César Chauveau

César Chauveau


César Chauveau


Un Second Souffle
An aging dentist looks for a little liveliness by abandoning his wife in favor of a younger woman. When he learns that his mistress also has another younger lover, he gets jealous, but tries not to make an issue of it. In the end, he dumps her and returns to his wife, who is not about to stand for his middle-aged immaturity. She leaves him.
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Paul (Teenager)
Фильм рассказывает о неприятии подростка обществом в дни немецкой оккупации.
Le Pélican
Paul has been imprisoned for ten years for passing counterfeit money. He feels victimized enough, both for the prison time and for the crime which led to it; he committed the crime to give his wife the nice things she asked him for. When he discovers that she has remarried a quite wealthy man, he is outraged. However, his ire is not due to her disloyalty to him; he loved their only son to distraction, and now the boy has no knowledge or memory of him.
Сицилийский клан
Roberto (uncredited)
Молодой гангстер Роже Сарте совершает побег из фургона, перевозящего его в тюрьму из Дворца Правосудия. Все проходит удачно благодаря помощи главы сицилийского клана Витторио Маналезе. Роже нужен ему для участия в дерзком ограблении. Клан намерен совершить кражу уникальной коллекции драгоценностей, собранной в Риме для международной выставки. К операции готовятся долго и тщательно. Поскольку выставка будет проходить в Нью-Йорке, американский друг Витторио Тони Никозиа предлагает привести план в исполнение во время полета и захватить добычу.