Isabel Randolph

Isabel Randolph

출생 : 1887-03-09,

사망 : 1973-01-11

프로필 사진

Isabel Randolph

참여 작품

Hot Shots
Mrs. Taylor
Sach and the gang baby-sit a bratty TV star.
Sincerely Yours
Mrs. Poindexter
He dazzled America for decades with his musical artistry. Now fans as well as those curious about this exciting entertainer’s unique appeal can relive the Liberace magic in his only starring film, Sincerely Yours. In a poignant story scripted by Irving Wallace, Liberace plays a concert pianist threatened by deafness. Plunged into despair, he finds escape from personal sorrow by secretly involving himself in the problems of strangers. Liberace touches the heart and delights the ear with sparkling renditions of 31 selections from Chopin to Chopsticks. Along the way he romances Joanne Dru and Dorothy Malone, trades barbs with old pro William Demarest and in a warmly humorous nightclub scene, pokes fun at his own image as the 1950s matinee idol of the little-old-lady set. From beginning to end, Sincerely Yours perfectly captures the charisma and sheer musicality of the legendary Mr. Showmanship.
Ain't Misbehavin'
Matron (uncredited)
Rowdy young girl crashes high society when wealthy older man falls for her.
The Shanghai Story
Mrs. Merryweather
Shanghai, China. The last expatriate Westerners still living in the city are imprisoned in a hotel by the communist authorities in order to find the spy hiding among them.
Border City Rustlers
Two episodes of "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
Captain Scarface
Mrs. Dilts
A group of communist spies plan to blow up an essential commercial artery, the Panama Canal. To this end, they have kidnapped a nuclear scientist and are traveling by steamship to the coast of South America. Luckily for western civilization, the hard-nosed ship's captain, played by Barton MacLane, has other ideas.
The Lady Wants Mink
Mrs. Frazier
A woman raises mink to get the coat she's always wanted.
Thundering Caravans
Deborah Cranston
Marshal Rocky Lane is sent to help the Sheriff who is under attack from both the miners whose ore wagons are disappearing and the newspaper editor for not catching the outlaws. But the editor is actually the leader of the gang and with the election forthcoming, she has a plan to make the Sheriff look bad so her son will be elected Sheriff thereby making it easy for them to continue with their robberies.
Young Man with Ideas
Mrs. Martha Rickson (uncredited)
A Montana lawyer gets distracted after moving to California with his wife and children.
Two Tickets to Broadway
Mrs. Darling
A young woman (Janet Leigh) leaves her small hometown in Vermont and travels to New York City with hopes of becoming a Broadway star.
Two Dollar Bettor
Margaret Adams
An honest guy gets trapped into the world of horse racing and his once prosperous life becomes a downward spiral into the underworld.
Secrets of Monte Carlo
Mrs. Gussy
A U.S. businessman (Warren Douglas) abroad is the patsy for the theft of a rajah's jewels.
A Wonderful Life
Sponsored by The Protestant Film Commission, this religiously-affiliated tale centers around citizen Henry Wood (played by Oscar winner James Dunn from "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"), who loved family and church, gave to the needy, and donated most of his money to charity. Now deceased, his somewhat neglected daughter reflects on his past and ponders that age-old question, did he indeed have such "a wonderful life"?
Mary Ryan, Detective
Isabel Simpson
A female police detective (Marsha Hunt) enters jail to gain the confidence of a shoplifter and learn the identity of the leader of a stolen goods racket.
Feudin' Rhythm
Lucille Upperworth
Eddy Arnold, singing star of the Ace Lucky radio program gets involved when Ace's equipment for a television program is destroyed by a fire. Aces accepts the sponsorship of social-climber Lucille Upperworth, who tries to revamp the western/hillbilly music format to classical music.
As part of a bet, a compulsive gambler agrees to marry the winner, a professional gambler. Before he can "collect," she skips town. The gambler hires a private detective to track her down so he can collect his "winnings."
The Noose Hangs High
Miss Van Buren (uncredited)
Two window washers who are mistaken by Nick Craig, a bookie, as the messengers he sent for to pick up $50,000. Now the person he sent them to sent two of his men to get the money back but they found out about it. So they try to mail to Craig but a mix up has the money sent somewhere else and the woman who got it spent it. Now Craig needs the money to pay off one of his clients.
Sitting Pretty
Mrs. R. B. Frisbee (uncredited)
Tacey and Harry King are a suburban couple with three sons and a serious need of a babysitter. Tacey puts an ad in the paper for a live-in babysitter, and the ad is answered by Lynn Belvedere. But when she arrives, she turns out to be a man. And not just any man, but a most eccentric, outrageously forthright genius with seemingly a million careers and experiences behind him.
If You Knew Susie
Mrs. Clinton
In the small town of Brookford, everybody can trace their ancestors back to the Revolutionary War, except Sam and Susie Parker. One day, however, they find a letter written by George Washington that mentions the bravery of a Revolutionary War hero named Parker.
Dear Ruth
Mrs. Teaker
Lt. William Seacroft, on leave from the Italian front, arrives at the New York home of Ruth Wilkins, with whom he has been corresponding. Unknown to both Ruth and Bill, Ruth's younger sister, Miriam, has been writing the letters and signing Ruth's name as part of a program to keep up soldiers' morale. Although Ruth has just gotten engaged to a coworker, she agrees to see Bill and pretend she wrote the letters.
Cowboy Blues
Mrs. Winston (as Mrs. Uppington)
Starring Ken Curtis and the hayseed singing group the Hoosier Hot Shots, this musical Western is really Lady for a Day with a switch in gender. Rotund Guy Kibbee is Dusty Nelson, the handyman at the Bar B dude ranch, whose daughter Susan is arriving with her socialite fiancee, Jerome Winston. Susan believes her father owns the ranch, and to spare Dusty any embarrassment, the Hot Shots, ranch manager Curt Durant and sidekick Big Boy Stover agree to continue the deception.
Our Hearts Were Growing Up
Mrs. Southworth
Russell and Lynn are a pair of college students in the 1920s. They get mixed up with kind-hearted bootlegger Donlevy who helps them get their boy friends back.
다크 코너
Mrs. Reynolds (uncredited)
Ex-con turned private investigator Bradford Galt suspects someone is following him and maybe even trying to kill him. With the assistance of his spunky secretary, Kathleen Stewart, he dives deep into a mystery in search of answers.
Tell It to a Star
Mrs. Whitmore
Carol (Ruth Terry), the cigarette girl at a swank Palm Springs hotel, dreams of singing in the establishment's nightclub. She gets a chance when her well-to-do uncle, "Colonel" Morgan (Alan Mowbray), and a pal blow into town ... until their visit turns out to be a con job. Carol's voice impresses the bandleader (Robert Livingston), but the hotel manager (Franklin Pangborn), still smarting from Morgan's chicanery, isn't ready to give her a chance.
The Missing Corpse
Alice Kruger
A feud between rival newspapermen Kruger (Bromberg) and McDonald (Guilfoyle) goes deadly when blackmailing McDonald ends up murdered and his corpse planted in the trunk of Kruger's car. Good guy Kruger attempts to hide McDonald's body, with the help of chauffeur Hogan (Jenks), to keep from being charged with murder. However, zany scenarios occur as the body just won't stay hidden, and keeps on popping up in multiple places where Kruger is located, leading to him hiding the body again and again while Kruger tries to find the real killer.
The Man Who Walked Alone
Mrs. Hammond
A war hero returns home following a medical discharge and ends up entangled with a young woman speeding away from her wedding day in her fiance's car. Seeing the soldier, she gives him a ride and explains her predicament. Things get sticky when the cops capture them and accuse the soldier of desertion.
Mrs. Abigail Uppington
A trio of competing bands vie for a spot on a rural radio program.
Standing Room Only
Jane Ritchie
During WWII, an executive and his secretary arrive in Washington, DC on business but, because of the housing shortage, are unable to find hotel rooms. In desperation, they pretend to be married and hire themselves out as a butler and maid in order to secure lodgings. Comedy.
O, My Darling Clementine
Abilail Uppington
"Dapper Dan" Franklin and his small troupe of actors become stranded in the small town of Harmony, Tennessee. The town is shackled by Blue Laws imposed upon it by a City Council under the influence of their domineering wives. Harry Cheshire is under the thumb of his sister Abigail Uppington. One look at "Pappy's" daughter Clementine, and Dan decides to stay in Harmony...Blue Laws or no.
Best Foot Forward
Mrs. Morton
Bud Hooper, a cadet at Winsocki Military Academy, sends an invitation to movie star Lucille Ball to come to Winsocki's big dance. Ball's publicity-hungry agent convinces her to go in order to boost her career. Complications arise when Bud's girlfriend Helen Schlesinger unexpectedly shows up, too.
Hoosier Holiday
Abigail Fairchild
During World War II three brothers go to enlist in the Air Force, but since they're farmers they're told they're needed at home more than in the service. Determined to join up, they enlist the aid of a pretty young girl whose father is head of the local draft board.
의혹의 그림자
Margaret Green (uncredited)
뉴튼가의 장녀 찰리는 평화롭다 못해 따분하기까지 한 삶에 싫증을 느낀다. 흥미로운 일이 생기길 바라는 찰리는 자신과 같은 이름의 삼촌을 만나고 싶어하는데, 어느 날 정말로 찰리 삼촌이 찾아온다. 그러나 곧 찰리는 삼촌이 연쇄살인 용의자임을 알게 된다. 히치콕의 걸작 중 하나로 감독 자신이 가장 좋아하는 작품으로 꼽았다. 두 찰리를 통해 인간의 양면성과 인간 내면에서의 팽팽한 선과 악의 대립을 보여준다. 치밀하게 연출된, 점차 심장을 조여오는 긴장감과 공포는 단연 최고다.
Here We Go Again
Mrs. Abigail Uppington
It's Fibber and Molly's 20th anniversary and they want to throw a big party. But when everyone declines their invitation, they decide to go on a second honeymoon instead. After one night at the broken down Ramble Inn, where they spent their first honeymoon, they decide to go across the lake to a swanky (and expensive) lodge, where they bump into their old friends Edgar Bergan, Charlie McCarthy, Gildersleeve, and Mrs. Uppington, so the party is on again.
Ride 'Em Cowboy
Rodeo Spectator (uncredited)
Two peanut vendors at a rodeo show get in trouble with their boss and hide out on a railroad train heading west. They get jobs as cowboys on a dude ranch, despite the fact that neither of them knows anything about cowboys, horses, or anything else.
The Corsican Brothers
Countess Isabelle's Mother (Uncredited)
Cultured Mario and outlaw Lucien, twins separated at birth, join forces to avenge their parents' death at the hands of evil Colonna. Because each feels all the same sensations experienced by the other, swordplay is difficult for them. Worse yet, raised very differently, they struggle to find common ground between their conflicting personalities. But to defeat their enemy, the two will have to overcome the obstacles and work as a team.
Look Who's Laughing
Mrs. Uppington
Fibber McGee enlists the help of Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy in enticing an aircraft manufacturer to build a factory in the small town of Wistful Vista. Based on the "Fibber McGee and Molly" radio series
Barnyard Follies
Mrs. Uppington
A country orphanage puts on a show with some musicians to save their 4H club from being shut down by greedy politicians.
Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride
Miss Spencer
Gene inherits a meat-packing plant, then faces stiff competition from snooty Ann Randolph, rival owner determined to do him in.
On Their Own
Hortense Dingwell
The Jones family (without father) head for California to open a bungalow court. To increase business they advertise for families with children and pets. A neighbor threatens to sue.
Scrambled Eggs
Various Characters
Peterkin, a mischievous elf with mixed body parts, decides to see what would happen if he switched the eggs in the tree-maternity nests. What happens is that there are many surprised mothers, and just as many indignant fathers, when the eggs hatch and each family gets a hatching that resembles neither parent. All fly the, figuratively-speaking, coop and Peterkin is left to tend to all the young birds.
Woman in Cabinet (uncredited)
100명의 여성이 등장하는 동안 단 한 명의 남성도 등장하지 않는 ‘여성들만의 영화’. 뉴욕 맨하튼에 사는 상류층 여자들의 우정과 질투, 사랑 등을 다룬 작품으로 클레어 부스 루스의 연극이 원작이다. 「위대한 개츠비」의 F. 스콧 피츠제럴드와 극작가 도널드 오그든 스튜어트가 각본에 참여했다.