were rescued and stayed together for life, although even at their ripe age Donald.
Donald's Happy Birthday
It's March 13, Donald's birthday. The boys are going to buy him a box of cigars, but they're broke. They do a quick bout of yardwork and hit Donald up for the price of the cigars (without telling him why), but he makes them put it in a piggy bank. The problem: how to get the money without Donald catching them. Donald catches them buying the cigars but thinks they are buying them for themselves and forces them to smoke until they are sick the whole box.
Tea for Two Hundred
Donald is preparing a little picnic when he sees some ants passing by. He decides to tease one, ultimately by piling lots of food onto it. The ant eventually stumbles, but realizes Donald is sitting on a veritable gold mine. He rallies his fellow ants, and while Donald is napping, they cart him to a cliff and drop him into the river. When he returns to the raid in progress, he finds himself powerless to stop it. He dynamites the ant hill, but that only separates the ledge he's standing on, and he finds himself in the river again as the ants finish off a cupcake.
Three for Breakfast
Donald Duck gets into a lot of trouble while he's cooking pancakes for breakfast - Chip and Dale are up to their mischief. Donald tries a number of plans to get rid of them, but they repeatedly foil Donald's plans.
Soup's On
Donald's nephews come to lunch filthy from playing outside. Donald sends them to wash up; when he finds they've done a half-hearted job, he sends them to bed without supper. They scheme to get food; Donald catches them, but falls off a cliff while chasing them. He's OK, but temporarily out cold. The boys build a fake corpse and dress Donald up as an angel, and he buys it for a while.
Inferior Decorator
A bee is flying among Donald's flowers when he notices a veritable paradise of flowers in the guise of wallpaper Donald is hanging. The bee is rather frustrated when he is unable to stay on the flowers so Donald has some fun with the bee tormenting him with the fake flowers. The bee gets his revenge when Donald is accidentally pasted to the ceiling by the wallpaper making him an easy target for the bee's stinger.
Chip an' Dale
Donald needs a log for his fire. Unfortunately, the one he picks is occupied by a couple of chipmunks and their stash of acorns. When he cuts it down, Chip and Dale fall out, but their acorns stay behind, so they work at putting out Donald's fire and retrieving their stash. Donald, of course, takes this as calmly and cheerfully as you would expect.
우편배달부 플루토
플루토는 장난기 많은 북극 토끼의 도움을 받아 외딴 북극에서 우편물 자루를 배달하는 임무를 맡는다.
Bootle Beetle
An older beetle of a rare variety advises a young passerby against crossing a stream, where he is likely to get trapped by bug collector Donald, as he himself almost was when he was young.
Clown of the Jungle
In the African jungle, the narrator introduces us to the various birds living there and to wildlife photographer Donald Duck intent on getting some pictures. Unfortunately, all his attempts to photograph birds are ruined by the "clown of the jungle", the Aracuan Bird. Example: when Donald attempts to photograph a chorus line of hummingbirds, the Aracuan Bird interrupts the picture with a Russian kick dance. Donald becomes aggravated to the point where he gives chase but the bird always manages to outsmart Donald and make short work of his sanity.
Straight Shooters
Donald runs a shooting gallery. His nephews come by and he offers them a free shot, but when the first one hits all the targets, the notoriously cheap Donald switches a cheap prize for the correct one. He then gives the other two boys gimmicked guns; the last one is empty, but the targets break anyway because one boy is hitting them from behind. Donald chases them off; they use the mystic's booth next door to get revenge.
Double Dribble
A basketball game of Goofs (P.U. vs. U.U.) in which the players play furiously, often breaking the rules of the game. All of the players are named after Disney artists.
Wet Paint
Donald re-paints his car, and a bird lands on it. In the mayhem that ensues, the car ends up covered with handprints, spotted a dozen different colors, stripped of paint, and covered with the stuffing from the seats so that it resembles a sheepdog.
Old Sequoia
Donald is a park ranger, assigned to protect the giant tree Old Sequoia from a pair of beavers that bear a striking resemblance in their tactics and speech to Chip 'n' Dale.
Cured Duck
Donald visits Daisy. When he can't open a window, he flies into a rage and practically destroys her house. She won't see him again until he takes care of that temper. He orders a mail-order insult machine, which promises that if Donald can endure 10 minutes of abuse without losing his temper, he'll be cured. It proceeds to deliver physical and verbal abuse, and Donald is cured. He goes back and Daisy tests him on the balky window.
The Clock Watcher
Donald takes a job as a gift wrapper in a department store.
3인의 기사
최고의 인기 캐릭터 도널드 덕이 흥미진진한 모험의 세계로 떠난다. 실사 촬영과 전통적인 디즈니 애니메이션의 눈부신 조합이 눈과 귀를 한껏 즐겁게 해준다. 친구들에게 마법이 깃든 선물을 받은 도널드. 이 선물들이 여권이 되어 도널드를 환상적인 음악 여행으로 이끈다. 도널드는 전문가인 호세 카리오카와 판치토의 안내를 따라 껑충껑충 뛰며 가는 곳마다 놀라움과 환상적인 음악들로 가득한 모험을 경험한다.
The Plastics Inventor
Donald is listening to a radio program that tells how to build an airplane from plastic, in a process much like baking a cake, cookies, and making toast. He takes it out for a test flight, still guided by the radio, and it works wonderfully. Until the radio interviewer asks if there's any problems: yes, it melts when it gets wet. Of course, Donald instantly flies into a rain cloud, and has to battle his plane as it disintegrates.
Home Defense
Donald is manning a listening post and falls asleep; he blows trumpet calls in his sleep and wakes his nephews. For their revenge, they send up a model airplane filled with gingerbread men with parachutes; Donald shoots it down, and cowers in fear when he sees the parachutes (and hears a simulated battle), until one lands on his beak. Donald kicks his nephews out until he mistakes a bee for an airplane, and calls them back to fight this menace.
The Winged Scourge
The Seven Dwarfs fight malaria.
Victory Vehicles
Goofy demonstrates a number of crazy vehicles.
The Grain That Built a Hemisphere
This animated documentary outlines the history and importance of corn in North America.
Der Fuehrer's Face
A marching band of Germans, Italians, and Japanese march through the streets of swastika-motif Nutziland, serenading "Der Fuehrer's Face." Donald Duck, not living in the region by choice, struggles to make do with disgusting Nazi food rations and then with his day of toil at a Nazi artillery factory. After a nervous breakdown, Donald awakens to find that his experience was in fact a nightmare.
Lake Titicaca
Donald is visiting South America, where he is first overcome by altitude sickness. He spends some time in the picturesque market. Then he take a llama up into the mountains, with exciting results.
평화로운 봄의 숲속. 모든 동물들은 숲속의 왕자가 될 밤비의 탄생을 축하하러 몰려온다. 모든 이들의 축복속에 밤비는 걸음마부터 점프까지 모든 것들을 배운다. 아기토끼 덤퍼와 스컹크 플라워를 사귀고 엄마 사슴과 함께 간 초원에서 암컷 아기사슴 펠린을 만나며 숲 속 생활에 적응해 간다. 그러던 여름의 어느 날, 사슴들이 일제히 달려가는 것과 뿔달린 수사슴들이 싸우는 것을 보고 덩달아 따라간 그곳에서 엄마와 함께 숲속의 왕자로 존경받는 수사슴의 위엄을 감상한다. 아름다운 뿔이 달린 커다란 수사슴은 밤비를 의미심장하게 보며 지나간다. 그러던 와중 수사슴은 사냥꾼들이 온 것을 알게 되고 사슴들을 대피시키는데...