Christopher Trumbo

참여 작품

The Cost of Living: Creating the Prowler
The documentary covers the origins, history and curious stories behind the production along with a perceptive reading of the film.
Through a focus on the life of Dalton Trumbo (1905-1976), this film examines the effects on individuals and families of a congressional pursuit of Hollywood Communists after World War II. Trumbo was one of several writers, directors, and actors who invoked the First Amendment in refusing to answer questions under oath. They were blacklisted and imprisoned. We follow Trumbo to prison, to exile in Mexico with his family, to poverty, to the public shunning of his children, to his writing under others' names, and to an eventual but incomplete vindication. Actors read his letters; his children and friends remember and comment. Archive photos, newsreels and interviews add texture. Written by
Theatre Play
Through a focus on the life of Dalton Trumbo (1905-1976), this film examines the effects on individuals and families of a congressional pursuit of Hollywood Communists after World War II. Trumbo was one of several writers, directors, and actors who invoked the First Amendment in refusing to answer questions under oath. They were blacklisted and imprisoned. We follow Trumbo to prison, to exile in Mexico with his family, to poverty, to the public shunning of his children, to his writing under others' names, and to an eventual but incomplete vindication. Actors read his letters; his children and friends remember and comment. Archive photos, newsreels and interviews add texture. Written by
Himself / Interviewee
Through a focus on the life of Dalton Trumbo (1905-1976), this film examines the effects on individuals and families of a congressional pursuit of Hollywood Communists after World War II. Trumbo was one of several writers, directors, and actors who invoked the First Amendment in refusing to answer questions under oath. They were blacklisted and imprisoned. We follow Trumbo to prison, to exile in Mexico with his family, to poverty, to the public shunning of his children, to his writing under others' names, and to an eventual but incomplete vindication. Actors read his letters; his children and friends remember and comment. Archive photos, newsreels and interviews add texture. Written by
Naked City: A Killer Christmas
An ambitious reporter gets in the way of two cops assigned to investigate a serial killer who becomes active around Christmas time..
Ishi: The Last of His Tribe
The last of a northern California tribe tries to assimilate with the help of an anthropologist.
형사 브래니건
노익장을 과시하는 고참 형사 브래니건 경위는 영국으로 탈출한 조직 폭력배의 두목이자 마약 거래범인 라킨을 체포하기 위해 런던으로 간다. 그 사실을 눈치챈 라킨은 살인 청부업자 고맨을 시켜 브래니건을 없애려 한다. 수 차례의 위기를 맞으며 브래니건은 라킨의 고문 변호사 필스를 추적, 라킨과 필스가 짜고 수사진을 따돌리려는 음모를 밝혀낸다.
An American Indian deputy sheriff is caught in the middle of a community dispute when the tribe tries to save an historic mission from a housing developer. This TV pilot film was an ABC Movie of the Week and later became a TV series.
An American Indian deputy sheriff is caught in the middle of a community dispute when the tribe tries to save an historic mission from a housing developer. This TV pilot film was an ABC Movie of the Week and later became a TV series.
마피아 혈전
마피아 혈전
조니, 총을 얻다
Associate Producer
달튼 트럼보 감독 자신의 반전 메세지를 담은 동명 소설을 영화화한 작품. 1차 세계대전에 참전한 한 미군 병사가 포탄에 맞아 시각, 청각, 촉각, 미각, 후각, 말하는 능력 등 모든 감각을 잃고 사지마저 잃은 채 돌아온다. 불구의 몸속에 정신만 갇힌 병사는 과거를 회상하는데... 트럼보 감독은 그의 첫 작품이자 유일한 이 영화로 칸국제영화제 심사위원상을 수상했다.