Melania Trump

Melania Trump

Рождение : 1970-04-26, Novo Mesto, Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes [now Slovenia]


Former fashion model Melania Trump is the third wife of the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump.


Melania Trump
Melania Trump


We Feed People
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
We Feed People spotlights renowned chef José Andrés and his nonprofit World Central Kitchen’s incredible mission and evolution over 12 years from being a scrappy group of grassroots volunteers to becoming one of the most highly regarded humanitarian aid organizations in the disaster relief sector.
The Arc de Triomphe: A Nation's Passion
Self (archive footage)
The pride of Napoleon's victories, the Arc de Triomphe, whose first stone was laid in 1806 at the top of the Champs-Élysées, is, along with the Eiffel Tower, one of the most visited monuments in the French capital. Wanted by an emperor, inaugurated under the reign of a king (Louis-Philippe) and sanctuarized by the Republic, this patriotic temple polarizes the passions of a whole nation. A historical portrait before "packaging", which teems with anecdotes and unsuspected details.
Donald Trump Is President and You're Not: A Portrait of Donald J. Trump
Self (archival footage)
A phantasmagoric odyssey into the presidency of Donald J. Trump. This film is a collaboration between VICE News and surrealist video artist Vic Berger.
The Accidental President
Self (archive footage)
In 2016, almost anyone you asked, or any poll you consulted, pointed you to a Hillary Clinton landslide. The Accidental President is a balanced feature documentary that is seeking to answer one question - how the hell did Trump win?
The Plot Against The President
Self (archive footage)
Based on Lee Smith's book of the same name, this documentary follows the story of the biggest political scandal in U.S. history.
Looking for Melania Trump
Melania is both an ideal symbol of a conservative America and the evil embodiment of limitless ambition. Political journalist Laurence Haïm has observed her for the past years and is able to reveal a much more complex part of the personality and life of the mysterious lady. For some, Melania Trump is an unscrupulous trophy wife on the arm of the most powerful man in the world. For others, the First Lady embodies with distinction the conservative woman, the unwavering wife in the service of her husband. For all, she remains inaccessible and secretive, a woman whose public appearances are heavily prepared and scripted. In the time of ‘Me too’, let us take a dive into conservative America, discover another side of feminism impersonated by none other than Melania Trump.
The Choice 2020: Trump vs. Biden
Self (archive footage)
A look into what has shaped President Donald Trump and presidential candidate Joe Biden, where they came from and how they lead.
Как это вижу я
Self (archive footage)
Взгляд за кулисы двух самых знаковых президентов в Американской истории, Барака Обамы и Рональда Рейгана, увиденный глазами известного фотографа Пита Соузы. Как официальный фотограф Белого дома, Соуза был свидетелем уникальной и огромной ответственности быть самым могущественным человеком на земле. Фильм показывает, как Соуза превращается из уважаемого фотожурналиста в жгучего комментатора по вопросам, с которыми мы сталкиваемся как страна и народ.
Ништяк, браток
Self (archive footage)
Лягушонок Пепе — один из самых известных интернет-мемов. Он появился на свет на страницах комик-стрипов, созданный художником Мэттом Фьюри, но со временем вышел из-под контроля и захватил мир. Его изображения можно встретить по всей сети. Его используют для изображения радости и грусти. В 2016-м изображение Пепе было присвоено движением альт-правых. Документалка «Ништяк, браток» рассказывает о пути Пепе от героя мемов до символа ненависти, а также о том, как всё это сказалось на самом Фьюри.
American Deep State
Examines the possibility that elected U.S governments must follow the rules set by Washington bureaucratic institutions.
Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein?
Exploring the life and death of convicted sex offender Epstein, who killed himself in prison in August while awaiting trial on fresh sex-trafficking and conspiracy charges.
Frenemies: Putin and Trump
Self - D. Trump's Wife (archive footage)
Russian President Vladimir Putin was one of the first politicians to congratulate Donald Trump on his election as president of the United States in 2016, but over time the relationship between the two heads of state has had its ups and downs. Are they friends or enemies? Has their mutual admiration turned into mutual distrust?
Margaret Atwood: A Word After a Word After a Word Is Power
Self (archive footage)
The views and thoughts of Canadian writer Margaret Atwood have never been more relevant than today. Readers turn to her work for answers as they confront the rise of authoritarian leaders, deal with increasingly intrusive technologies, and discuss climate change. Her books are useful as survival tools for hard times. But few know her private life. Who is the woman behind the stories? How does she always seem to know what is coming?
Фаренгейт 11/9
Self (archive footage)
Провокационная документальная лента Майкла Мура, в которой режиссер рассматривает два вопроса об «эре Трампа»: как вообще американцы в нее попали и как теперь из нее выбраться.
Король Биби
Казалось бы, герой фильма ежедневно у всех на виду. Чем нас можно удивить? Авторы пытаются разгадать тайну личности самого неоднозначного политика израильской современности. В фильме нет бесконечных интервью с "экспертами", психоаналитиками, политическими комментаторами, как нет и домашних съёмок в кругу семьи. Режиссёр разумно самоустранился, чтобы дать слово своему герою. И тот заговорил. С годами менялся он сам, менялся мир, менялся Израиль, но одно оставалось неизменным: магия слов Биньямина Нетаниягу, наделённого от природы выигрышным хрипловатым баритоном, о котором может мечтать каждый политик.
Pope Francis: A Man of His Word
Self - First Lady (uncredited)
Pope Francis responds to questions from around the world, discussing topics including ecology, immigration, consumerism and social justice.
95th Annual National Christmas Tree Lighting
On November 30, 2017 the National Park Service and National Park Foundation will present the annual National Christmas Tree Lighting. Popular entertainers and a United States military band add to the celebratory evening.
Ночь воспоминаний
Self (archive footage)
Вместе с родителями и обожаемым старшим братом Ю-соком 21-летний Чин-сок переезжает в новый дом. Прежний хозяин оставил свои вещи в одной комнате, и отец говорит сыновьям в неё не заходить, но Чин-сок постоянно слышит оттуда странные звуки. Парень готовится к экзаменам и принимает таблетки, поэтому семья считает, что это ему слышится. Однажды на глазах младшего брата Ю-сока похищают. Он возвращается через 19 дней, ничего не помнит о своём исчезновении и кажется брату слегка другим человеком.
Ivanka Trump- America's Real First Lady?
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka has been appointed to an official role within the White House, but what does she believe in and how much political clout does she actually have?
Займись мной, Роджер Стоун
Self (archive footage)
Документальный фильм о печально известном любителе грязных политических игр и давнем советнике Дональда Трампа - Роджере Стоуне, который помог акуле бизнеса построить политическую карьеру.
One Nation Under Trump
One Nation Under Trump is the first comprehensive feature documentary to delve into the zeitgeist of the unstoppable Donald Trump revolution, from the ground floor all the way to the pinnacle of the 2016 American political landscape.
President Trump: Can He Really Win?
Herself (archive footage)
Donald Trump has emerged as the clear front runner for the Republican Presidential Nomination. Matt Frei investigates whether "The Donald" could make it all the way to the White House.
Who Is Donald Trump?
Self (archive footage)
Love him or hate him, Donald Trump has dominated the headlines since he announced his presidential run. But how much do we understand about this charismatic but polarizing figure? Hear from those who know him best including family, celebrities, authors, friends and enemies in this provocative psychological profile that explores the mind of Donald Trump. His outsized ego and competitive nature, the glamorous women at his side, and his relentless drive to control and manipulate are all on display in this no-holds look at the man who would be president.
The Making of Trump
Self (archive footage)
As every day of Donald Trump's presidential campaign seemingly generates new headlines, this two-hour special examines the increasingly polarizing candidate's past. Included is rarely seen footage from Trump's interviews with Phil Donahue and his comments about politics from the floor of the 1988 Republican convention. Additionally, celebrities, politicians, and people described as "close to The Donald" weigh in, including former US Senator Al D'Amato (R-N.Y.), former Atlantic City mayor Jim Whelen, boxer Mike Tyson, and notorious "Apprentice" contestant Omarosa.
Annie Leibovitz: Life Through a Lens
An account of the professional and personal life of renowned American photographer Annie Leibovitz, from her early artistic endeavors to her international success as a photojournalist, war reporter, and pop culture chronicler.