Facundo Paco Girón

참여 작품

Sound Recordist
The tragic death of a polar bear triggers the end of the Buenos Aires Zoo. A superhero lover lawyer asks a court to declare the orangutan Sandra a Non-Human Person and revolutionizes the planet. A very Argentine story, full of passions, embarrassing missteps and memorable characters.
Holy Beasts
Sound Recordist
Remembers an artist in the form of a somnambulistic fantasy: A filmmaker faces increasing challenges as she tries, decades later, to complete Dominican filmmaker Jean-Louis Jorge’s unfinished work.
Above all, Delfín wants to participate in a Children's Orchestra that is forming in a neighboring city. This trip will mean an adventure for him, and also for his father.
Doidas e Santas
Sound Recordist
Beatriz is a famous psychoanalyst who teaches others to be happy, but isn't able to be happy herself. Things take a turn when her mother's death takes her traveling with her sister to Buenos Aires to comply with the unusual directives she left in her will.
Sound Recordist
How are biographies charted? How is identity constructed? Can we relive our past, reinvent it, rearrange or recycle it? Can we really know who we are if we ignore where do we come from?
La Paz in Buenos Aires
Sound Recordist
Erasmo Chambi is a Bolivian immigrant who survives on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, giving wrestling shows at local clubs. In his home country, he was a legendary wrestler: there were trading cards, posters and action figures of his character, El Ciclón (The Cyclone), which today are only relics in a forgotten drawer. Nowadays he trains his son to be his successor.
The Paranoids
Sound Recordist
Luciano works in birthday parties and writes his first feature when friend Manuel returns from Spain to repeat his TV show, "The Paranoids", together with his girl Sofia. Manuel is everything he is not and his trying to be helpful in his career and with women, only worsens the conflict. When Manuel leaves Sofia with Luciano for two days, she is seduced by the qualities Manuel rejects in his friend as weaknesses. Sofia changes. Luciano also, but only at the last moment he can overcome the fears he has been cultivating his whole life.
Boom Operator
의학적 호기심으로부터 알렉스를 보호하기 위해 아르헨티나를 떠나 우루과이의 외딴 어촌마을로 들어온 알렉스의 부모는 딸로 키워온 알렉스가 사춘기에 이르자 아이의 미래를 결정해야 되는 고민에 빠지게 된다. 그리고 성형외과 의사인 친구 부부와 그들의 아들, 알바로가 알렉스의 수술검토를 위해 이 가족을 방문하게 된다. 알렉스는 어느 한 성의 선택을 강요받는 분위기 속에서 압박감을 느끼고, 알바로와의 섹스를 시도한다. 부모들은 부모들대로 자식의 이익을 위해 최선을 다하려 하지만 무엇이 최선인지를 알 수 없다. 한편 아이들도 아이들 나름대로 자신의 정체성을 찾고 스스로를 보호하기 위해 혼란의 과정을 겪는다.
Chronicle of an Escape
Boom Operator
The true story of four men who narrowly escaped death at the hands of Argentina's military death squads in 1977. Claudio Tamburrini is a goalie for a minor-league football team when he is abducted by members of the Argentine military police and taken to an unofficial detention center on the false suspicion that he is a terrorist. As he is tortured by intelligence agents looking for information he doesn't have, Tamburrini fully expects to be killed. After many sessions of brutal torture, Tamburrini and his fellow captives Guillermo and Tano are being readied for execution when, in a final desperate act, Tamburrini dives out a window during a rainstorm.
Son of the Bride
Boom Operator
At age 42, Rafael Belvedere is having a crisis. He lives in the shadow of his father, he feels guilty about rarely visiting his aging mother, his ex-wife says he doesn't spend enough time with their daughter and he has yet to make a commitment to his girlfriend. At his lowest point, a minor heart attack reunites him with Juan Carlos, a childhood friend, who helps Rafael to reconstruct his past.