Featuring a mesmerizing performance by Christopher Plummer as Prospero, Shakespeare's The Tempest is brought from the stage of the Stratford Shakespeare Festival to the cinematic screen.
Ron Gilmore
어릴 때부터 지각대장이었고, 대학에서는 여자와 파티만을 즐기던 토미 칼라한(크리스 팰레이 분). 갖은 우여곡절을 겪으며 천신만고 끝에 그는 7년만에 간신히 대학졸업장을 받는다. 대학 졸업 후 고향 집에 돌아와 아버지의 회사에서 일을 시작하려던 토미. 그러나 고향에는 놀라운 소식이 기다리고 있다. 톰의 아버지가 젊은 아들이 딸린 미모의 여인과 재혼을 하려 한 것. 평소 형제를 원했고, 새로운 형제가 생긴다는 사실이 좋기만 한 토미. 그러나 정원에서 아버지의 결혼식이 있던 날, 결혼식 도중 아버지가 급작스럽게 쓰러져 숨을 거두게 되면서 사태는 돌변하게 된다. 아버지의 회사를 노리고 결혼했음이 서서히 드러나는 계모의 행동과 그녀의 아들조차도 사실은 계모의 연인이라는 사실이 밝혀지게 되는데.
Lily and her son John live alone in a small town as her husband has been killed fighting the war in France. Or at least that is what she told John, but the arrival of Frank back in the town leads him to find out that she not only has been lying about that but also about the fact that she never married him. When Frank tussles with Lily in her yard she applies for a restraining order, calling on the help of her father (the esteemed judge Stoddard Bell) and his partner (lawyer Harmon Cobb). The case fails and when Frank is found murdered later that night Stoddard is arrested and Cobb has a defence case on his hands.
도로시 스트래턴은 수줍음을 타는 금발의 미인으로 미모로 출세하려는 야망을 품고 있지만 세상이 인정해주지 않아 불만이다. 세일즈맨으로 일하며 파트타임으로 포주짓을 하는 폴 슈나이더는 어느날 햄버거 가게에서 도로시를 보고 그녀를 이용해 한 몫 챙길 욕심으로 도로시에게 접근한다. 도로시는 폴을 무시하지만 쉬지않고 자신에게 구애하면서 출세시켜주겠다는 폴의 유혹에 넘어간다. 폴이 찍은 도로시의 사진이 "플레이 보이"잡지에 실리면서 이들의 인생은 빠르게 바뀐다도로시는 "플레이 보이"의 누드모델이 되고 나름대로 꿈꾸었던 출세길에 들어선다. 78년의 플레이메이트가 된 도로시는 출세하자 폴의 존재가 거추장스러워지기 시작한다. 도로시가 한 영화감독과 사랑에 빠지면서 폴은 질투로 미쳐간다....
Kenneth Knight
One of Bob Hunt's neighbours' electricity is cut off because she cannot pay the bill. She is assisted by contributions, and the bill is paid entirely in pennies, though the clerk is belatedly told that payment is not accepted in such a large quantity of coins. Unfortunately, the electric company fails to reconnect the power due to a communications snafu, and the elderly woman is taken to hospital suffering hypothermia. Hunt sets off on a vendetta of revenge, sabotaging assorted support systems.
Mack Fisher
After his wife is raped, a man struggles to find ways to express the anger and helplessness which the crime has instilled in him.
1st Scientist
The story of a woman who survives the car accident which kills her husband, but discovers that she has the power to heal other people. She becomes an unwitting celebrity, the hope of those in desperate need of healing, and a lightning rod for religious beliefs and skeptics.
The life of a stressed-out air controller falls apart as he battles a court case involving a mid-air collision for which an investigator is trying to hold him responsible.
Bob O'Brian
Three girlfriends -- an author, an artist, and a political activist -- mature and change during the turbulent 1960s.
When boredom, pride and a mad second of misjudgement leaves a hunter shot dead by one of five combat veterans also hunting in the Canadian hills, it is expected a police investigation will follow, but when the veterans discover the incident has not been reported, the leader of the team, Major Rex suspects the other party maybe plotting revenge. Convinced that he, his party, and their families will be targets themselves he decides to beat his suspected assailants at their own game, grouping together more army comrades and stocking up an arsenal of weapons for the forthcoming battle.