Barry Cole

참여 작품

Music Supervisor
Raw and unflinching examination of the courageous life of basketball star and social justice activist Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf. Born Chris Jackson, he overcame tremendous adversity to reach the NBA and found his true calling when he converted to Islam. His decision not to stand for the national anthem, however, turned him from prodigy to pariah. Told candidly by Abdul-Rauf himself more than 20 years later it’s the remarkable story of one man who kept the faith and paved the way for a social justice movement.
Black and Cuba
Music Supervisor
'Black and Cuba' follows street-smart students, who are outcasts at an elite Ivy League university, as they band together and adventure to Cuba to see if revolution is truly possible. While filming their poignant encounters with AfroCuban youth, breathtaking sites and moving hip-hop performances, the travelers confront realities behind myths of color-blindness and social mobility. This edgy and artful documentary of their journey uncovers renewed hope for equality and human rights. 'Black and Cuba' is the feature film directorial debut of international human rights advocate and scholar Robin J. Hayes, PhD.
Misfire: The Rise and Fall of the Shooting Gallery
A documentary about the influential independent film production company The Shooting Gallery.
클럽 드레드
Music Supervisor
평화로운 섬 '코코넛 피트의 보물섬'은 팝스타 출신의 코코넛 피트가 운영하는 해변 휴양지이다. 어느날 나타난 연쇄살인범이 손님들을 하나 둘 살해하기 시작하면서 휴양지는 공포의 도가니에 빠진다. 매니아들의 사랑을 받았던 포복절도 경찰 코미디 '슈퍼 트루퍼스(Broken Lizard's Super Troopers)'의 멤버들이 재결합해서 만든 뒤죽박죽 호러 코미디물.
Daddy and Them
Music Supervisor
Ruby and her husband Claude are a working-class couple who live in suburban Arkansas. As crazy as they are for each other, their relationship is far from harmonious. (The lack of money doesn't help matters, either.) In fact, their whole family is fraught with unresolved conflicts. Then Claude's uncle is arrested on a felony charge, and everyone rallies round. Ruby's mother Jewel and flirtatious sister Rose (Claude's ex-girlfriend) even fly in from Tennessee; but, far from being a source of support, Jewel seems only to want to break up Ruby and Claude.
Music Supervisor
백인들만 다니는 사우스 캐롤라이나 주의 명문 사립고교 팔메토 그로브 아카데미의 유일한 흑인 학생 오딘 제임스. 그는 뛰어난 농구 실력으로 자신이 속한 농구팀을 주대항전 우승팀으로 이끌어 고교 최고의 슈퍼스타 대접을 받는다. 게다가 교장의 딸인 데시 브레이블와 열애 중인 무엇하나 부러울 것이 없다. 농구팀 코치의 아들이자 농구선수로 뛰고 있는 휴고 골딩은 오딘과는 절친한 친구 사이지만, 오딘에게 쏟아지는 관심과 사랑, 그리고 그의 출중한 능력에 강한 질투심을 느낀다. 그러던 중 휴고는 오딘을 파멸시킬 모종의 음모를 꾸미게 되고, 비극은 서서히 시작된다.
세션 나인
Music Supervisor
고든과 필은 빌딩 전문 해체업자로 오랫동안 호흡을 맞추어온 한 팀이다. 어느 날 이들은 오래된 정신병원 건물 해체 의뢰를 받고 1주일 내에 모든 작업을 완료하겠다는 조건으로 계약을 체결한 후 팀의 수장격인 고든은 필을 비롯 행크, 마크, 제프 등 총 5명의 인원을 구성해 월요일부터 본격적인 작업에 착수하기로 결정한다. 그러나 작업이 진행될수록 이상한 기운이 감도는 병원 내부. 여기에 병원에 입원했던 한 여인의 진찰 기록이 담긴 릴 테잎이 발견되면서 작업 팀들에게는 점점 이상한 일들이 벌어지기 시작하는데.
아메리칸 사이코
Music Supervisor
모든 것에 최고와 최상을 추구하는 패트릭 베이트만. 하버드 MBA출신의 그는 합병회사의 최고경영자이다. 최고급 브랜드의 옷을 입고, 최고급 향수를 뿌리며 아무나 예약할 수 없는 최고급 식당에서 식사를 즐긴다. 패트릭은 자신보다 더 잘나가는 폴이에게 적대감을 느끼고 그를 자신의 집으로 불러들여 살인을 저지른다. 곧 일상으로 복귀한 패트릭은 간밤의 살인은 까맣게 잊은 듯 하다. 그러나 사실 그는 살인에서 묘한 쾌감을 얻었다. 죄책감없이 일상으로 완벽하게 복귀한 듯 보이지만, 그는 어느 새 다른 대상을 물색하는 자신을 본다.
마이너스 맨
Music Supervisor
When the quiet and amiable Vann Siegert drifts into town, no one suspects the evil that lies beneath the surface. Despite his easy charm, Vann is merely a reflection of what those he encounters want him to be. Soon, as locals start to disappear, it becomes clear that an eerie subtraction is at work in the sleepy hamlet.
Music Consultant
Tommy Bundy and Sincere are best friends as well as infamous and ruthless criminals and shot-callers in the hood. Respected by many but feared by all. As the police are closing in on them and new players are looking for a come up, will their reign last?
넥스트 스톱 원더랜드
Music Supervisor
에린은 간호사인데 그녀의 오랜 남자친구가 그녀를 차버렸다. 그녀의 어머니 파이퍼는 그녀를 위해 개인 광고를 낸다. 한편 이 영화는 해양생물학자를 꿈꾸는 지역 수족관에서 자원봉사를 하고 있는 앨런의 삶을 다룬다. 그들의 길이 엇갈릴까?불행한 연애 실패 간호사는 어머니가 신문에 인물 광고를 낼 때 자신의 삶이 엉망이 되어간다고 생각하지만 보스턴의 반대편에서는 배관공이 직업을 바꾸려고 한다.
Frogs for Snakes
Music Supervisor
A group of unemployed theater actors survive by working as illegal money collectors. The loan shark they are working for owns an Off-Broadway theater. As he decided to play "American Buffalo" there, a bloody battle for the favorite roles begin.
Music Supervisor
After his mother dies, Dan McCarthy returns to his upstate New York family home hoping to find out why his older brother Robert was not at the funeral. Once a promising pianist, Robert now drives a delivery truck when not hassling his girlfriend Julie. Dan hangs out with the two for several days while repairing his car. At a lake one night, Robert threatens Dan and Julie with a gun, triggering flashbacks to his father's suicide.
Dogs: The Rise and Fall of an All-Girl Bookie Joint
Music Supervisor
Four twenty-something women, crammed into a small Manhattan apartment, have dead end jobs (or no job) and overdue rent. They discover cash and self esteem when they set up an illegal bookie joint in their kitchen. Suddenly they can pay their bills; they imagine joining the middle class; they even make corporate donations to charity. The film also explores their relationships with men, most of whom are unfit for anything lasting, and with their mothers, who appear in surreal, imagined conversations with their daughters.
Music Supervisor
At the beginning of a nightly Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Jim seems particularly troubled. His sponsor encourages him to talk that night, the first time in seven months, so he does - and leaves the meeting right after. As Jim wanders the night, searching for some solace in his old stomping grounds, bars and parks where he bought drugs, the meeting goes on, and we hear the stories of survivors and addicts - some, like Louis, who claim to have wandered in looking for choir practice, who don't call themselves alcoholic, and others, like Joseph, whose drinking almost caused the death of his child - as they talk about their lives at the meeting