Kuni Kawachi

참여 작품

The Acorns and the Wildcat
The Acorns and the Wildcat is a unique short film in picture-book format from the creator of Night on the Galactic Railroad and Gauche the Cellist. Unusually for an anime, a narrator reads Kenji's story aloud while the action is played out on the screen by a succession of warm and evocative illustrations brought to life by subtle touches of animation. If the film feels somehow familiar yet you can't put your finger on the reason why, it's probably the sumptuously minimalist animation by Yasuhiro Nagura, who was the animation director of Mamoru Oshii's artsy 1986 feature Angel's Egg. That, and Kenji's wildcat is said to have been the inspiration for Miyazaki's Panda/Totoro creature. The idea of reading Kenji's story aloud instead of playing it out as a drama is quite refreshing, and Kenji's magical language and narrative style are entirely sufficient to sustain interest. Combined with the spacey music and breathtaking art, the result is a pleasantly unassuming little gem of a film.
Arbitrarily Polar Bear
A story about an albino brown bear and his woodland friends as they encounter various human artifacts in the woods and interact with them.
웃는 표적
루믹월드 3번째 작품. 악귀가 씌인 소녀 아즈사. 어머니가 죽고 기센 어머님이 어릴때 정한 사촌인 약혼자 유즈라집에 살게 되면서 본가를 잇겠다며 유즈라에게 강한 집착을 보인다. 루미코씨의 얀데레와 성질은 다른듯하지만 시대를 뛰어넘는 호러물.
The Golden Bird
"Kin No Tori" is an adaptation of the homonymous fairy tale "The Golden Bird" by Brothers Grimm. A golden apple is stolen from the King's garden. The King orders his three sons to guard the apples in turn and to find out who is the thief. When the youngest son, Hansu, presents a feather that he got from the golden bird that stole the apple the king sends his three sons to bring this bird to him and so Hansu journey begins.
Up in Heaven, Yuki’s grandparents decide that, having turned thirteen years old, she must go down to Earth to a village that is torn by bandits and intervene to save its people. However if she does not succeed within one year she will become as insubstantial as the wind. Down in the village, Yuki is befriended by a group of orphans whose parents have all been killed by the bandits and who now subsist by begging. Yuki amazes them by taming the wild horse Blizzard. She is instrumental in getting the orphans and farmers to stand up to first the warring bandits and then Goemon, the greedy lord that owns the region. But Yuki must face her greatest challenge yet when the displeased Demon God that lives in the volcano emerges to destroy those who live beneath.
Buriki no kunsho
Faraway Tomorrow
Original Music Composer
책을 버리고 거리로 나가자
마사루는 날아다니는 몽상에 잠기는 것이 취미다. 그를 제외한 그의 다른 가족 구성원들은 사회적으로나 경제적으로 자신이 처한 운명에 순종하며 살아간다. 반면 새로움을 꿈꾸는 마사루는 자신이 처한 상황에서 벗어나기 위해 안간힘을 쓴다. 하지만 대신 그가 얻는 것은 자신의 삶과 세계에 대한 크나큰 환멸뿐이다.