Set in early-1980s Spain. It follows Adolfo and Lola, a couple who, in the wake of an abortion, decides to adopt two creepy orphan twin siblings strictly educated under ultra-Catholic dogmas in a convent.
In the year 2000, Maixabel Lasa’s husband, Juan Maria Jauregi, was killed by ETA. Eleven years later, she receives an incredible request: one of the men who killed Juan wants to meet with her in the Nanclares de la Oca prison in Araba (Spain), where he is serving his sentence after breaking ties with the terrorist group. Despite her reservations and her immense pain, Maixabel Lasa agrees to meet face to face with those who ended the life of the person who had been her companion since she was 16 years old. ‘Everyone deserves a second chance’, she said, when asked why she was willing to confront the man who killed her husband.
In order to advance her career in the dynamic world of publicity in Mexico City, Raquel tries to reunite with her high school friend Cecy who has become the queen of social media. But unlike followers, friendships do not come instantly.
Rosa is about to turn 45 and realises that she's always lived her life to serve everyone else. So she decides to leave it all behind, take charge of her life and fulfil her dream of starting her own business.
About the founder of the Archer art movement, Alberto Ignacio Manrique de Lara Díaz, one of the Canary Islands’ most innovative 20th century artists.
A boy escaped from home, listening, crouched in the depths of his hiding place, the cries of the men who seek him. When the game passes, what remains before him is an infinite and arid plain that he must cross if he wants to get away definitively from what has made him flee. His steps will intersect with those of a pastor and, from that moment, nothing will be the same for either of them.
Simón González (Ourense, Spain, 1964) is one of the greatest athletes Spain has given, a living leyend of international kickboxing. His legacy: thirteen kickboxing world championships and a historical record that hasn’t changed his disciplined and hardworking personality. After being the King of the World, Simón suffers a home accident that puts him in a wheelchair until today.
A retired academic teacher tries to find the love of his youth after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
The 70th anniversary of the “Fotogramas” magazine comes in the shape of a sentimental voyage through the history of Spanish cinema thanks to a mosaic of voices represented by people who make films, those who write them and those who consume them. The documentary pays tribute to the readers of “Fotogramas” helped by the leading figures of Spanish cinema, who will read to the camera the most representative letters received at its offices in the history of the magazine.
1973년 9월, 군부독재에 맞선 투파마로 게릴라단은 급습을 당하고 투옥된다. 그들은 연이은 고문을 참아내고 자유에의 갈망을 안은 채 12년의 감옥 생활을 이겨내야 한다. 우루과이 전 대통령인 호세‘ 페페’ 무히카 등 실존인물들의 삶을 바탕으로 한 감동의 정치 드라마.
세상을 떠돌며 자유를 만끽하는 서퍼. 그는 어쩌다 외딴섬에 고립된 것일까. 죽음을 목전에 두고서야 돌아본 삶. 어쩌면 잃어버린 사랑이 남자를 구원해줄지 모른다.
Brayan Rodriguez is an innocent heir to a criminal Sinaloa family sent to Mexico City to expand the business, and where he meets Claudia, and their worlds collide. Love and fun are everywhere.
Alma’s family has been producing quality olive oil in the Baix Maestrat area of Spain’s Castellón for generations. Yet changing pressures in the industry have made their traditional practices economically untenable, and the family is now in the mass-production poultry business. Alma’s grandfather has not spoken in years. Sadness envelopes him, and he no longer wants to eat. His sons—Alma’s father and uncle—are impatient with him, but Alma understands her grandfather. She realizes he has been grieving for a thousand-year-old olive tree that the family has uprooted and sold to pay some debts. (A sadly common reality in Castellón at present.) Unable to bear the idea that her grandfather could die without seeing this terrible wrong corrected, Alma undertakes a quixotic mission to locate the tree and return it to the family orchard, so that her grandfather may have peace in his final days.
국제 구호기구 소속의 맘브루(베니치오 델 토로)는 발칸 반도에 위치한 어느 한 마을의 우물 속에 있는 시체 인양 작업을 하던 중 밧줄이 끊어지는 사태를 맞고 만다. 마을에는 여분의 밧줄이 없는 상황에서, 맘브루는 그의 동료 B(팀 로빈스)와 소피(멜라니 티에리)에게 도움을 요청한다. 그렇지만 도착한 B와 소피 역시 방법이 없기는 매 한가지고, 그때부터 구조대원들의 밧줄 찾기 대모험이 시작된다. 인근마을 위주로 밧줄을 찾는 B와 통역관 다미르(페자 스투칸)과 달리 UN 주둔군 기지를 찾아가 도움을 요청하려던 소피와 맘브루는 UN기지를 찾아가던중 길에서 괴롭힘을 당하는 소년 니콜라(엘다 레지도빅)를 구조하게된다. 도착한 UN 기지에서는 원론적인 답변만을 듣게되는 맘브루는 그곳에서 자신의 전 연인 카티야(올가 쿠릴렌코)를 만나게된다. 이제 여섯 명으로 늘어나버린 구조대원들은 밧줄을 구하기 위해 세상에서 가장한 완벽한 날을 보내게 된다.
The Roca brothers, co-owners of one of the world's best restaurants, made the decision to close their restaurant for five weeks to tour six cities in four different countries with the entire kitchen and dining room staff.
칠흑 같은 어둠 속에서 느끼는 공포를 탁월하게 그려낸 작품. 외딴 섬으로 휴가를 온 다섯 명의 친구들이 절벽 근처에서 발견한 동굴을 탐험한다. 동굴 깊숙이 들어온 일행은 나가는 길을 찾지 못한 채 꼼짝없이 갇히게 되고, 물도 음식도 없이 한명씩 죽어가는 가운데 남겨진 이들은 살아남기 위해 극한의 방법을 선택한다. 장르적인 기법들을 능숙하게 구사하며 스릴을 극대화하는 솜씨가 인상적이다.
Grazing the Sky is a compelling look at the lives of trapeze artists and other circus performers. The film was shot for over two years covering 11 countries, including the Americas, Europe and the Near East. It follows the nomadic lives of circus performers. The audience follows 10 protagonists as they try to reach perfection and meet their lofty goals. The documentary sheds light on the contemporary circus world, and focuses on performers who devote themselves to the greatest show on earth.
Jon is a troubled teenager who has been expelled from school. His mother decides to teach him a lesson sending him away with his grandfather Max, a retired military man who lives in a village by the seaside. But the time they will spend together won’t be that simple, Jon likes to flirt with danger and bad companies, and the veteran has now settled down into a comfortable life.
Kathmandu, Nepal, early 1990s. Laia, a young teacher from Catalonia, Spain, works at a local school in the slums of the city where poverty reigns. Her personal path, besieged by a harsh sum of indescribable social conditions, will be a struggle against a nefarious educational system, but a journey of self-discovery as well.
에스파냐 오렌세 지방의 아르가 마을에서 태어나 15살 때까지 살았던 30세 청년 토마스 마리노는 마을에서 명예훈장을 준다는 소식을 듣고 고향을 찾는다. 하지만 훈장을 핑계 삼아, 100년간 마을에 내렸던 마리노 가문의 저주를 풀기 위해 자신을 제물 삼으려는 속셈이었다는 것을 알게된다. 그 저주는 1901년 늑대인간과 관계를 맺은 마리노 후작부인 때문에 생긴 것으로, 토마스는 주위 사람들과 힘을 합쳐 늑대인간들을 물리치고 저주를 풀게 되지만 정작 자신은 전투중에 늑대인간에게 물리는 바람에 늑대인간이 되고 마는데...
스페인 마드리드, 어린 소년 후안은 ‘할로우 페이스’라고 부르는, 얼굴을 훔친다는 현실 혹은 상상의 악령에게 사로잡혀 매일 그 이야기를 글로 옮긴다. 어느 날 밤 후안이 할로우 페이스라 부르는 이 얼굴 없는 괴물은 갑자기 나타나 후안과 엄마를 공격한다. 어쩌면 이 모든 것은 후안이 상상해내거나 환각을 느꼈거나, 또는 꿈을 꾼 것 일수도 있다. 후안이 할로우 페이스에 대해 글을 쓰는 것은 지옥과 같은 다른 차원으로부터 할로우 페이스를 마치 마술처럼 나타나게 하고 그에게 엄청난 힘을 부여하는 듯하다. 결국 후안의 엄마는 카톨릭 교회의 안토니오 신부에게 도움을 청한다. 영국 런던, 존 페로우의 집에서도 ‘할로우 페이스’의 공포가 다가온다. 페로우의 십대 딸인 미아는 한 상자 안에서 미스터리한 비밀의 이야기의 조각을 발견한다. 이 이야기 조각은 미아로 하여금 할로우 페이스에 대한 글을 쓰도록 유혹한다. 그녀 또한 마술처럼 할로우 페이스를 현실에 나타나게 하고, 할로우 페이스는 미아의 얼굴을 훔치려 한다. 위기의 순간에 페로우가 미아를 구해내지만 이 과정에서 미아는 목소리를 잃게 된다. 페로우와 그의 아내 수잔나는 레이첼 박사를 찾아 가는데…
로마제국이 최후를 맞이하는 격변의 시기, 신의 이름으로 세상을 지배하려는 야망으로 가득찬 이들은 거대 전쟁을 일으킬 준비를 한다. 미모와 지성을 겸비해 모든 남성들의 선망의 대상이 되었던 세기의 여인, 천재 천문학자 히파티아(레이첼 웨이즈)는 전쟁의 소용돌이 속 오직 진리만을 위해 세상과 맞서 싸운다. 한편, 스승 히파티아를 향한 사랑과 야망 사이에서 갈등하는 오레스테스(오스카 아이삭)는 결국 권력을 선택하고, 신의 이름으로 수많은 사람을 전쟁으로 몰아넣는 주교 시릴은 자신의 길을 방해하는 히파티아를 처단하기 위해 온갖 음모를 계략한다. 노예의 신분으로 히파티아를 사랑했지만, 이룰 수 없는 운명 앞에 신을 택했던 다보스(맥스 밍겔라)는 죽음의 위기에 놓인 히파티아를 위해 마지막 순간 가장 비극적인 사랑의 방식을 선택하는데… 과연, 신의 이름으로 세상을 지배하려는 세력과 그에 맞서는 사람들의 역사를 뒤흔든 전쟁의 끝은 어떻게 될 것인가?
Marco is a lonely handicapped Spanish smuggler, driving through Brazil to sell out his cheap goods. When two bandits assault him and steal his load, he is miraculously saved by Carmo, a beautiful local girl who would rather die than spend another day in the hellhole where she lives. Carmo and Marco will start a lawless, reckless journey, and an intense romance through a breathtaking South American border landscape.
A meteorite will destroy the world in three days. For Ale (Victor Clavijo), that means 72 hours of alone time, getting as drunk as possible. But when a mysterious drifter (Eduard Fernández) appears, the self-serving Ale faces a more immediate danger. Now, he finds himself protecting his mother (Mariana Cordero) and his brother's children from his fellow man in humanity's final hours. Daniel Casadella co-stars in this thought-provoking drama.
Orense, Spain, 1940, just after the end of the Civil War. Every time Elena locks the door of her home, she and her children become the faithful guardians of a sacred secret: Ricardo, her husband, their father, hides in the house, trying to avoid the brutal political persecution of the victors, who hunt, as if they were wild animals, and imprison or execute, those who have lost the bloody and tragic struggle…
Pudor is about intimacy, about the desires, obsessions, secrets and fears that we keep hidden, even from those we love most. The characters in this story are a man who is going to die, a woman who receives anonymous erotic notes, an older man who is offered a last chance at falling in love, a teenager struggling to handle the doubts generated by puberty and a small boy who sees ghosts. As is the case in many families, in spite of living together, all the characters in Pudor are alone.
A man's life is turned upside down after he is abandoned by the woman he loves.
Jorge is a young man whose plans for the future are put on hold when his father has a stroke. For seven years, he diligently nurses his father and works as a janitor while studying part time to get a business degree.When Natalia, his childhood crush, returns from a stint studying abroad, Jorge begins to yearn for something better. He is desperate to find a new and better job, but finds that no one will hire him because he has experience only as a janitor. Antonio, Jorge’s older brother, soon to be released from jail, is an opportunist who has never gotten along with their father. In prison, at a theater workshop, Antonio meets Paula, a beautiful young woman in jail on drug charges. Paula has a problem because she flirted with another inmate's boyfriend.
Caye is a young prostitute whose family is unaware of her profession. She meets her striking Dominican neighbour Zulema, an illegal immigrant, after she finds her in the bathroom, badly beaten up. They strike up a close friendship unbeknownst to Caye's xenophobic co-workers.
Early 80's, Sara is a good-family girl, she has never been with a man, does not drinks, does not take drugs. Following her love, she enters in "El Calentito" a bar where the group "las Siux" is singing.
A psychological thriller about an obsessive compulsive, deeply religious woman who flees her abusive husband and accepts a nanny position for a weatlhy family in a different town. The woman's state of mind is extremely fragile, and is made worse by her visits to a Gothic church where things are not as they seem
Adolescent Hector faces a major lifestyle change after moving into his aunt's flat in a blue-collar suburb of Madrid.
Tres pescadores barbateños, Manuel (Pablo Carbonell), un hombre bueno al que apodan "Nadando con Chocos"; el Perra (Pedro Reyes), su amigo fiel, y El Cherif (Antonio Dechent), un paria iracundo y orgulloso, intentan sobrevivir como pueden a pesar de la crisis pesquera que vive la costa gaditana.Un día Manolín (Andrés Rivera), el hijo de Manuel, llega a casa con un problema más: quiere hacer la comunión. Algo que provocará más de una sorpresa. Primero porque no está bautizado y segundo porque sus padres ni siquiera están casados. Contagiados por la ilusión de su hijo, María y Manuel deciden ordenar su vida y casarse. María lo organiza todo: arregla con el singular cura del pueblo (Paco Vegara) para que oficie la ceremonia, busca los trajes, invita a los vecinos... Pero claro, no hay boda sin convite. Y eso cuesta dinero. ¿Cómo conseguirlo?
Art Direction
A roof on Madrid, a summer day, a chicken eggs, a 74's bike, policemen in uniform, a reality of lies and two real friends.
A roof on Madrid, a summer day, a chicken eggs, a 74's bike, policemen in uniform, a reality of lies and two real friends.
Impelled by a spirit which still preserves a patina of idealism, Alfredo arrives to Madrid with the intention to create "a performance that is free, straight from the heart, capable of making people feel alive". His concept of what acting should be begins beyond the stage, out in the streets face to face with the public. Outdoors, in any town square, in a park or in the city's most commercial street, Alfredo and his troupe November start the show; demons to provoke passers-by, displays of social conscience, actions taken to the extreme to put the forces of law and order on full alert. There are no limits, no censorship; only ideas which are always valid so long as the public ceases to be the public and becomes part of the show swept by surprise, fear, tears or laughter. Theater as life, life as theater… there is no longer any difference.
스페인의 항구 마을 비고. 실직한 부두 노동자 다섯 명이 모여 있다. 즐거울 것 하나 없는 일상에서 유머를 잃지 않는 산타. 아내와의 갈등을 키워가고 있는 호세. 환상의 세계에 사는 러시아 이민자 세르게이. 자기의 곤궁한 처지를 숨기고 살아가는 아마도르. 다섯 명 중에서 유일하게 취업을 위해 노력하는 리노. 동네 술집에서 시간이나 죽이는 그들. 하지만 지루하고 때로는 견디기 힘든 삶의 무게로 짓눌리는 그들에게도, 일터로 향하던 햇빛 찬란한 월요일의 꿈만은 놓을 수 없는 희망이다!
An enigmatic tale of four people whose lives are intertwined by destiny are subject to the laws of fate. They discover that luck is something they cannot afford to be without as they gamble with the highest stakes possible in a deadly game from which only one of them will emerge intact.
2차 대전이 막 끝난 1945년, 영국 해안의 외딴 저택. 전쟁에서 남편을 잃은 독실한 천주교도 그레이스(니콜 키드먼)와 빛에 노출되면 안되는 희귀병을 가진 두 아이가 살고 있다. 어느 날, 예전에 이 저택에서 일한 적이 있다는 세 명의 하인들이 들어오게 된다. 그레이스는 두 아이를 빛으로부터 지키기 위해 커튼은 항상 쳐져 있어야 하고, 문은 항상 잠겨있어야 한다는 '절대 규칙'을 하인들에게 가르친다. 이와 때를 같이 해서 저택에는 기괴한 일들이 끊이지 않는다. 아무도 없는 방에서 발자국 소리가 들리고, 피아노가 갑자기 연주된다. 또한 딸 앤은 이상한 남자아이와 할머니가 이 집에 머물고 있다는 얘기를 반복한다. 신에 대한 믿음이 너무나 강한 그레이스는 그런 딸의 말을 인정하지 않지만 두려움은 점점 그 무게를 더해만 간다. 마침내 그레이스는 그들을 위협하는 공포의 실체와 마주하게 되는데...
An aspiring novelist receives a charge that will change his life completely.
The film centres on Moncho and his coming-of-age experience in Galicia in 1936. Moncho develops a close relationship with his teacher Don Gregorio who introduces the boy to different things in the world. While the story centres on Moncho's ordinary coming-of-age experiences, tensions related to the looming Spanish Civil War periodically interrupt Moncho's personal growth and daily life.
Santiago wakes up like any other morning. He goes down to the kitchen and his whole family is waiting for him: it's his birthday. They all sing "Happy Birthday to You" and give him presents. But when he opens the present of his youngest son, he gets angry and says he doesn't like it. The boy starts crying and saying that he loves him, but Santiago answers that he doesn't believe him and he tells the boy that he is fired and that he wants another son, who is thinner, who doesn't need glasses and who resembles him more. Written by Pablo Montoya
Dengue is a shy, innocent and passionate boy. Without realizing it, he becomes victim of a plot to extort his father. The cause is Candela who lures him into fall in love with her.