Olivia Côte

Olivia Côte

출생 : 1974-11-12, Suresnes, Hauts-de-Seine, France

프로필 사진

Olivia Côte
Olivia Côte

참여 작품

Monsieur le Maire
Madame la Ministre
La tête dans les étoiles
R.I.P. Madame Joseph
Two Tickets to Greece
As teenagers, Blandine and Magalie were inseparable. Years passed and they lost sight of each other. As their paths cross again, they decide to take the trip together that they have always dreamed of. Direction Greece, its sun, its islands but also its galleys because the two former best friends now have a very different approach to holidays... and to life!
Wilderness Therapy
Deep in the Pyrenees, two close friends at rock bottom have the idea of the century: to pull themselves of their misery, they will launch a horse trekking tour, a voyage through the mountains for tourists in search of nature, silence and adventure.
The Time of Secrets
Madame de Montmajour
Marseille, July 1905. Nearly a teenager, Marcel Pagnol embarks in his last summer vacation before high school and returns, at last, to his beloved hills in Provence. What begins as a summer of boyhood adventures becomes one of the first loves, and unearthed secrets.
쿵푸 조라: 남편 때려잡기
La mère de Marion
달달한 로맨스 영화처럼 만나 순식간에 결혼에 골인한 ‘조라’와 ‘오마르’ 부부. 행복도 잠시, 조라의 일거수일투족에 집착하며 의처증을 보이던 ‘오마르’는 급기야 ‘조라’에게 손찌검하기 시작한다. ‘오마르’ 때문에 매일 흉진 얼굴을 선글라스로 가리고 다니기 바쁜 ‘조라’. 사랑하는 딸을 위해서라도 더 이상 남편에게 맞지 않겠다고 결심한 ‘조라’는 남편 몰래 체력을 단련하기 위해 체육관의 야간 청소부로 취직하고, 그곳에서 전설의 쿵푸 마스터 ‘창’을 만나는데…! 얼떨결에 쿵푸 특훈에 돌입한 ‘조라’! 그녀는 과연, 못난 남편에게 참교육을 줄 수 있을까?
Women of Virtue
Dr. Alder
Etel, a 9-year-old girl who lives in the Hassidic community in Paris, gets her period for the first time. Myriam, her mother, finally looks at her as if she were a woman. Etel is blessed, until she finds out that in her religion, women are considered impure when they have their period.
마르세유의 비밀
오랜만에 고향 마르세유에 신참형사로 되돌아온 밀라가 15년 동안 연락이 두절된 아버지가 어느날 살해된 채 발견된 이후 그 죽음에 관련된 의혹을 파헤쳐가는 이야기
베르네 부인의 장미정원
인생의 아름다움이 피어나는 곳, 베르네 부인의 장미정원입니다. 프랑스 최고의 원예사 에브 베르네는 대를 이어 장미정원을 운영해오고 있다. 하지만 장미를 공산품 취급하는 사업가 라마르젤에 밀려 명성과 고객은 물론, 자신의 정원까지 모두 빼앗길 위기에 처한다. 신입 원예사를 뽑아 정원을 지키려 하지만 경력도 지식도 없는 초짜 직원들은 문제를 일으키기만 하는데...
마이 동키, 마이 러버& 아이
Eléonore Loubier
Antoinette, a school teacher, is looking forward to her long planned summer holidays with her secret lover Vladimir, the father of one of her pupils. When learning that Vladimir cannot come because his wife organized a surprise trekking holiday in the Cévennes National Park with their daughter and a donkey to carry their load, Antoinette decides to follow their track, by herself, with Patrick, a protective donkey.
Un amour de jeunesse
César Wagner
Elise Beaumont
노 필터
베아의 남편 프레드는 사고로 시력과 인지능력을 잃고 장애를 갖게 된다. 남편의 사고 이후 베아는 그간 있었던 일을 책으로 엮어 자서전을 내고, 그녀의 특별한 경험은 세간에 화제가 된다. 한편, 베아 부부는 생일을 맞아 친구들과 함께 파티를 벌이고, 그 자리에는 베아의 외도 상대 베르나르도 등장한다. 한 자리에 모인 그들은 베아의 책을 두고 저마다 논쟁을 벌이며 각자 속내를 보이고, 서로 감추었던 비밀이 서서히 드러난다.
Moi, maman, ma mère et moi
Benedict missed Mother's funeral. He was stuck in the Eurostar. In the offbeat as always, and a little pitiful, he joined the family home to find his brother, his two sisters - and in a merry bazaar, many memories. There, in the remnants of his childhood, in the intimacy of his room, he sees her - She is waiting for him. And she will not let go.
가족이 되기까지
Lydie, a social assistant
세상에 나온 지 이틀 만에 엄마와 이별한 아기, ‘테오’. ‘테오’는 위탁보호사 ‘장’의 손에 잠시 맡겨지고, 그 사이 사회복지센터와 입양기관 담당자들은 ‘테오‘를 받아줄 가족을 찾는데…… 과연 ‘테오’는 자신을 사랑해줄 가족을 만나 행복해질 수 있을까?
La Fête des mères
Françoise has just been dumped by her husband for a much younger woman. In order to cheer her up, and to celebrate her 60th birthday, sisters Rose and Alice decide to take their mother to a resort on the tropical island of Reunion so they can relax, work on their tans, and have too many margaritas. But when Rose pays a one-night stand, Thierry, to show her mother a good time, their holiday plans start to unravel.
Kiss Me!
Claude falls in love with Cécile. She is convinced that she is the woman of her life unlike her mother who knows the tumultuous sentimental life of her daughter.
Like Mother, Like Daughter
An attention-craving mother nearing 50, unemployed and living with her pregnant daughter and son-in-law, suddenly finds herself with child, too...
Marlène Peillard
Florence is a school teacher devoted to her students. When she encounters young Sacha, a child with problems, she will do everything she can to help him, even to the point of neglecting her own children, her own life, and of questioning her vocation. Little by little Florence realizes that learning has no age limit.
The Together Project
Samir, a lanky crane operator in Montreuil, falls madly for Agathe. As master swimmer at the pool Thorez he decides to take swimming lessons with her. But the lie does not last three lessons - Agathe hate liars. Chosen to represent the Seine-Saint-Denis, Agathe flies to Iceland for the 10th Congress of the International Masters Swimming. Samir has no choice but to fly in turn also.
News from Planet Mars
Fabienne Mars, alias Xanaé
Philippe Mars wants to please everyone. He wants to be a good father, a friendly ex-husband, a helpful colleague and an understanding brother. Unfortunately, his little world goes out of its planned orbit. His son becomes a hardcore vegetarian, his daughter a compulsive swot, whilst his sister exhibits giant paintings of their naked parents. At the office he must face the rampages of his mentally unstable colleague Jerôme who one night turns up at his door with a young woman in tow who has just been released from a clinic.
La clinique du docteur H
Cerise is fourteen years old but she looks twenty. Cerise grew up on the outskirts, but now she's exiled to Ukraine. Cerise wears excessive amounts of makeup, but she still has a little girl's dreams. Cerise doesn't know her father, even though she's going to have to live with him. Cerise has only ever thought about herself and now she finds herself in the middle of a revolution.
La dernière échappée
In July 2010, Laurent Fignon, the great cycling legend, commented on the Tour de France. Although the two-time tour winner of the 80s has incurable cancer, he follows as a reporter day by day the entire race. His doctor should treat him medically during the tour. After facing each other in disgust, the two men develop more understanding for each other from stage to stage. For Laurent, ending this tour means upholding life, even though broadcasting efforts are reducing the chances of a successful life-prolonging therapy.
Number One Fan
Muriel Bayen, a divorced beautician and mother of two, loves to tell stories. She is a huge fan of this singer Vincent Lacroix, in fact she is a dedicated fan. One day Vincent knock on her door and ask for her help.
어떤 만남
일에 대한 열정과 완벽한 커리어, 연하의 연인까지 모두가 부러워하는 삶을 살지만, 문득문득 밀려오는 공허함까지 막을 수는 없던 유명 소설가 엘자(소피 마르소). 그러던 어느 날, 자신의 책 [퀀텀 러브] 출판 기념 북페어에서 우연히 변호사 피에르(프랑수아 클루제)를 만난 그녀는 그에게서 말로 설명할 수 없는 묘한 감정을 느낀다. 평범한 가정, 안정적인 직장 등 모든 것을 갖춘 일상에 만족해 온 피에르 역시 그녀에게 걷잡을 수 없이 빠져드는 자신을 발견한다. 하지만 지금껏 지켜온 각자의 삶을 위해 서로의 연락처도 묻지 않은 채 헤어진 두 사람은 다음 번 만남을 운명에 거는데…
Les Gazelles
Marie and Eric, a couple in their thirties who have been together since college, buy their first apartment when Marie is suddenly overcome by doubt. Her encounter with a handsome, dark-haired man forces her to make a decision...
Jamais le premier soir
Julie, a woman who is unlucky in love despite her bubbly demeanor. Her job at a bookstore takes an interesting twist when she discovers a book titled "Happiness Can Be Learned," and she sets out to fix her love life once and for all.
브라이트 데이즈 어헤드
Lydia - la prof de théâtre
Bright days ahead? Caroline has retired, at last. A new life lies before her: time to take care of her children, her husband, and, most of all, herself. However, she soon comes to realize that this new freedom is synonymous with boredom and idleness. Especially when she receives a membership to her neighborhood’s senior club as a birthday present… Reluctant at first, she nevertheless decides to take the plunge. Oddly enough, she meets great people there, starting with the young computer science teacher, who is far from insensitive to her charms. Caroline gradually takes control of her life again and lives a second youth: taking a new lover, living new experiences, breaking the rules, not doing what’s expected of her… Who said that retirement was the beginning of the end and not a new beginning?
Together Is Too Much
Imagine, if you will, a somewhat contented married woman finding out her husband's infidelity during the celebration of a birthday party. That is what happens to Marie-France, when her husband, Henri, pulls out panties from his pocket to be used as a handkerchief. Marie-France becomes furious, storming out of the house. His son, Sebastian and his wife, Clementine, a struggling couple, decide to take Marie-France to their tiny apartment, something they feel it is a temporary arrangement. Little did they know what they were getting into...
Un monde violent
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