Eugene Danziger
A series pilot about a secret agent who is armed with skills learned by a computer-brain link-up -- lasting only 72 hours at a time -- and is sent to rescue a Russian submarine commander, a defector who has been kidnapped by an agent for another nation.
Father Adam
When teenager David Bowers renounces his home and family to run off with a quasi-religious cult, his sister, Janet, sets out to bring him back, very nearly becoming brainwashed herself.
Marvin Bates
투철한 변호사 아서 커클랜드는 점차 재판 제도의 깊은 모순이 있음을 깨닫는다. 그는 억울한 젊은 피고를 변호하지만 고지식하게 규칙만 따지는 판사는 형을 언도하고 결국 형무소에서 인질극을 벌여 사살된다. 그런 판사가 강간죄로 기소되어 이 변호사에게 이 사건을 강압적으로 떠맡기게 된다. 검사와 변호사 사이에는 돈이 오가며 재판이 있기도 전에 이미 형벌이 결정돼 버린다. 변호사 아서 커클랜드는 판사의 강간죄 재판에서 검사는 평소 유감이 있는 피고가 된 판사를 잡으려고 미쳐있고 모든 것이 쇼라면서 자신이 변호를 해야할 피고가 권력을 남용하는 더러운 범인임을 주장하지만...
General George C. Marshall
독일, 일본, 이탈리아의 3국 동맹계약 결성 후 일본 군부는 미 함대가 모여있는 핵심요지, 진주만의 기습 공습을 결정한다. 이 극비의 공습작전은 전투기들을 동원한 극비의 침투작전이었다. 비행사들의 맹훈련을 통해 진주만 기습작전을 빈틈없이 꾸민 일본 전투기들이 마침내 진주만을 향한다. 한편, 이를 상상도 못한 진주만 미국 사령관은 전투기들과 항공모함들을 한곳에 모아 배치해놓고, 방만한 휴가를 보낸다. 죽음의 D-데이. 진주만 상공에 도착한 일본 전투기들은 작전성공을 알리는 암호 도라 도라 도라를 외치며 무차별 폭격을 가하는데...
Joe Bremonte
Bikers, Nazis, Mafiosi, and the FBI all clash in this wild and wooly exploitation picture from director Al Adamson. Mark Adams (John Gabriel) is an FBI agent who has been assigned to infiltrate an organized crime ring that has obtained a set of printing plates that will allow them to produce nearly perfect counterfeit 20-dollar bills. The plates were made in Germany during World War II, and were discovered by a radical right-wing group hoping to restore the Nazi Party to power. The American gangsters are in cahoots with a group of wealthy American neo-Nazis sympathetic to the new German cause, led by fugitive war criminal Count von Delberg (Kent Taylor); the count has in turn recruited a vicious motorcycle gang, the Bloody Devils, to do his dirty work.
Barred from racing for breaking stride, a trotting horse finds a new career as a police officer's mount in Boston.
Col. Donald D. Blackburn
Director John Barnwell's 1959 WWII drama stars Keith Andes as an American soldier in the Philippines who trains a village of headhunters to fight the Japanese. Also in the cast are Susan Cabot and Paraluman.
David Martens
An American officer scours Britain in search of his dead brother's girlfriend and becomes involved in a jewel heist.
Col. Francis C. Grevemberg
Louisiana's governor asks war hero Francis C. Grevemberg (Keith Andes) to lead the state police against corruption.
Neil Patterson, Jr.
Dodie dreams of marrying a millionaire so that she can live 'the life'. Buzz, her boyfriend, however, is not rich as he is a salesman for a housing development. He proposes and Dodie accepts. Dodie next meets Pete, who she thinks is rich, but she soon finds out that he is just a boat mechanic. They have fun on their date and Pete proposes and Dodie accepts. Then Dodie meets Neil Patterson who is rich. They go to Mexico on his yacht and have fun on their date. Neil proposes and Dodie accepts. Now she has to choose.
Dr. Morley Dwyer
A young woman touring Germany is caught between a married symphony conductor and a doctor from back home.
Capt. Tom Gaxton
First Sergeant Emmett Bell faces off with Apache chieftain Kamiakin in this nuanced portrayal of racial tensions between Native Americans and white settlers in 1860s Oregon Country.
Joe Brooks
A South American plane loaded with an assortment of characters crash lands in a remote jungle area in the middle of a storm. The passengers then discover they are in an area inhabited by vicious cannibals and must escape before they are found. A remake of Five Came Back (1939).
Doctor Bell
The story of USS 'Belinda', a U.S. naval ship, and its crew during the battle of the Pacific 1943-1945, as it prepares for action and landing troops on enemy beachheads.
Jefferson Calhoun
In 1956, BLOOMER GIRL was presented in a live television production starring the magnificent Barbara Cook, whose star was then on the rise, with leading roles in CANDIDE and THE MUSIC MAN still in her future. A solid success when it opened on Broadway in 1944, BLOOMER GIRL boasts a glorious score by the legendary team of Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg (THE WIZARD OF OZ). The book by Fred Saidy is set at the brink of the Civil War and addresses issues of women's equality (priorities were the right to vote and to wear bloomers, a liberating alternative to hoop skirts) and racial equality.
Johann Strauss, Jr
Johann Strauss, Jr., a would-be composer of waltzes in mid-19th Century Vienna, attempts to thwart his father's efforts to prevent his success when the older man becomes jealous of his melodic skill.
Rev. Peter Maxwell
In 1880, Osawkie, Kansas is feuding with rival town Mandaroon over which will be county seat, keeping the town's men away from home most of the time. The last straw is when Matt Davis feels compelled to go on a new foray on his wedding night; his bride Liza (just call her Lysistrata) takes teacher Cassie's advice and organizes a marital strike to make the men-folk stop their nonsense.
TV goes Hollywood when Steve Allen visits Universal-International to prepare for his upcoming title role in "The Benny Goodman Story."
Edward Shaw
An out-of-work architect meets a married woman who has a business proposition for him. The architect begins to suspect the woman's interest in him is not just financial and may actually be deadly.
Larry Fleming
Escaped convicts hold hostages in a ghost town targeted for a nuclear bomb test.
Robert Maynard
Honest Robert Maynard finds himself serving as ship's surgeon under the infamous pirate Blackbeard.
Joe Doyle
An embittered woman seeks escape in marriage, only to fall for her husband’s best friend.
Steve Monahan
Project X was one of a cycle of anti-Red films produced in the late 1940s. Keith Andes plays an ex-Communist who is strongarmed into cooperating with the Feds. Pretending to become a "comrade" again, Andes rejoins the local Communist cell. Moving about freely, he is able to track down a gang of spies who are smuggling atomic secrets. Filmed on location in New York, Project X has the surface "feel" of a documentary, though the dialogue is strictly from the funny papers. Keep an eye out for a very young Jack Lord.
Sven Holstrom
주인공 캐티(일명 카트린 홀스트롬)는 가족이 있는 미네소타의 농장을 떠나 대도시로 공부하러 간다. 그러나 도착한 첫날 사기를 당해 학비와 용돈을 잃어버리고 일자리를 찾을 수밖에 없는 처지가 된다. 캐티는 워싱턴의 국회의원 글렌 몰리의 집에서 가정부로 일하게 되는데, 솔직함과 현명함으로 몰리와 몰리의 어머니의 사랑을 받는다. 몰리를 후원하는 정치세력이 정직하지 않다는 것을 알아챈 캐티는 정치 활동에 적극적으로 관여하여 마침내 국회의원에 입후보한다. 몰리를 후원하는 세력의 보스는 선거 직전에 캐티의 평판을 나쁘게 퍼뜨려서 곤경에 빠뜨리려고 하지만 그녀를 사랑하는 몰리가 구해준다.