Meg's Dad (voice)
American Girls follows a prepubescent Meg, who, beset by her coming-of-age, finds herself plagued by unexpected feelings for her best friend.
A West Texas single mother wins the lottery and squanders it just as fast, leaving behind a world of heartbreak. Years later, with her charm running out and nowhere to go, she fights to rebuild her life and find redemption.
After waking up disoriented and frightened in a hospital room, George discovers that he has received a full face transplant.
When a young woman learns her parents' killer has been released from jail, she is forced to revisit old wounds while discovering the destructive power of hate and the true cost of family secrets fully revealing themselves.
Sheriff Don Phelps
When a young woman learns her parents' killer has been released from jail, she is forced to revisit old wounds while discovering the destructive power of hate and the true cost of family secrets fully revealing themselves.
Tim Winter
보름달이 뜬 어느 날 밤, 발자국마저 사라지는 고요한 설원 위를 맨발로 달리던 한 소녀가 피를 토하며 죽는다. 안간힘을 쓰며 뛰어가던 그녀가 결국 피를 토하며 쓰러져 죽어 있는 모습을 사냥꾼 코리(제레미 레너)가 발견한다. 피해자는 그의 친구의 딸. 신입 FBI요원 제인(엘리자베스 올슨)이 사건 담당자로 그곳에 도착하지만 범인이 남긴 증거는 눈보라에 휩싸여 점점 사라지고, 수사는 난항을 겪는다. 3년 전, 윈드 리버에서 벌어진 살인 사건과의 유사점을 발견한 코리가 수사에 공조하면서 두 사람은 범인의 그림자에 빠른 속도로 접근하는데...
Crichton-esque techno-thriller about hackers and sysadmin fighting to escape a data center overrun by a deadly artificial intelligence.
Crichton-esque techno-thriller about hackers and sysadmin fighting to escape a data center overrun by a deadly artificial intelligence.
두 소녀의 우정, 복수, 공포의 신세계! 가슴과 머리를 울리는 가장 강렬한 호러를 만난다! 어린 시절, 영문도 모른 채 자신을 학대하던 사람들로부터 도망친 소녀, ‘루시’. 과거의 끔찍한 기억을 안고 사는 루시를 곁에서 지켜주는 또 다른 소녀 ‘안나’. 그로부터 10년이 지난 어느 날, 평화로운 한 가족을 향한 무차별 학살이 행해지고. 이로써 자신을 학대하던 이들을 향한 루시의 잔혹한 복수가 시작된다. 하지만, 이는 또 다른 참혹한 사건의 시작이 될 뿐인데...
David Conrad is a college professor and sometimes philanderer raising three children in a small Kansas suburb with his wife Kelly. When sudden tragedy strikes the family in the days before Christmas, David and Kelly's marriage is brought to its breaking point and David's desire for retribution leads him into uncharted moral territory with the question: what can we forgive?
David Conrad is a college professor and sometimes philanderer raising three children in a small Kansas suburb with his wife Kelly. When sudden tragedy strikes the family in the days before Christmas, David and Kelly's marriage is brought to its breaking point and David's desire for retribution leads him into uncharted moral territory with the question: what can we forgive?
Mr. Blancmange
Ogden Confer is a community college student living with his parents and dealing with the recent loss of his best pal, Rose, when he foils the suicide effort of a mysterious young lady, Beth, who proceeds to make him pay for not minding his own business.
Dick Harp
A group of unlikely allies modernized college sports and changed a small Midwestern town, serving as a parallel to the Civil Rights movement that would transform the entire American society.
Hollywood is the cinema capital of the world - the place where dreams come true. It is associated with glamour and luxury. But for Nick, reality is very different. Years ago he was a successful screenwriter. Now he is just a dispatcher at Utopia, a Hollywood limousine company. Dispatch follows Nick from dusk to dawn on one overnight shift.
Mr. Bishop
At the center of one of Hollywood's most notorious burglary rings in 2009 was a group of average, middle-class teens from a quiet suburb. This is the behind-the-scenes story of how Nick, a shy, awkward boy, lured by the promise of popularity and acceptance, found himself following his glamorous, charismatic best friend Rachel into breaking into celebrities' houses and robbing them of millions of dollars in clothes and jewelry.
Dr. Carr
Part Time Fabulous weaves a narrative of love, pain, and healing with real-life stories in an exposé on living with Clinical Depression. Mel falls in love with Don while on vacation. So taken with each other, he moves in twelve days later. It's not until then that her deep-rooted and untreated Clinical Depression reveals itself.
관광객이나 이따금 찾는 사막의 작은 마을, 그 외로운 고속도로를 홀로 굴러다니는 오래된 타이어가 있다. 그의 이름은 로버트. 굼벵이는 구르는 재주만 있지만, 로버트에게는 그 이상의 능력이 하나 있으니 바로 그가 원하는 모든 것을 폭파시킬 수 있는 초능력. 재미삼아 콜라캔도 터트리고 병도 깨고 토끼도 죽여보지만, 한 여성에 대한 짝사랑이 좌절하면서 로버트는 이제 마을 전체를 없애 버리기로 작정한다. "살인마 타이어"라는 미친 상상력 하나만으로 장르영화의 긴장과 재미를 말쑥하게 만들어내는 는 별 다른 특수효과 하나 없는 저예산 독립 장르영화의 가능성을 확실하게 증명해주는 영화다. (2011년 제15회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
KPQU Big Wig
고품격 교양 방송을 지향하는 노처녀 아침 뉴스 PD 애비. 강아지보다 고양이를, 외모보다 마음을, 야한 농담 보다는 레드와인과 클래식을 즐기는 남자를 기다리는 그녀 앞에 본능충성지수 100%의 남자가 나타났다! 그는 바로 심야 TV쇼의 섹스카운셀러 마이크. `사랑=섹스, 남자=변태`라는 대담하고 노골적인 내용으로 방송계를 발칵 뒤집은 그가 애비의 프로그램에 출연하게 된 것. 마초 9단 마이크는 남녀 관계에 대한 솔직하고 거침없는 입담으로 완벽한 사랑을 기다리는 내숭 9단 애비의 환상을 무참히 깨버린다. 그러던 어느 날, 마침내 애비 앞에 외모, 능력 매너까지 갖춘 완벽남이 등장하면서 애비와 마이크의 새로운 내기가 시작되는데...
Peter Salem, a former Wall Street executive recently released from prison, returns to his ex-wife and children in the small town of Bunker Hill, Kansas. Soon after he arrives, the town's electricity and power are shut off, and there is no way to communicate with authorities outside of town. The town's militant past is reawakened and forces coalesce to protect citizens from an unseen enemy. The town's fear leads to the creation of a posse of gunmen, resulting in torture, illegal searches and eventually, murder, against which Salem must stand.
Ben's Dad
The violent daydreams of an eccentric young woman take a turn for the worse when her love affair with a mysterious criminal turns sour.