Paolo De Giorgio

Paolo De Giorgio

출생 : 1965-01-01, Bari, Italy

프로필 사진

Paolo De Giorgio

참여 작품

Cetto c'è, senzadubbiamente
Cetto la Qualunque, having set aside all political ambition, is now nothing more than an entrepreneur. But the news of the worsening condition of his aunt leads him to return to Italy, where something from his past will be revealed and, “doubtlessly,” all of our lives will be forever changed.
The life of Giorgio, a mediocre journalist, changes abruptly when the director of the newspaper decides to transfer him to a provincial office. Only the kidnapping of young Carlo gives him back his work as a correspondent.
Renata Fonte - Una Donna Contro Tutti
I Can Quit Whenever I Want 3: Ad Honorem
Operaio Murena
Has been an year since Pietro Zinni's gang got caught in the Sopox production laboratory and each of them locked up in different jails. From Regina Coeli jail, Pietro keep warning the authorities a fool syntetized nerve gas and he is ready to make a killing, but no one takes him seriously.
Musica per i miei occhi
A little girl is meeting her father who is back home for three days, but he is not giving her the attention she needs. When he starts talking to a woman, the girl finds his video camera and is soon recording the world around her.
일 디보
Stefano Bontate
영화는 줄리오 안드레오티의 삶을 연대기 순으로 그리거나 각 사건들을 친절하게 설명하지 않는다. 대신 주요 사건들을 간략하게 묘사하고 안드레오티의 모호한 행동들을 더 자세하게 보여주며 그의 복잡한 내면을 포착하려 한다. 영화의 시작과 함께 1978년 좌파혁명단체인 붉은 여단이 이탈리아의 전 총리 알도 모로를 납치해 몸값을 요구했다가 당시 총리였던 줄리오 안드레오티가 이를 거부하자 알도 모로를 살해했다는 정보가 자막으로 등장한다. 그리고 영화는 다음 장면에서 구체적인 맥락을 알려주지 않은 채 암살로 사망하는 사람들을 연속적으로 보여주며 안드레오티의 정치 인생이 피로 얼룩져 있음을 보여준다. 줄리오 안드레오티는 총리와 장관을 여러 번 거친 거물 정치인이다. 그는 정치적 동료들과 함께 작은 방에 모여 앉아 항상 누가 누구의 편인지 대화를 나누며 자신의 정치 권력을 공고히 한다. 그 와중에 안드레오티의 심기를 거스른 것으로 보이는 사람들은 계속해서 암살을 당한다. 한편 검찰은 안드레오티와 마피아의 연관을 본격적으로 조사하기 시작한다. 즉 안드레오티가 정치적 반대편을 제거하기 위해 마피아와 손을 잡고 암살을 사주해왔다는 것이다. 결국 각각 다른 혐의로 재판들이 열리지만 그는 모든 혐의를 부인하고 증거 부족으로 재판들은 하나둘씩 기각된다.
L'amore e la guerra
World War I (1914-1918) In the trenches del Carpio, the fate of two people forever changed when known. Mario is a humble miner to whom war has become infantry sergeant, and Albertina is a duchess who has decided to help his country enlisting as a nurse. The love that arises between them will have to face the horrors of war and wishes to marry Captain Avogardo Albertina.
Young Man
희대의 바람둥이, 카사노바.... 그것뿐이라면 현대의 가장 유명한 신화가 될 수 있었을까? 18세기 베니스 최고의 남자!! 쟈코모 카사노바는 수많은 여자들의 정조를 유린하고 방탕한 생활을 한다. 그의 악명은 바티칸 교황청에서 체포령을 내릴 정도... 하지만 세상 모든 여자들의 사랑을 받은 그를 거부한 유일한 여인, 프란체스카 브루니를 만나게 되면서 카사노바도 새로운 국면을 맞이하게 되는데... 헐리우드 최대의 매력남 ‘히스레저’와 20세기 최고의 뉴스메이커 ‘시에나 밀러’의 캐스팅만으로도 화제가 된 "카사노바" !! 그들이 가진 매력은 과연 무엇일까....!!
Venetian Caprice
A beautiful American music teacher arrives in Venice and encounters a licentious artist who leads her into the squalid underbelly of the ancient city into a dangerous world of sexual promiscuity. Their experimentation becomes more and more dangerous and our heroine must decide whether to continue down this path or break away before it's too late.
Francesca e Nunziata
Giorgio Carillo
At the beginning of the century, in Italy, a wealthy woman Francesca (Loren), adopts a poor little girl named Nunziata. The years pass, Nunziata falls in love Federico (Bova), her adoptive brother, son of Francesca.
Ferdinando and Carolina
Principe di Caramanico
On his death bed in the 1820s, King Ferdinando I of Naples tries to escape the ghosts of his bloody kingship by remembering his younger days, when he was allowed to go hunting and have fun, and inventing love games. Then he was obliged to marry Mary Caroline of Austria, daughter of Empress Mary Theresa, in a political marriage: unexpectedly, they became happy lovers, until court power games divided them, and a different historical season arrived.
The Nymph
Set during the second world war, the sentimental education of a sensual adolescent girl, growing out of her childhood in a small, impoverished village in Southern Italy.
Who Killed Pasolini?
1975: poet, intellectual, and filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini is bludgeoned to death and run over with his own car in the outskirts of Rome. Charged with murder, 17-year-old hustler Pino Pelosi pleads self-defense -- after all, Pasolini was a well-known pederast. However, many inconsistencies start to undermine his version of events, pointing to him not having acted alone or even being assaulted in the first place. Was Pasolini also murdered for another reason?
Flight of the Innocent
The boy Vito is a portrait of beauty and wide-eyed innocence spawned from a violent family of kidnapers and murderers in the South of Italy. When his entire family is murdered by a rival clan of kidnapers, Vito must flee for his own life and in the end attempts to make atonement for some of his family's sins.
Giovanni Falcone
Calogero Zucchetto
Evelina e i suoi figli
Stefania Sandrelli is Evelina, a separated woman who lives with possessive teenage children. When you fall in love, problems arise.