Melania Trump

Melania Trump

출생 : 1970-04-26, Novo Mesto, Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes [now Slovenia]


Former fashion model Melania Trump is the third wife of the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump.

프로필 사진

Melania Trump
Melania Trump

참여 작품

인류에게 밥주는 남자
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
인도적 지원단체에서 자원봉사자들 , 재난 구호 분야에게서 사장 높은 평가를 받은 유명한 요리사 "José Andrés"와 그의 비영리 단체인 "World Central Kitchen"의 놀라운 12년 동안의 업적 과 발전을 조명한다.
The Arc de Triomphe: A Nation's Passion
Self (archive footage)
The pride of Napoleon's victories, the Arc de Triomphe, whose first stone was laid in 1806 at the top of the Champs-Élysées, is, along with the Eiffel Tower, one of the most visited monuments in the French capital. Wanted by an emperor, inaugurated under the reign of a king (Louis-Philippe) and sanctuarized by the Republic, this patriotic temple polarizes the passions of a whole nation. A historical portrait before "packaging", which teems with anecdotes and unsuspected details.
Donald Trump Is President and You're Not: A Portrait of Donald J. Trump
Self (archival footage)
A phantasmagoric odyssey into the presidency of Donald J. Trump. This film is a collaboration between VICE News and surrealist video artist Vic Berger.
The Accidental President
Self (archive footage)
In 2016, almost anyone you asked, or any poll you consulted, pointed you to a Hillary Clinton landslide. The Accidental President is a balanced feature documentary that is seeking to answer one question - how the hell did Trump win?
트럼프 대통령을 제거하기 위한 음모
Self (archive footage)
Based on Lee Smith's book of the same name, this documentary follows the story of the biggest political scandal in U.S. history.
Looking for Melania Trump
Melania is both an ideal symbol of a conservative America and the evil embodiment of limitless ambition. Political journalist Laurence Haïm has observed her for the past years and is able to reveal a much more complex part of the personality and life of the mysterious lady. For some, Melania Trump is an unscrupulous trophy wife on the arm of the most powerful man in the world. For others, the First Lady embodies with distinction the conservative woman, the unwavering wife in the service of her husband. For all, she remains inaccessible and secretive, a woman whose public appearances are heavily prepared and scripted. In the time of ‘Me too’, let us take a dive into conservative America, discover another side of feminism impersonated by none other than Melania Trump.
The Choice 2020: Trump vs. Biden
Self (archive footage)
A look into what has shaped President Donald Trump and presidential candidate Joe Biden, where they came from and how they lead.
더 웨이 아이 씨 잇
Self (archive footage)
Former Chief Official White House Photographer Pete Souza's journey as a person with top secret clearance and total access to the President.
밈 전쟁: 개구리 페페 구하기
Self (archive footage)
은 밈(meme, 인터넷상에 재미난 말을 적어 넣어서 다시 포스팅한 그림이나 사진)으로 유명해진 캐릭터 ‘페페’가 온라인 공간에서 이용자들에 의해 끝없이 재생산되어 원작의 의미를 잃어가는 과정을 보여준다. 페페의 원작자 맷 퓨리는 자신의 캐릭터가 혐오와 테러의 상징으로까지 변질되어 걷잡을 수 없이 퍼져나가기 시작하자 자신의 SNS를 통해 페페의 죽음을 공표한다. 익명성 뒤에 숨은 다수의 사용자는 계속해서 페페를 비도덕적 표현의 수단으로 사용한다. 도덕성을 외면한 다수와 홀로 맞서 싸우는 맷 퓨리의 모습은 위태롭고 외로워 보인다.
American Deep State
Examines the possibility that elected U.S governments must follow the rules set by Washington bureaucratic institutions.
Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein?
Exploring the life and death of convicted sex offender Epstein, who killed himself in prison in August while awaiting trial on fresh sex-trafficking and conspiracy charges.
Frenemies: Putin and Trump
Self - D. Trump's Wife (archive footage)
Russian President Vladimir Putin was one of the first politicians to congratulate Donald Trump on his election as president of the United States in 2016, but over time the relationship between the two heads of state has had its ups and downs. Are they friends or enemies? Has their mutual admiration turned into mutual distrust?
Margaret Atwood: A Word After a Word After a Word Is Power
Self (archive footage)
The views and thoughts of Canadian writer Margaret Atwood have never been more relevant than today. Readers turn to her work for answers as they confront the rise of authoritarian leaders, deal with increasingly intrusive technologies, and discuss climate change. Her books are useful as survival tools for hard times. But few know her private life. Who is the woman behind the stories? How does she always seem to know what is coming?
화씨 11/9: 트럼프의 시대
Self (archive footage)
2016년 11월 9일 트럼프의 미국 대통령 당선으로 이끈 미국의 가려진 이면, 플린트 워터 사건부터 플로리다주 총격 사건까지 우리가 몰랐던 미국의 민낯이 밝혀진다! "화씨 11/9"는 항상 논란의 중심에 서 있는 영화 감독 중 한 명인 마이클 무어가 2018년에 제작한 미국의 정치 다큐멘터리다. 마이클 무어는 이 작품에서 두 가지 질문을 던진다. 미국은 어떻게 해서 트럼프에게 대통령직을 맡겼는가, 그리고 어떻게 하면 트럼프 시대에서 벗어 날 수 있을 것인가.
킹 비비
Twenty years before the spectacle of Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu already understood the political benefits of a toxic relationship with the media, and direct communication with the public. King Bibi explores Netanyahu's rise to power, relying solely on archival footage of his media performances over the years: from his days as a popular guest expert on American TV, through his public confession of adultery, and his mastery of the art of social media. From one studio to another, "Bibi" evolved from Israel's great political hope, to a controversial figure whom some perceive as Israel's savior, and others - as a cynical politician who will stop at nothing to retain his power.
프란치스코 교황: 맨 오브 히스 워드
Self - First Lady (uncredited)
화려한 바티칸궁을 마다하고 소박한 방 한 칸을 선택한 사람. 고급 리무진 대신 소형 승용차에 올라 손인사를 전하는 사람. 축구에 열광하고 탱고를 즐기며 유머를 사랑하는 사람. 이웃의 작은 고민을 제 일처럼 마음 쓰고 공감하는 그의 이름은 프란치스코, 2013년 3월 교황으로 선출된 제266대 교황이다. 최초의 비유럽권 교황이자 최초의 예수회 출신 교황인 그는 가난한 자들을 위한 가난한 교황이 되기를 자처한다. 가장 존경받는 성인이자 개혁가 중 한명인 성 프란치스코의 이름을 이어받았다. 영화는 800년의 시차를 두고 청렴의 삶을 실천하는 두 인물 모두에 존경의 마음을 표한다.
95th Annual National Christmas Tree Lighting
On November 30, 2017 the National Park Service and National Park Foundation will present the annual National Christmas Tree Lighting. Popular entertainers and a United States military band add to the celebratory evening.
기억의 밤
Self (archive footage)
새 집으로 이사 온 날 밤, 정체불명의 괴한들에게 납치된 형 유석. 동생 진석은 형이 납치된 후 매일 밤 환청과 환각에 시달리며 불안해한다. 납치된지 19일째 되는 날 돌아온 유석은 그동안의 모든 기억을 잃었다고 말한다. 하지만 돌아온 뒤로 어딘가 변해버린 유석을 의심하던 진석은 매일 밤 사라지는 형을 쫓던 중 충격적인 사실과 마주하게 되는데...
Ivanka Trump- America's Real First Lady?
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka has been appointed to an official role within the White House, but what does she believe in and how much political clout does she actually have?
킹메이커 로저 스톤
Self (archive footage)
비열한 사기꾼? 뛰어난 전략가? 트럼프 캠페인을 주도한 정치 고문 로저 스톤. 미디어를 활용해 대중을 사로잡은 그가 자신이 완성한 게임의 법칙을 낱낱이 공개한다.
One Nation Under Trump
One Nation Under Trump is the first comprehensive feature documentary to delve into the zeitgeist of the unstoppable Donald Trump revolution, from the ground floor all the way to the pinnacle of the 2016 American political landscape.
President Trump: Can He Really Win?
Herself (archive footage)
Donald Trump has emerged as the clear front runner for the Republican Presidential Nomination. Matt Frei investigates whether "The Donald" could make it all the way to the White House.
Who Is Donald Trump?
Self (archive footage)
Love him or hate him, Donald Trump has dominated the headlines since he announced his presidential run. But how much do we understand about this charismatic but polarizing figure? Hear from those who know him best including family, celebrities, authors, friends and enemies in this provocative psychological profile that explores the mind of Donald Trump. His outsized ego and competitive nature, the glamorous women at his side, and his relentless drive to control and manipulate are all on display in this no-holds look at the man who would be president.
The Making of Trump
Self (archive footage)
As every day of Donald Trump's presidential campaign seemingly generates new headlines, this two-hour special examines the increasingly polarizing candidate's past. Included is rarely seen footage from Trump's interviews with Phil Donahue and his comments about politics from the floor of the 1988 Republican convention. Additionally, celebrities, politicians, and people described as "close to The Donald" weigh in, including former US Senator Al D'Amato (R-N.Y.), former Atlantic City mayor Jim Whelen, boxer Mike Tyson, and notorious "Apprentice" contestant Omarosa.
애니 레보비츠: 렌즈를 통해 들여다본 삶
우리 시대 최고의 포토그래퍼 애니 레보비츠의 모든 것을 담은 "애니 레보비츠: 렌즈를 통해 들여다본 삶" 에는 그녀가 만들어낸 잊을 수 없이 강렬한 사진들 뿐 아니라 그 뒤로 숨겨진 비하인드 스토리, 그리고 사진의 모델이었던 수많은 셀러브리티들이 직접 참여한 인터뷰로 풍성하다. 믹 재거, 오노 요코, 힐러리 클린턴, 아놀드 슈왈츠제네거, 미하일 바르시니코프 등 각계각층의 유명인사들, 그리고 그녀의 가족들과 동료들의 인터뷰는 관객으로 하여금 하이 패션과 미디어의 첨단에 선 일류 포토그래퍼이자, 인간적인 면모의 한 사람, 애니 레보비츠의 초상을 가장 효과적으로 보여줄 예정