CG Supervisor
Buscando dar ao filho um destino justo, um homem escravizado consegue fugir e juntar-se aos abolicionistas. Reunindo sua força ancestral, lidera um ataque que resultará na Guerra Civil americana. Um herói deixado de fora dos livros de história.
Lighting Artist
Na esperança de fazer algumas descobertas, estudantes de medicina começam a explorar o reino das experiências de quase morte. Cada um deles passa pela experiência de ter o coração parado e depois revivido. Eles passam a ter visões em flash, como pesadelos da infância, e a refletir sobre pecados que cometeram. Os experimentos se intensificam, e eles passam a serem afetados fisicamente por suas visões enquanto tentam achar uma cura para a morte.
In a high-rise apartment young parents Alex and Mahsa live with their seven-year-old daughter Mina. Everything about the family is completely normal, uncomfortably real: Their home, their jobs, her school, the way they hold and love each other. The line between fact and fiction is blurred because THEY ARE A REAL family. Until completely normal turns into what they fear the most. Alex's injury opens the door to a malevolent force that attacks and dismantles the family one person at a time: A violent aggressor determined to prove that possession is real, unconscionably disturbing and very different from how it's depicted in the movies.
In a high-rise apartment young parents Alex and Mahsa live with their seven-year-old daughter Mina. Everything about the family is completely normal, uncomfortably real: Their home, their jobs, her school, the way they hold and love each other. The line between fact and fiction is blurred because THEY ARE A REAL family. Until completely normal turns into what they fear the most. Alex's injury opens the door to a malevolent force that attacks and dismantles the family one person at a time: A violent aggressor determined to prove that possession is real, unconscionably disturbing and very different from how it's depicted in the movies.
In a high-rise apartment young parents Alex and Mahsa live with their seven-year-old daughter Mina. Everything about the family is completely normal, uncomfortably real: Their home, their jobs, her school, the way they hold and love each other. The line between fact and fiction is blurred because THEY ARE A REAL family. Until completely normal turns into what they fear the most. Alex's injury opens the door to a malevolent force that attacks and dismantles the family one person at a time: A violent aggressor determined to prove that possession is real, unconscionably disturbing and very different from how it's depicted in the movies.