Special Effects
Stunt Coordinator
Weapons Master
훌리오 스트라세라, 루이스 모레노 오캄포, 그리고 젊은 오합지졸 법률 팀의 실화를 바탕으로 한 영화다. 계속되는 위협 속에서 다비드 대 골리앗의 싸움을 벌이는 이들은 아르헨티나 역사상 최악의 군사 독재자를 기소하고 군사 지도자의 희생자들에게 정의를 찾아 주기 위한 시간과의 싸움을 이어간다.
Weapons Master
전쟁의 기억이 잊혀 가던 1960년, 나치의 홀로코스트를 설계하고 실행한 핵심 인물 아돌프 아이히만을 찾기 위해 이스라엘 정보국 요원들이 끈질긴 추적을 시작하는데...
Special Effects Coordinator
온천 관광지였던 에피쿠엔은 1985년 11월 대홍수로 10미터의 물아래 잠기게 된다. 30년 후, 물이 빠지고 황폐해진 에피쿠엔에 아마추어 TV 다큐멘터리 팀이 찾아온다. 특별히 심각한 기획이 아니라는 안일한 생각으로 아무도 살지 않을 거 같은 버려진 마을 이곳저곳을 촬영하며 다닌다. 중간에 아직도 거주하고 있는 주민들을 만나게 되고 그들의 협조를 받게 된다. 하지만 의문의 위협을 가하는 존재들은 이들을 하나 둘씩 급습하여 납치한다.
Special Effects Coordinator
The story is centered on the human drama of three young people from a small town in Traslasierra, Córdoba, who from very different ideological places, are forever transformed by the war in Malvinas Argentinas (Falkland Islands).
Special Effects Coordinator
Alan, Dante and Pedro are three friends who grew up together from an early age. One of them ends a long relationship with his girlfriend and remains disconsolate. His two friends decide to lift his spirits by organizing a party.
Special Effects
Five British friends head to the Andes for a stag weekend. Of course, they’re unprepared, get lost – and inevitably ignore all warnings about the sinister local legend of the ‘The Hunter’.
Special Effects Coordinator
예측불허의 끔찍한 재난, 학교를 둘러싼 기이한 괴담, 복수극, 살육, 스너프 필름에 이르는 다섯 가지의 도시 괴담이 현실로 벌어지고 아르헨티나의 수도인 부에노스아이레스는 살아있는 지옥이 된다. 한 정치인은 15명의 시민이 죽는 도시 비극의 책임에 대해서 공분을 사게 되고, 사람들은 각자의 내면에 잠들어 있던 악마성을 하나 둘 씩 꺼내어 보이게 되는데...
Special Effects Coordinator
Movie adaptation of Leonardo Oyola's novel, which tells the story of the legendary DC comics superhero, Superman, if he, instead of falling in Smallville from Krypton, would have landed in the heart of Isidro Casanova, in La Matanza, deep in the west side of Buenos Aires.
Special Effects
소위‘ 사막의 정복’으로 불리는 원주민 학살이 자행되던 19세기 말 아르헨티나의 오지 파타고니아에 덴마크 장교 군나르가 딸 잉게보그와 부임해 온다. 남자들만이 가득한 공간에서 잉게보그는 젊은 군인과 사랑에 빠져 함께 달아나고, 군나르는 두 사람을 찾기 위해 적진으로의 홀로 여정을 떠난다. 군나르의 외로운 추적이 계속 되면서 영화는 과거도 미래도 그 어떤 흔적과 의미를 갖지 못하는 독특한 공간으로 우리를 안내한다. 남미 아트하우스 영화의 최전방에 선 리산드로 알론조의 신작 은 처음으로 그가 전문배우와 작업한, 일견 비교적 가장 관습적 서사의 틀을 따르고 있는 듯하다. 하지만 서사와 장르적 관습, 그리고 할리우드 웨스턴을 통해 익숙한 황량한 풍경은 알론조의 세계 안에서 또 다른 의미를 부여받으며, 현실과 상념, 현재와 과거가 기이하게 공존하는 공간이 된다. 최근 출연작의 반경을 넓히고 있는 비고 모텐슨의 변화된 행보도 주목할 만하다. 칸영화제 주목할만한시선 국제비평가상을 수상했다. (박진형_2014년 제19회 부산국제영화제)
Almost all the employees of a spicy sauce factory are slaughtered. Responsible for this drama: hitman Victor Patibulo, notorious for sucking on a pacifier ever since his favorite poodle got killed. One body is absent among the dead: big boss Heraclito, who had just created a revolutionary new sauce. Is there a connection? There’s only one man who’ll be able to find out: the handsome, strong and clever Marcello Risk, star of the anti-terrorism unit K.K.D.B.B. Together with his sidekick, Guadalajara Man, big fan of martial arts and bananas, he’ll try to solve the mystery. But there are many weird and wonderful enemies on their path, their boss is mind-bogglingly dumb and their residential science genius hasn’t eaten in weeks. Cutbacks, you know!
Special Effects
Almost all the employees of a spicy sauce factory are slaughtered. Responsible for this drama: hitman Victor Patibulo, notorious for sucking on a pacifier ever since his favorite poodle got killed. One body is absent among the dead: big boss Heraclito, who had just created a revolutionary new sauce. Is there a connection? There’s only one man who’ll be able to find out: the handsome, strong and clever Marcello Risk, star of the anti-terrorism unit K.K.D.B.B. Together with his sidekick, Guadalajara Man, big fan of martial arts and bananas, he’ll try to solve the mystery. But there are many weird and wonderful enemies on their path, their boss is mind-bogglingly dumb and their residential science genius hasn’t eaten in weeks. Cutbacks, you know!
Orella and Cayalot are a duo of Buenos Aires police officers who detest themselves, but who by chance end up locked in a building dominated by drug traffickers who experiment with androids and traffic cocaine inside people.
Special Effects Coordinator
J.D. Flitner arrives in Asuncion to strike a deal with crime lord Brasiguayo to grow marijuana on land he owns. Things take a dark turn for J.D. when Brasiguayo's lieutenant plans a coup during a trip through the streets.
Special Effects Coordinator
A hot summer. A private district with an enormous park. An abandoned plot of land in the suburbs and an uncontrollable wave of smoke spark uncertainty and chaos.
Special Effects Coordinator
Tensions rise when a doctor (Daniel Veronese) pressures his teenage son to follow in his footsteps.
Weapons Master
A man awaits his execution by firing squad. His last wish before dying is a kiss, and there are only men.
Special Effects
Adaptation and unification in a single story of several stories by the writer Rubem Fonseca, where the theme of violence in contemporary society is explored.
Special Effects Coordinator
Diego Simonney is a lonely man living by the sea, once a famed film director, thence fallen into decadence and oblivion, having lost control of his movie and, subsequently, his life.
Special Effects Coordinator
Special Effects
This film follows the crisscrossed fortunes of, among others, a rock musician, a flight attendant, a dog walker with an alarming penchant for over-the-counter medication, and a cab driver, who doesn’t really care about his life spiralling out of control, as long as he can sit in his old Renault 12.
Special Effects
The spiritual journey of a man with a debt that cannot be paid. In a Korean supermarket not too important, a small embezzlement is discovered. Luciano, a young man who works there, is pressured by the Koreans to return the money he stole in less than twenty-four hours.
Special Effects
An architecture student is obsessed by his girlfriend. When she is invited to go alone to a party sponsored by her company, he becomes paranoid. He arrives at their place unexpectedly and finds a man hidden under their bed. He follows the man trying to find his name and occupation, along a night full of incidents and misunderstandings.
Special Effects
Micaela loves the nature that surrounds her, playing games and going on adventures with her friends. Then one day she learns of an evil plot to change the forest's colors to black and gray.
Special Effects
Zapa is a locksmith in a quiet and little town lost somewhere in the province of Buenos Aires. The work is quite slow, and hours seem to pass slowly. Polaco, the owner of the shop, sends him on a job that consists of opening a safe at an office. The next day, Zapa is imprisoned for being responsible of robbing the place. Ismael, his uncle, a retired policeman, bails him out and sends him to Buenos Aires. Zapa becomes an aspiring officer in the Buenos Aires Police. He gets to his new home city, takes the instructional course, works at a precinct, has a love affair with a teacher and starts to see his life turn into a strange fiction.