Jun Yamaguchi

참여 작품

Sailor Moon - Infinity Academy - Mistress Labyrinth (Revision)
Alba / Kibou Hoshino
The revision of the previous musical, Infinity Academy, with plot and cast changes.
도베르만 형사
Isuzu Shiki
살해당한 여자의 유골을 거두려고 신주쿠에 온 오키나와 이시가키 섬의 형사. 그러나 그는 그곳에서 연예계의 소용돌이치는 음모에 연루되는데... 흉악범죄 전문 경찰청 특수범죄 수사과, 통칭 "특범과" 소속 카노 조지. 강력 범죄자를 매번 사살하는 카노를 언론과 세상은 비난하지만 본인은 상관치 않는다. 극악 범죄자에게는 비정한 카노인데, 어린이나 노인, 갱생하는 경범죄자에게는 물론 살인 등 과거에 무거운 죄를 짊어진 범죄자도 사정에 따라서는 일자리 등을 봐주거나 하는 착한 면도 있다. 당초는 카노와 그 상사인 특범과장 니시타니 경시 2명뿐이었다. 특범과로 신주쿠 경찰서에 온 폭력단 담당 형사 미야타, 여형사의 미모리, 여경 아야카와 사키, 미국에서 온 캬티·쿠라사와 등의 멤버가 추가된다. 특범과는 강력범죄 전문이지만 특히 각 과가 경원시하는 사건을 담당한다. 원작은 "주간 소년 점프"에 연재된 인기 극화이지만 영화에서는 극화되기 이전 주인공의 서막 편을 담고 있다.
Morning's Tree-Lined Street
Sound Recordist
As suggested by the title, this film takes up the theme of the city, beginning with a series of traveling shots from Chiyo's point o view on a bus leaving the countryside and entering the metropolitan cityscape. After some fruitless job hunting in downtown Tokyo, Chiyo accepts a job as a bar hostess in Shiba ward. Well away from glamorous Asakusa and Ginza, this is a neighborhood bar where the women are dirt poor, each having only one kimono to their name....
Enoken's The Millionaire, Part 2
The story picks up from Part 1 as Enoken's young scion forsakes his wealth and takes a department store job – in drag and sometimes blackface – to prove to the girl of his dreams that he be a hard-working, serious man.
Enoken's The Millionaire, Part 1
Enoken plays a cloistered rich kid whose father hires a disreputable tutor to teach him how to really be a millionaire: by drunken debauchery, women, and song.
Brother and Sister
Sound Recordist
Ino tries to control Mon’s every move, but she becomes a fallen woman, having an affair with a student, Obata whereas her sister San remains a “good girl.” The mother is very supportive of her daughters, but, the father, Akaza, who is the stonecutter foreman on the damn, lacks control of his family.
Man of the House
This film is based on a real Meiji era performer -- and tells of Tochuken's partnership with his wife (played by Chikako Hosokawa) who played shamisen for his songs/recitations), his affair with a geisha (Sachiko Chiba), and the deterioration of his partnership and marriage.
Enoken's Kondo Isami
Enoken plays both Kondo Isami and his deadly enemy Sakamoto Ryoma in this comedic, song-filled vision of the Meiji Restoration.
1935 P.C.L. adaptation of Natsume's novel.