César Chauveau

César Chauveau

프로필 사진

César Chauveau

참여 작품

Un Second Souffle
An aging dentist looks for a little liveliness by abandoning his wife in favor of a younger woman. When he learns that his mistress also has another younger lover, he gets jealous, but tries not to make an issue of it. In the end, he dumps her and returns to his wife, who is not about to stand for his middle-aged immaturity. She leaves him.
A Child in the Crowd
Paul (Teenager)
Deserted by his father, and dislocated by the Second World War, Paul is a boy who wants affection and attention and cannot find it at home. For a while, he becomes the pet of some German soldiers, running errands for them. Later, he helps the Resistance, and when the Americans come to stay, he is really in his element with them.
Le Pélican
Paul has been imprisoned for ten years for passing counterfeit money. He feels victimized enough, both for the prison time and for the crime which led to it; he committed the crime to give his wife the nice things she asked him for. When he discovers that she has remarried a quite wealthy man, he is outraged. However, his ire is not due to her disloyalty to him; he loved their only son to distraction, and now the boy has no knowledge or memory of him.
Roberto (uncredited)
범죄의 세계에서 화려하게 명성을 날려온 보석 전문 강도이자 킬러 싸르테(아랑 드롱 분)가 호송 도중 자동차 바닥을 뚫고 탈출한다. 시실리계 거물 마피아 마네레제(장 가방 분)으로부터 5천만불에 달하는 보석을 가로채자는 제의를 받은 그는 탈출 직후 마네레제의 집에 기거하며 감방 동료로부터 얻어낸 보석 전시장 경보 시스탬을 하나하나 분석해 낸다. 그러나 현장 조사결과 도면에는 없던 특수장치가 발견되자 이들은 계획을 원점으로 돌리고 다시 치밀한 작전을 세운다.그사이 싸르테는 마네레제의 아들 알도의 아내와 사랑에 빠지고 만다. 한편 프랑스 경찰청의 국보급 수사관으로 싸르테검거에 총력을 시울리고 있는 르고프(리노 벤츄리 분)의 추적이 뒤따르는 가운데 싸르테 일행은 뉴욕 전시를 위해 공수되던 보석을 실은 여객기를 납치, 뉴욕의 프리웨이에 강제 착륙시키는데.