During World War II, South Sea beachcomber Walter Eckland is persuaded to spy on planes passing over his island. He gets more than he bargained for as schoolteacher Catherine Frenau arrives on the run from the Japanese with her pupils in tow!
노르만디 침공을 배경으로 한 전쟁터가 배경이 된다. 다가오는 전투에 맞닥뜨린 미국과 영국의 두 장교를 통해 그들의 사랑을 회상하며 전형적인 전개로 시작된다. 미국군 장교인 G.I는 아프리카 전쟁터로 나간 영국 특공대 군인의 아내와 사랑에 빠지게 되면서 그들의 운명은 갈라지게 된다.
Orphaned shoeshine boy Spanky is working on a Mississippi riverboat during the Civil War. There he befriends young runaway slave Buckwheat. After wronging a vicious gambler, Spanky and Buckwheat are forced to jump ship. Finding solace at a nearby house, the two are picked by Marshall Valiant for an important mission. This inspires Spanky to organize the local kids to form a small army of their own.