Toshiyuki Hosokawa

Toshiyuki Hosokawa

프로필 사진

Toshiyuki Hosokawa

참여 작품

Departing Osaka Station at 0:00
This film is about a train departing Osaka Station at midnight to an unknown destination. The people on this train all have some difficulties in their lives, and they end up on this train. Hanoko is suicidal, Yuka has caught her boyfriend with another woman, Michiru is aimless, Mr. Wakabayashi has just been fired, and one other man just lost his wife. They take the train to Kazumachi, a small village. They decide to stay and enter a small world of discovery about themselves, courtesy of the inhabitants of the village, all of whom are engaging.
金融腐蝕列島 再生
웰컴 미스터 맥도날드
Jo Hamamura
라디오 드라마 극본 공모에 당선된 미야코는 설레는 마음으로 자신의 대본이 녹음되는 모습을 보러 간다. 그러나 리허설까지 마치고 순조롭게 준비되던 방송은 왕년의 스타 성우 노리코(도다 게이코)의 고집으로 엉망진창이 되어 간다. 노다가 자신의 극중 이름을 난데없이 '메어리'로 바꿔달라고 요구하자, 남자 주인공도 생방송 중에 무단으로 이름을 바꾼다. 게다가 이상하게 변해가는 대본과는 달리 음향 효과가 전혀 준비되지 않아 스탭들은 좌충우돌하는데..
The Files of Young Kindaichi: School's Seven Mysteries Murder Case
Matoba Yuichirou
At Fudo High, the principal receives threatening letters from someone called the "Afterschool Magician," who warns them to stop the plans to tear down the old school building. Scary rumours of students who died in the "Seven Mysteries of Fudo High" began to spread again, and it isn't long before Kindaichi and Miyuki gets involved when the Mystery Club asks them to help investigate. When the members of the Mystery Club turns up dead one by one and Miyuki also gets attacked, Kindaichi realizes that he must solve it before any more people are killed.
Yonigeya hompo 2
Fukujiro Toyotomi
Tokugawa Ieyasu's Secret Treasure
A Paucity of Flying Dreams
Shuji Taura
A man in hospital has a weird and sexy conversation with a woman in the next bed, whom he cannot see. He later discovers she is in her sixties. They meet several more times and, each time, she is younger.
Shusaku Kazama (Shinji's father)
1944년. 도쿄 공습을 피해 토야마富山 친척집에 혼자 피난 내려온 신지는, 시골 학교에서 낯선 생활에 적응해야 한다. 신지가 들어간 5학년 남자반은 다케시라는 급장이 확실하게 권력을 휘두르고 있다. 다른 아이들보다 머리 하나는 더 크고 힘쎈 다케시의 횡포에 아이들은 꼼짝 못하고, 신지는 그런 다케시에게 저항을 시도해 보지만 곧 눈물을 흘리며 다케시가 원하는 것을 뭐든지 해주는 처지에 빠진다.
The New Morning of Billy the Kid
Mystery man
All the protagonists move about in a Tokyo Bar that has an entire wall taken up with a black-and-white reproduction of a photo of Monument Valley. The action starts as Billy the Kid, in full living color, walks out of the photo and gets a job as a waiter. Along with him on the working staff are a samurai straight out of the history books, a G.I. from World War II, and several other anachronistic characters. The plot (as such) revolves around keeping away the brutal mobsters and thugs who dominate the city streets outside of the bar, making the tavern safe for its easily recognized facsimiles of well-known characters.
소설을 각색해 영화 만들기를 선호했던 ‘문예감독’ 이치가와 곤이 일본의 근대작가 다니자키 준이치로의 풍속 소설을 스크린으로 옮겼다. 오사카의 몰락한 상류층 집안 네 자매의 사랑과 일상을 잔잔하게 그린 작품. 마키오카 가문의 셋째 딸 유키코는 온화하고 정숙한 여성이지만 마땅한 신랑감을 찾지 못해 언니들의 속을 썩인다. 한편 철부지 막내딸 테코는 보석상의 아들과 눈이 맞아 달아나고, 신문에서는 이 사건을 다루면서 테코의 이름을 유키코로 잘못 보도해 소동이 벌어진다.
내일의 죠 2
Toru rikiishi
리키이시와 죠의 결전은 그 누구도 결과를 예측할 수 없이 진행되었다. 그러나 죠가 패배를 인정했음에도 불구하고 리키이시는 죠가 보는 앞에서 영원히 일어나지 못한다. 1년 후 링에서 추모의 꽃다발과 죠의 흔적만 있을 뿐이었다. 죠는 리키이시의 묘지에 갔다온 후 링에 복귀를 결심하고 계속 KO승을 거둔다. '지옥에서 온 사자'라고 불릴 정도로 죠의 주먹은 치명적이었다. 그러나 죠는 리키이시의 충격이 가라앉지 않아서인지 안면공격을 하지 못하는 결점이 있었다. 그러던 어느날, 카를로스라는 상대를 만나 안면공격에 대한 결점을 극복한다. 그러나 그것도 잠시, 카를로스는 죠의 시합이후 재기 불능상태가 되고 죠는 자신의 주먹을 저주하기 시작한다. 카를로스의 절망적인 모습에 마음이 안좋은 죠는 호세 멘도사라는 챔피언으로부터의 결전을 앞둔 어느날 카를로스의 재기 불능이 자신의 주먹이 아닌 호세 멘도사의 코크스크류 펀치 때문인 걸 아는데...
내일의 죠 1
Toru Rikiishi (voice)
고아원 출신의 난폭한 떠돌이 죠. 초라한 복싱 도장의 주정뱅이 관장인 단페이 영감은 죠의 숨겨진 재능을 단번에 알아본다. 그는 죠를 통해 자신이 못다 이룬 꿈을 실현하고자 애쓰며 소년원에 수감된 그를 복싱의 길로 이끌어낸다. 그리고 죠는 소년원에서 평생의 친구이자 최대의 라이벌이 될 강자 리키이시를 만난다.
Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Aftermath
Two Kyushu based yakuza groups are desperate for domaination of the area. When more powerful yakuza groups get involved in their power struggle, a group of childhood friends, belonging to different yakuza families, are caught in the middle. Lies, deceit, and backstabbing are in play resulting in a bloodbath and a quest for revenge...
여죄수 사소리 701호 원한의 노래
Takeshi Kodama
여죄수 사소리 701호 원한의 노래
Miyamoto Musashi
Seijuro Yoshioka
In Part I we see the young would-be swordsman setting out to achieve greatness in war, achieving nothing because fighting on the losing side, & then beginning his long period of wandering & training, with the goal always in mind of his duel with Kojiro. Part II builds toward that great duel on Ganryu Island, with considerable focus on Musashi's planning & forethought as to how to gain an advantage.
A young woman undergoes psychiatric treatment after she no longer hears music and develops sexual hang-ups.
Hakuchô no uta nanka kikoenai
Young man and woman experience changes in their worldview and question the meaning of life after meeting a dying grandfather.
Confessions Among Actresses
Apparent Father
In this intricately layered Japanese film, the nature of actresses and what they gain from acting is explored. The lives of three actresses are laid bare, and scenes from their lives are woven in and out of interviews with each of them. Each of them has experienced a traumatic event which contributes to their particular enjoyment of becoming someone else in dramatic roles.
Amai Himitsu
A dynamic woman who aspires to be a writer, living a wild life in constant search of freedom while indulging in lust with four men.
자토이치와 요짐보
Sanaemon Goto
With a price on his head, Ichi seeks tranquillity in a favorite village. Since his last visit, it has fallen prey to Boss Masagoro, the son of a merchant rumored to have stolen gold from the shogunate. The boss has hired Yojimbo as his hard-drinking enforcer, but Yojimbo is both a spy for the shogunate, trying to find the gold, and in love with the merchant's unwilling mistress, Umeno. Ichi hires on as the merchant's masseur and buys Umeno's freedom with his employer's own money. This embarrasses Yojimbo who withdraws from a pact with Ichi to stir up trouble between father and son and their gangs. As the two sides fight, Ichi finds the gold and sets up a final set of confrontations.
Second Generation Young Boss
Takeshi Nanjo, a junior lieutenant in the navy whose father, the head of the Nanjo-gumi yakuza family, was killed, is forced to leave the army and become the head of the Nanjo-gumi in the second generation. He brutally chivalrously avenges the death of his father by a vicious yakuza linked to extremists within the army through the courage and swordsmanship of naval training!
에로스 + 학살
Sakae Osugi
Two interwoven stories. The first is a biography of anarchist Sakae Osugi which follows his relationship with three women in the 1920s. The second centers on two 1960s students researching Osugi's theories.
Kanto Woman Yakuza
The Night before Pearl Harbor
Hiroshi Isomura
The last film in the series brings the tale to the doorstep of Pacific War, with the planning of the bombing of Pearl Harbor dominant in Nakano Spy School.
불꽃과 여자
매력적인 여성 다쓰코는 남편인 신고와 어린 아들과 함께 좋은 저택에서 행복해 보이는 삶을 누린다. 그러나 사실 다쓰코는 자신이 낳은 아들의 진짜 아버지가 누구인지 확신을 못 내리고 있으며, 다쓰코 부부의 친구인 사카구치는 자신의 불임을 의심하고 있다. 세 사람은 서로 자신이 가진 고민을 털어놓으며 과거의 일들을 하나씩 떠올린다.
The Homely Sister
In the 19th century Edo period, sisters Oshizu and Otaka have sacrificed their personal happiness to work and care for their ailing father. Otaka falls in love, but can’t accept a marriage proposal since her older sister needs to marry first. When Oshizu learns of this decision, she takes matters in her own hands.
자토이치: 탈옥
When a local gambling house kidnaps some peasants because they failed to pay their debts, a rival gambling house pays their debts and sets them free.
A Fallen Woman
The daughter of a Prime Minister turns down the proposal of a young teacher when she falls for the wrong man. Despite the continual degradation by the man she loves, she is unwilling to leave her awful relationship.
Warm Current
군대 야쿠자
A young intellectual conscientious objector is forced to serve with the Japanese army in Manchuria. He joins with a dim-witted former gangster in an effort to desert by stealing a train.