A 25 year old woman and a high school boy accidentally share a kiss on a bus. He then becomes infatuated by her even though she ignores his advances. Things hot up when her first love re-enters her life. This encourages the high school boy to try even harder to win her heart.
A girl school in town plans to found male football team, so it's the first year that the school allows boys to enroll. But, there are only 16 boys who come for the admission and 7 of them turn out to be transsexual. Anyway, as the big final match is going to start soon, the boys are the only hope to reach for the champion. They're put into a tough, and unusual training by former professional football players, and teacher Tukky, a domestic science teacher turns to football coach. This is a great opportunity for the boys to prove their spirit and potentiality.
Designer 3
<아이언 레이디>로 태국 코미디 영화의 대표주자로 떠오른 용유스 통콘툰 감독의 코미디. 이번에는 망토와 단검이 빗자루와 쓰레받이를 만나며 벌어지는 야단법석과 음모로 좌충우돌하는 슬랩스틱 코미디 <메이드 첩보대작전>이다. 프로들이 망쳐놓은 현장을 과연 누가 수습할 것인가? 여기 아무 것도 모르는 시골출신 가정부 4인조가 부패로 얼룩진 왕국을 수호하기 위해 출동한다. 엽기 발랄한 가정부들의 몸을 사리지 않는 투혼이 과연 태국 사회의 안녕과 평화를 지켜낼 수 있을 것인가?...
A peddler of Buddhist amulets runs afoul of a powerful gangster by trying to buy the freedom of a woman he loves, with comically complicated results.
Sequel to the surprise hit about a gay volleyball team having troubles with their success and fame, and how they reunite after they split because of creative differences.
The two main characters, Mon and Jung, play two gay transvestites, who had been constantly overlooked by volleyball coaches because of their appearance. However, when a local team changes coaches, the new coach holds tryouts for a new team. When Mon and Jung are selected, most of the old players resign, leaving the new coach, Coach Bee, in a sticky predicament.