Amaia, who has just become a mother, decides to return to her parents' house along the Basque coast for guidance while her partner is temporarily away.
Etarra Comando
In the year 2000, Maixabel Lasa’s husband, Juan Maria Jauregi, was killed by ETA. Eleven years later, she receives an incredible request: one of the men who killed Juan wants to meet with her in the Nanclares de la Oca prison in Araba (Spain), where he is serving his sentence after breaking ties with the terrorist group. Despite her reservations and her immense pain, Maixabel Lasa agrees to meet face to face with those who ended the life of the person who had been her companion since she was 16 years old. ‘Everyone deserves a second chance’, she said, when asked why she was willing to confront the man who killed her husband.
They have come this far and now they have to face the final test.
They have come this far and now they have to face the final test.
They have come this far and now they have to face the final test.
남편과 두 아이, 훌륭한 직장까지 완벽해 보이는 삶을 사는 50대 안나. 그러나 안나는 왠지 모를 방황을 하고 채팅을 통해 모르는 것이 많은 평범한 10대 에릭과 만난다.
A boy and a girl are on a date in a bar. Introductions are done via an alternative card game, in which each card represents a good or a bad move. Who will win?
A mobile telephony commercial explains the company offers to a customer.
Commercial #1
A mobile telephony commercial explains the company offers to a customer.
Figurante cine / Guardia civil (uncredited)
아버지 광대는 강제로 군대에 징집된 후, 광대 차림으로 칼을 휘둘러 죽음을 눈앞에 두게 된다. 그는 자신의 아들에게 복수를 마음에 품으라는 말만 남기고 떠난다. 수년이 흐르고 여전히 군부 독재의 프랑코가 정권을 잡은 시기에, 하비에는 아버지의 뒤를 이어 ‘슬픈 광대’가 되고자 서커스단에 찾아온다. 이곳에서 서커스단의 스타인 폭력적인 ‘웃긴 광대’ 세르지오를 만나고, 그의 아름다운 연인 나탈리아에게 마음을 빼앗긴다. 이제 한 여인을 향한 두 사람의 집착은 점점 극으로 치닫게 되는데...