Christian Harting

Christian Harting

출생 : , Berlin

프로필 사진

Christian Harting

참여 작품

The Border
Nerdy tax official Eva is fired for giving speeches about a fairer tax system in the park. An Internet video of this goes viral, jeopardizing a planned mega-merger. That's why the company bosses are determined to stop Eva's popularity.
A Father's Job
Johann Friedrich
A Father's Job tells the story of a Jewish woman's fate in the middle of the last century in Germany. Step by step connections become apparent and result in an overall view that doesn't just comes up with an unexpected counterpart but also turns temporal orientation upside down.
A naïve New Yorker retreats to his dead Grandfather's summer cottage, a datsche in Germany, but instead of peace he finds Adam, a refugee in hiding.
Modulation Nowhere
Sofia, a sweet, careless violinist, is new to Berlin. She performs music on the streets and sidewalks of the city. Her whole life is serene and based around her violin. One day she meets Karl, a mysteriously charming man who woos her. All is well until one day she wakes up only to find Karl and her violin missing.
The Hollywood Turk
Caster Austermann
Romantic Comedy about Alper, an unsuccessful Turkish actor from Berlin, Germany, who has to pretend to be an Italian to win his first role and the heart of a German girl who doesn't like Turkish guys.
Otto von König
이리스 레이테르는 부다페스트의 가장 유명한 모자 가게 ‘레이테르’에서 일을 하기 위해 찾아간다. 이전에는 아버지가 운영하였지만, 새로운 소유주가 경영을 맡게 되었다. 중요한 손님을 맞기 위해 분주하게 일하던 어느 날 낯선 남자가 이리스에게 접근하며 오빠를 찾는다. 이리스는 자신의 삶에서 멀어져 있던 오빠의 흔적을 찾으러 부다페스트를 헤매지만, 이 과정에서 마주치는 이들은 그녀에게 도시를 떠나라고 경고한다.
The Year I Lost My Mind
Tom is a lonely young man. During a burglary with his best friend he becomes obsessed with the victim, Lars, a young history lecturer who lives in the apartment. Tom starts to observe Lars secretly and pursue him without revealing his existence or feelings for him. At the same time, Tom is developing a second obsession to a motorcyclist that he occasionally sees. More and more Tom gets lost in a labyrinth of passions. As Lars discovers him, the persecutor becomes the persecuted leading to a shocking confrontation.
Hitlers Angriff aus dem All
Wernher von Braun
그가 돌아왔다
Bild CEO
옛 벙커가 있던 자리에서 70년 후에 다시 깨어난 아돌프 히틀러는 뛰어난 코미디언으로 오해받은 끝에 언론의 주목을 한몸에 받게 된다. 티무르 베르메스의 베스트셀러 소설 (Er ist wieder da)를 영화화
사울의 아들
Oberscharführer Busch
나치의 만행이 극에 달했던 1944년, 아우슈비츠 수용소에는 시체들을 처리하기 위한 비밀 작업반이 있었다. ‘존더코만도’라 불리던 이들은 X자 표시가 된 작업복을 입고 아무 것도 묻지 않고 오직 시키는 대로 주어진 임무를 수행한다. 그러던 어느 날, ‘존더코만도’ 소속이었던 남자 ‘사울’의 앞에 어린 아들의 주검이 도착한다. 처리해야 할 시체더미들 사이에서 아들을 빼낸 ‘사울’은 랍비를 찾아 제대로 된 장례를 치러주기로 결심하는데…
Die Unschuldigen
The story is set some time in the past, or maybe some time in the future. Given a time-frame, we would say somewhere between the American moonwalk, and Coca- Cola's serious ambition to turn the moon into an advertising logo. Our central character, the young lift operator, is formed by experience into cynicism, detachment, and apathy. The story builds to its crescendo: of public outrage and state crackdown; the banality of commercial interest and the monumental rape of nature. Set in a large newspaper office, the Lift is a place of relative safety. But floor by floor, with each passenger in his or her tableau, the atmosphere of mayhem seeps in. Finally our young character leaves the situation, far-gone in hopelessness and disinterest.
Black Box
Detective Thomas
The exits of a Berlin courtyard are blocked by the police due to an ambiguous event outside and a state of emergency occurs. Among the residents of the building, insecurities start to pump fear. Suspicion takes over panic, prejudices bring polarization and another question appears: Is the real danger coming from inside or outside?