Second Assistant Camera
Sibling astronomers join forces with the military when hostile aliens attack Earth.
Steadicam Operator
Elaine, an injured dancer, catches the eye of a deranged psychologist who believes her to be the perfect woman. Realizing he is manipulating her mind and using her injury against her; Elaine must escape with the children before she becomes another casualty in his psychotic study.
"B" Camera Operator
2242년, 기하급수적으로 늘어난 인구로 인해 더 이상 지구에서의 생존이 불가능하다 판단한 인류는 제2의 지구로 이주를 진행한다. 마지막 선별 인원들을 태운 헤라클레스 호가 출발하고 우주 항해 도중 선원들이 하나둘씩 사라지면서, 모두가 혼란에 빠진다. 이에 사건을 조사하던 ‘클레이’(브루스 윌리스)와 동료들은 우주선에 ‘다른 존재’가 있다는 사실과 함께, 인류의 멸망을 불러올 충격적인 비밀을 알게 되는데...
First Assistant Camera
When the leader of the evil Coalition threatens to destroy a Rebel planet for its resources, his daughter will have no choice but to join the Rebel side and fight for what is right.
Camera Operator
과학자 베르너와 크리스틴은 몇 시간 뒤 캘리포니아에 역사상 최고 강도의 대지진이 들이닥칠 것을 예상한다. 이 지진을 막지 못하면 샌 안드레아스 전역의 단층은 바다로 침강될 것이다. 베르너 박사의 전 부인이자 지진 대포의 발명가인 데보라도 인류 대재앙을 막기 위해 지진 구조팀으로 황급히 온다. 세 명의 과학자는 지진을 막기 위해 고군분투하지만 대지진의 초기 진동만으로도 캘리포니아는 혼돈에 빠진다. 해병 락크너 대령, 육군 지진 대피 구조대인 베르너의 딸 잉그리드까지 합류하여 얼마 안 남은 시간 동안 지진을 막기 위해 사활을 거는데...
Steadicam Operator
After a car wreck temporarily robs Lauren Carlton of her memory right down to her own name, she must piece together the details of the accident as they slowly return to her. When she finally remembers that she has a daughter who's missing, she must lead the police to the girl's kidnappers.
First Assistant Camera
After a car wreck temporarily robs Lauren Carlton of her memory right down to her own name, she must piece together the details of the accident as they slowly return to her. When she finally remembers that she has a daughter who's missing, she must lead the police to the girl's kidnappers.
Camera Operator
Lost mines, abandoned diggings, ghost towns. Generations later, their stories continue to fascinate and intrigue. And even haunt us.
No understanding of the modern movement in architecture is possible without knowledge of its master builder, Mies van der Rohe. Together with documentation of his life, this film shows all his major buildings, as well as rare film footage of Mies explaining his philosophy. Phyllis Lambert relates her choice of Mies as the architect for the Seagram building. Mies's achievements and continuing influence are debated by architects Robert A.M. Stern, Robert Venturi, and Philip Johnson, by former students and by architectural historians. Mies is seen in rare documentary footage.
First Assistant Camera
When a heavyset girl discovers that whatever she does to her body physically affects her bully, she has to decide how far she's willing to go to exact revenge.