Mahsa Ghorbankarimi

참여 작품

블랙 엠페러
CG Supervisor
노예였던 `그린`은 가족을 건드린 백인들을 살해한 후 도망자 신세가 된다. 여러 번의 죽을 고비를 넘긴 그는, 노예 해방을 위해 싸우는 `브라운` 부자를 만나게 되면서 새로운 꿈을 가지게 된다. 한편 악명 높은 현상금 사냥꾼 `멕케브`는 도망친 `그린`을 잡기 위해 끈질기게 추격해 오는데… 진짜 영웅의 거짓말 같은 이야기가 펼쳐진다!
Lighting Artist
사고로 동생을 잃은 코트니는 의대생 친구들과 함께 사후세계에 대한 궁금증을 풀고자 위험한 실험을 하게 된다. 바로 자신의 심장을 잠시 동안 정지시켜 죽음의 세계에 들어갔다가 다시 의식을 깨우는 실험인데, 코트니는 제일 먼저 이 위험한 실험에 나선다. 심정지 상태에 있던 코트니가 위태로운 고비를 넘기고 의식을 회복한 후, 내면에 잠재되어 있던 능력들이 함께 깨어나 엄청난 지능을 갖게 되자 이를 부러워한 친구들도 앞다투어 실험을 감행한다. 그러나 위험천만한 이 실험은 잘못된 욕망으로 인한 과거의 죄책감까지도 함께 깨우게 되는데…
In a high-rise apartment young parents Alex and Mahsa live with their seven-year-old daughter Mina. Everything about the family is completely normal, uncomfortably real: Their home, their jobs, her school, the way they hold and love each other. The line between fact and fiction is blurred because THEY ARE A REAL family. Until completely normal turns into what they fear the most. Alex's injury opens the door to a malevolent force that attacks and dismantles the family one person at a time: A violent aggressor determined to prove that possession is real, unconscionably disturbing and very different from how it's depicted in the movies.
In a high-rise apartment young parents Alex and Mahsa live with their seven-year-old daughter Mina. Everything about the family is completely normal, uncomfortably real: Their home, their jobs, her school, the way they hold and love each other. The line between fact and fiction is blurred because THEY ARE A REAL family. Until completely normal turns into what they fear the most. Alex's injury opens the door to a malevolent force that attacks and dismantles the family one person at a time: A violent aggressor determined to prove that possession is real, unconscionably disturbing and very different from how it's depicted in the movies.
In a high-rise apartment young parents Alex and Mahsa live with their seven-year-old daughter Mina. Everything about the family is completely normal, uncomfortably real: Their home, their jobs, her school, the way they hold and love each other. The line between fact and fiction is blurred because THEY ARE A REAL family. Until completely normal turns into what they fear the most. Alex's injury opens the door to a malevolent force that attacks and dismantles the family one person at a time: A violent aggressor determined to prove that possession is real, unconscionably disturbing and very different from how it's depicted in the movies.